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Has anyone been climbing in Vantage recently? Given the unseasonably dry weather, I'm wondering if it would be any good. Any info would be helpful.

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Dylan asked

Has anyone been climbing in Vantage recently? Given the unseasonably dry weather, I'm wondering if it would be any good. Any info would be helpful.


MysticNacho spent the weekend out there and reported great conditions- 60-70 degrees , dry, clear skies. Sounded good to me.

I'm takin' my lady to do some easier routes on Sunshine Wall. I'm just hoping it'll be dry enough.


2 words my friend


teh & desert


only technically gets 2" of rain a year, so in theory i doubt all 10" are going to fall soon!!!


have fun and wear a helmet



There were alot of folks at vantage over the weekend including some notable cc.com personae.


Sat morning clear blue sky, not a cloud in the sky, lots of people at Sunshine wall but routes always open. Temps in the high 50s at the base of the routes. Sat aft the wind kicked up a little, and it cooled off. Below freezing overnight, Sun am colder than Sat am, but warmed up faster and by 10 it was shirtless climbing at Sunshine wall. Again blue sky, no clouds. Aft temps I would say about 60. No wind Sun afternoon, lots of good times. Lots of people working out the early season kinks, myself included.




Tis' true! The chossiest rock in Washington also happens to be the driest rock. So go ahead ye masses, bring your dogs, your mothers, brothers, beer and shotguns to Frenchman Coulee a little earlier this year! Time to crowd the place up and fill those porta-pots! bigdrink.gifrockband.gif

JayB challenged me to climb Positive Vibrations without clipping the bolts. I am going to Vantage to pick up some easy beers soon! bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifcantfocus.gifwave.gifmushsmile.gif


Given the fact that the nature of the rock has changed a bit, so must the nature of the challenge you'll have to surmount in order to get those free beers. Tie in at the base of the talus pile in plain view of the weekend crowds, clip each and every bolt on your journey through the debris pile (while on belay) and a pitcher of your choice is on the way. bigdrink.gif

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