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Everything posted by Rodchester

  1. I have always just used a 48 in equalized with the old loop in it. If I need to, I simply back it up with a 24 to another piece. I also regulaly tie in using the rope with a hitch. I am curious about the web-olette thing. I have seen them and get the idea. But who makes them and who carries them? Does Jim's shop carry them? REI? FF? Second Ascent? How long are they, usually anway? Is longer better? (Seems like more room to do more with)? How heavy? Thanks in advance....
  2. Chongo: Dead horse icon here...but then again sooo true.
  3. martha Stewart...now there is one I would pay to see...... being run over by her gardner. (Apparently she is such a bitch and tried to run over her gardner when he did something she didn't like)
  4. Seriously I think this site need a "dead horse" icon.
  5. Erik: Well, actually I would say my feelings were hurt....but your point is well taken. I seriously debated whether I should respond...but had to take it. I am not seeking to inflame, just point out the similarities...yes, I know there are differences too. Anyway...sorry if I am pissing people off. Just having fun. So Erik my brother, I will take your advice.....and stop kicking the deadhorse. (we need a dead horse icon for these types of occaisions) [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: Rodchester ]
  6. I know there are many of you out there that somehow think that giving a talk at a store or a slideshow is selling out to the evil corporate empire of the retail outdoor industry...but I say bullshit. and I am sure you will just jump in and slam martin for doing these things...call him a sell out for writing a book, slam him for guiding, etc. I don't care that Martin is going to be pushing his new book or his guide service. More power to him. Go Martin, Go!!! Don't take me too seriously...I don't.
  7. Does anybody know what set this off? Was it a statement in a thread? Which one?
  8. I swear I had nothing to do with it....wow.
  9. AlpineK wrote: "I have a problem with Rod beating his chest. He could have posted the web site without doing this." get a grip...are fucking serious or just suffering from a huge case of penis envy? This is what I posted: "This is a friend's web page. It is mostly climbing focused with some great pictures from all over. www.carlosbuhler.com If you have some free time surf by." Just what is "this"??? AplineK I am sorry but you are pathetic...ohohoh tell me how I should do it!!! Ha Ha ha
  10. Kevin: With two young ones, I take it the Skillet is a two day climb? And do can you rent a canoe?
  11. AlpineK: "You can't use my copy, but I bet Carlos has one." This isn't bringing it up? Whose the asshole?
  12. AlpineK: If I am the one holding a grdge then why did you even bring it up? What do you care about who I am friends with? or is this a case of I can dish it out but not take it? Your funny...
  13. Mattp and Erik: Thanks for the info. I had looked at the Chouinard route in the old Bonney book as well as the SW Ridge. I was kind of thinking of staying away from Garnett Canyon as it can get quite crowded. Never been on Moran or even in the area. AlpineK, you really have a problem with this Carlos thing, don't you? Get some help man. Anyway thanks guys.
  14. Mattp What is the name of the Ortenburger book? Is it still in print? Is it just on the tetons? Or others in Wyoming? Any info appreciated.
  15. freeclimb9, Any idea what the route is rated? Thanks for the input. [ 02-18-2002: Message edited by: Rodchester ]
  16. I am looking for any input on routes on Mt. Moran in the Tetons. I liklely be hauling my two nephews uop the peak, age 12. So I am looking for a very low fifth class 5.0 - 5.5. Maybe even a scramble. (Cl 3-4). Climbing in August of this year. Thanks!!! (Please spray on other posts)
  17. DRU: I bet it is a TNF conspiracy..trying to keep him down. Fight the power!
  18. AlpineK: Again, you are the one that said "Carlos is a great climber." I said he is a friend, and you know what, he is. Do you have a problem with having friends? You ought to try it some time. Are you that insecure that when someone says they have a friend you have to rip on them for having a friend? Do you slam those on this cite that climb with or have beers with F.Becky? (gee do you think anyone can see through you here?) Do you give head to your friends or something? Don't assume because you like to suck your friend's dick that others here do. I have many friends. This friend happens to have a very cool site about climbing. Since this is a climbing board I shared the site with others on the site. You, reeking of penis envy, simply attack.
  19. AlpineK: No that was you. We all know you secretly wear TNF products everywhere. You wear the long undies to bed every noght wishing you were like the sponsored guys. You know the funny thing is I have never even seen a slide show by carlos. (I know you were kidding, I am just thinking out loud.) [ 02-18-2002: Message edited by: Rodchester ]
  20. CptCaveman: "I noticed how you beat your chest about this guy all the time. Good for you. Carlos is rad I am not. But who cares if you know him" I don't care if I know him why should you? What are you trying to say, that because I listed his web page that I am beating my chest? Come on Cavie don't put your dick out and not expect it to get stepped on. That was too easy. Come on guys...... Boy that is funny. I hope you are not serious. Alpine K: "I think he hangs out with Rod cause every time Rod sees him he starts fawning over him and then there's Rod's knee pads" Airplane sound here..... Your the one that said "Carlos is a great climber." I don't recall doing anything other than listing his web site...who's got knee pads on? And Trask you better listen to RURP. He claims (yet totally fails to back it up) that he can run the show better than old Lou Whittaker. But he is too busy out there actually doing it
  21. It would suck if these people ruin Nepal. Seems like they are pretty serious, and did a lot of damage. I would seem odd if we took the "war on terrorism" to Nepal.
  22. Well AlpineK start licking baby..... And trask, you know I agree with you that some of these guys go too far too often...but it is usually in fun. And as I said before...best climber in the world? Anyone who makes that statement about themselves.....deserves to be sprayed a little. But no doubt these guys are all great. I also found an Ed Viesters site I had not seen before at www.edviesturs.com. Not a bad site.
  23. Hmmmm, maybe Dru? I wonder if the self appointed ethics police will attack this guy for his shameless self promotion. Clearly he has set out to become a media darling Can you belive anyone would do a slide show at a TNF store? Shame Shame Shame. Someone will now accuse him of killing his spouse, another will homopobically challenge his sexuality, you know the normal gutless postings. Don't take me too serious...spray away anyway.
  24. AlpineK: "If I ran a guide service on Rainier I wouldn't let my guides take lunch breaks under the Ingraham ice fall... There I am now better than RMI." I agreeon that. "Rod I think it's really cool you know Carlos. Can I please lick your boots. Pretty please." Lick away baby, lick away.
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