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Everything posted by sobo

  1. To save everyone the hassle of having to go find it, and possibly introducing further hijacking of/shitting upon Cornfed's TR... Colin, I know you don't need me to tell you that you've now obviously learned a valuable lesson. Fully half of the missions that I go on at Mt. Adams are the result of someone glissing in crampons. The other half are people that are just lost and/or overdue. DO NOT GLISSADE WHILE WEARING CRAMPONS! Even for "just a little bit." As Colin has demonstrated, the time "saved" by not removing and stowing your 'pons before a gliss can never be greater than the time spent sitting at home in a cast watching TV and eating BonBons. Hope you heal up soon and properly - don't rush into getting back out. Carry on.
  2. That's a pretty funny cover shot. You make that one yourself?
  3. And think of all of the Chocolate Labs and Shelbys that we'd have to choose from to be our OSP "spokesperson"...
  4. And I suppose, too, that you move for no man...
  5. was wondering the exact same thing...
  6. Think of the children! For the love of god, man, think of the children!!!1
  7. Is that like "almost new" French Army rifles? Never fired, and only dropped once...
  8. I think I already coined that one, Gene. Third post down...
  9. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    It certainly is not. True dat. It has now been overshadowed by the image that ZimZam just posted. :shock:
  10. Fabulous! Hey, caverpilot, I think you started something here that's gonna be bigger than Occupy this winter!
  11. Thanks, ken, appreciate that info and your response. Looks too cool fer skewl!
  12. I'm out, but that second vid was hilarious, the way all those trekkers would jump out of the way as you approached. FYI, I'd really like to know what happened after 1:03, when the screen dissolved. How did passing that woman go? And what was the deal with the suspension bridge? Howz come you didn't just ride over that? Musta been a hella climb coming up outta that gorge as a result... Which brings up another kweshchun, how do you get back? You have to reverse that whole ride, only this time it's all uphill?
  13. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    rob, that is one of the more disturbing things I have ever seen...
  14. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    That is the intent with what I am about to initiate. She needs to realize that she is not the arbiter of when I can see my kids, what I can do with them, and where we can go during my scheduled visitation with them. It's simply not up to her to dictate "terms" to me. But she doesn't seem to get that.
  15. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    Nice twist, Stephen, but highly doubtful. As it stands now, she "says" that she'll bring them here this Thursday (29th). But I highly doubt that will actually come to pass, given all of her broken agreements in the past month. They are due back the night before school starts again on the 4th. So, like, 6 days or so.
  16. OK, I circumvented my browser and found the link through an old post of mine on this board. Here's the link for the Mt. Hood South Side Landmark Map from PMR. Enjoy!
  17. Shouldn't you be out climbing? on the way even now after an early morning sesh of harry potter legoes w/ the wee'uns! Lucky you. My wee'uns Harry Potter legoes are still in the box beneath the tree. BECAUSE THEY AREN'T HERE YET TO OPEN THEM!!!
  18. #4 is definitely out if you lack sufficient avy experieince, no matter how expert of a skier you are. You will need that experience to assess the slope, and by your own admission, you don't have enough of it. Or you can find a PDF of it on PMR's website and print it out. Look for the Mt. Hood South Side Landmark Map. My browser is fuq'n up right now or I would link you directly to it.
  19. As a civil engineer with an eye to engineering history in Washington, I approve of the name change from the earlier moniker "The Easy One". Good on ya, Craig! PS: We actually refer to those types of wooden pipes that are wrapped in steel wire as "woodstave" pipes. But "The Penstock" will serve just as well, as a penstock is the "feed pipe" for water to a hydroelectric powerhouse. PPS: Craig, howz come you and I have never climbed together? Am I just too old, fat, and curmudgeony for a young buckster like you?
  20. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    Nicholas turned 9 in August, and Elaina turned 7 in October, when I first brought up the trip back to VA to the BSCX. Hurricane Ridge trip on Elaina's birthday weekend... God, I sure miss my kids...
  21. Wow, must be nice to be that fuq'n rich... Hey rob, tell that list owner he's a douchebag!
  22. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    Yup, I feel like The Dude in your vid. The bar's still eat'n me, too. And I ain't abidin' that very much...
  23. Of all the shit I've gone through this past Christmas break with my ex, the kids, and not getting to see them, that was something that finally made me laugh. I mean really laugh. Thanks for that, John. You're a good man.
  24. sobo

    Merry Chritmas

    OH! And did I mention that she called me while I was driving from my house to her mother's house just minutes before the exchange? To tell me that she and the kids weren't there? So that I would learn, just moments before I was supposed to have my kids on Christmas Day, that they were over 250 miles and a ferry ride away and it would be nigh impossible for me to see them on Christmas Day? Do you think that might have been more by design, and not a casual oversight? If she knew she wasn't going to have the kids in the Tri-Cities on Christmas morning, she had to have known that when she was sitting on her ass in Poulsbo the night before. So why do you suppose she didn't pick up the phone and tell me that the night before, instead of 10 minutes before I was supposed to pick up the kids? Hmmm??? Yeah, a real piece of shit, all right.
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