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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Is it time for the Airing of Grievances yet?
  2. The BD QDs arrived in the mail today, just in time for Christmas. This is the only present I'm gonna get this year (besides a lump of coal), but I'm all good with that. Thanks, stiffler! Er... I mean, Santa!
  3. Cool, Craig! I wonder how that thing hasn't been ticked in years past when things were really fat...
  4. You are an expert backcountry skier, yet you lack avalanche forecasting/rescue skills? Really?Thank god SOMEBODY said it. They dont have avalanches back east?? Actually, having lived, climbed, and skied the "backcountry" in VA and WV for many years before moving out here, I can see why the OP doesn't have any avy training if he's never been out here, or up in Canada, etc. As AndyZig states, the trees are so dense in what qualifies for BC back East that they form such a good slope anchor, and the snowpack never really gets to depths like we get out here, that it was never really a problem and there really was never any need for avy training. Now, given that Andy is headed out here, I agree with DPS and others and suggest that he watch the terrain he selects for traps, note the weather forecast, travel with some buds, and have the proper gear for location and extraction of those buds should it come to the worst. That's my $0.02
  5. sobo

    Learning multi-pitch

    Hook up with a trad leader and second some MP routes. Once you've cleaned a few, you'll get the hang of things pretty quickly. Like racking for the next lead as you clean, rope and belay management skilz to avoid clusterf***s, saving time while belaying and preparing to swap the lead, etc. Just go do it.
  6. It's a little outdated. Like it doesn't show the retrobolt on the first pitch of Lion's Chair, for one thing...
  7. I would think that'd be the kind of problem you'd want to have. Just sayin'...
  8. I have one and, no, you can't borrow it.
  9. Ahhhh, yes it is! Just packed it in for the Christmas break, and will be headed out the door shortly to do my 3 miles again tonight. I'll be a'pouring something later this evening, but haven't figgerd out what that'll be just yet. More than likely it'll be PK Mai Tais or OFs tonight, since I have no decent wine left and I don't feel like screwing with the check-out lines at the store.
  10. Consider me fortified...
  11. Criminy, how did I miss this the first time around!!?? That was freak'n hilarious! I loves me a good detonation...
  12. As in the secret recipe for your Planet Killer Mai Tai? That Gift of Knowledge?
  13. More like focusing on you, Kurt. Only ~260 posts between us. You're on my threat detection screen... The Count of Dechristo is gonna go down before you, so when you see his flames, you'll know I'm gunning for you next. This is Ghostrider 207. I have missile lock. Do I have permission to fire?
  14. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry cool! I'll bet she had a ton'o'fun filming that scene. Just watched Eiger Sanction again last night. Something about that Dr. Hemlock/Jemima Brown dynamic that never gets old...
  15. I've still just got four wires on a piece of wood. I feel so... inadequate... Guitar Hero
  16. sobo

    Very powerful.

    By what mechanism will this be accomplished? He'll just tell them to follow the rules and play nice?It might just be that simple.Is this the point where you pull out Occam's razor...?
  17. sobo

    Very powerful.

    By what mechanism will this be accomplished? He'll just tell them to follow the rules and play nice?
  18. sobo

    Very powerful.

    You sir, have no place in the country's electorate. Now that's fuq'n funny, I don't care who y'are. But sadly, the premise and the response are true...
  19. When I was a kid, and I pouted like that, my mum would tell me a bird was gonna land on my lower lip and poop on it...
  20. I'm thinking the only torpedoes those two need are the double ended variety Or a sybian...
  21. I believe it's "Anastasia". Or "Nastia" to those that climb with her, which wouldn't be me. She'd never climb with an old bat like me. Or you, for that matter, Bill.
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