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Help identifying the best content on CC.com


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I need help from CC.comer to help identify the best content on CC.com.  

  • Your favorite TRs
  • FAs, FWA, FFA, etc
  • First Descents
  • Great stories (think Uncle Tricky)
  • All time classic threads (for whatever reason)
  • What else?

Reason being is I want to tag them and make them easier to find.   You can just link the post to this thread.

If you look around the board you can see I've already started the process.



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I'm digging the Red tags!  I was wondering how they were getting applied.  You guys are rocking this new updated site, everyday it just keeps getting better.  I was thinking this morning of a red Bulger tag for those TR's, after a few sips of coffee I got woke enough to realize that then choss dawging might expand even more in popularity with more pointed beta aimed in its direction.  Wouldn't want the choss getting packed out and polished, gotta keep it fluffy and fresh.

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Here is a link that shows you all the the first ascents reported (rock, alpine, or ice) on CC.com that I've been able to find so far.   This is just the easiest FAs to find (they are marked FA in the title or whatever), and I've only looked through a few of the TR forums. 

http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/search/?&page=1&tags=first ascent&sortby=newest

5 pages of FAs!   So I could really use you help in finding the ones I've missed.  Can be an FA, or a TR or post that is a report of an FA.  Also doing the same from First Ski Descents, but have not gotten far:


So message me or post a link to any ones I've missed here! Don't be shy!


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We are now up to 8 pages of "tagged" first ascents.   That is almost 8X25= 200 FAs reported....and I know I'm missing a ton of them.  

I know a lot of people are humble and just report it like any other report...no "FA" tag, or anything like that.  So i'm missing those ones.

And I really haven't made through them all.

If you reported an FA here and you don't see it in the list, let me know!  Gracias

http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/tags/first ascent/

I've also continued to add to the "best of cc.com" tag, so report those to me as well.

 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/tags/best of cc.com/

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I didn't!  Thanks!

I've been trying to find the story of the infamous partner separation in Luna creek valley that ended up with a certain someone abandoning their pack loaded with partner's gear.  It isn't in the TR on this site (I think on the personal website it is, in fine detail).  I think it came up later in a different thread.  But wow, is that ever a classic.  I remember the online beating was particularly entertaining.

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