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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Did I read that right? The shaft snapped??? As in two separate pieces?? Very nice send, BTW. You are really getting after it these days. Love seeing your TRs.
  2. I just wanted to get past lunch today before I started. Lemme finish my sammich and I'll get right on it...
  3. "guided missile destroyer". LOLZ Hey, I don't write the stories, I just quote 'em. Originally I had written "frigate", but then changed it to match the story ("destroyer") lest someone call me out for taking a stab at revisionist history. are you missing the double entendre? Yeah, I guess I did. Got it now. I didn't have my DE hat on earlier...
  4. "guided missile destroyer". LOLZ Hey, I don't write the stories, I just quote 'em. Originally I had written "frigate", but then changed it to match the story ("destroyer") lest someone call me out for taking a stab at revisionist history.
  5. WTF was that asshat's problem? Everybody knows that SPs are 1st come/1st served. Shit, they even tell you that when you buy the damned thing. Did he think that since he had purchased a SP permit that he somehow had a reservation or sump'n? Jeezus, some people...
  6. Second what gene said above if this is your starting point. Leather for hiking (easier on the feet and shins than plastics/syns), and insulated for warmth (just get regular gators and make sure the boots are waterproofed - forget the overgators, IMHO). Since you're looking at moderate ice eventually, the rocker of a leather boot's sole and the flexibility of that sole shouldn't put you out too much with calf strain on moderate routes. When you graduate to more technical ice, you'll want a much stiffer sole (and rigid crampons) to lessen that fatigue. But then those boots would suck ass for hiking - picture the Frankenstein walk. For now, leathers and hinged 'pons should suit your moderate ice objectives. I learned to ice climb in Tuckerman's and Huntington's before moving out here. There was a least one occasion I remember vividly one Christmas wherein I almost became a permanent fixture on Mt. Washington due to some seriously cold feet, and that was with supergators, too! So gene's advice is spot on. Read up, buy an insulated leather climbing boot that fits your objectives, and let us know how you're coming along after you've given it a go.
  7. Personally, I think the one from the amphib assault ship is hotter than the one from the guided missile destroyer, but she's got a cooler duty station than the other one, IMHO.
  8. Ya think? Um, yeah, I do...
  9. [video:youtube]v=2RoAfpC7lrY Yeah yeah yeah, jay. I read the article, too, ya know. I know they "said" it was a "raffle", but c'mon... DADT finally gets torpedoed, and you think the Navy (and the administration) isn't going to glom onto this one-in-a-million opportunity to make some political hay with it? Tape the fuckin' woman's name to the bottom of the hat, and then pull it out. Oldest trick in the book. How simple is that, eh? I do find it suspicious based on how cute they both were. Yeah, ya think?
  10. sobo

    Blackwater Question

    Mebbe that's what it is. I like the old stuff... But Shania, at 46, is still pretty easy on my ol' eyes...
  11. [video:youtube]v=2RoAfpC7lrY Yeah yeah yeah, jay. I read the article, too, ya know. I know they "said" it was a "raffle", but c'mon... DADT finally gets torpedoed, and you think the Navy (and the administration) isn't going to glom onto this one-in-a-million opportunity to make some political hay with it? Tape the fuckin' woman's name to the bottom of the hat, and then pull it out. Oldest trick in the book. How simple is that, eh?
  12. sobo

    Blackwater Question

    I can't help but feel that if your current career goes all trash, there's a job waiting for you in writing country songs Paul. I hardly think so, Bill. I hate country music...
  13. That was probably more by design and less by chance. Just sayin'...
  14. sobo

    Blackwater Question

    Good on ya, Dan! I've always been of the mind that there are three things of a man's that you never, ever fuck with... His dog, his vehicle, and his woman. Messing with any one of those things carries a high probability of a hideous death.
  15. I watched this movie. I thought it could use more explosions and dynos. ...and 'mox!
  16. Looks like it was a long cruise... Seriously, I say, "Good for them!" It's about time this DADT BS was torpedoed.
  17. with a Y over the door Again, pretty crass...
  18. I thought you said upthread that she was climbering with you? Change of plan...??
  19. Once achieving SprayMasterdom, much more with which to keep up have I found. Daunting task, this is...
  20. Fixed that for ya. Except my BSC ex... you already hit that...That was many seasons ago. That field's been plowed quite a few times since then...
  21. So I take it that Ozzy is the movement's spokesperson?
  22. It's not a grudge, kev. It's hate. That's different. And as rob opined a while back, hate is a valid emotion. I have good reason to be in a hating mode this RamaHanuKwanzMas Season...
  23. I thought this was pretty brilliant and funny. I'll bet these kids had a geat time performing this. Sorry, but I can't figure out how to embed this YouTuber in here, so I'll just post the link. Enjoy, and Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas, people! Silent Monks sing the Hallelujah Chorus
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