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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Really now!???

    HEY! I wear diapers, so ease up on the geriatric comments, buddy!
  2. It's a good thing that we have peeps on this board that see something and then just do what needs to be done.
  3. Innocent... riiiiiiight... Hey, it's the first place I run.
  4. Blame it on the Wookie and Dru. I'm totally innocent...
  5. Hi Sobes. Sixth sense? I thought that's when you see dead people. I see stupid people. G-spotter haunts my dreams...
  6. Aww...somebody got their little feelings hurt. Plus, all I said is I have a big ass... you wanna see pics of a big fat ass? What the hell is wrong with you? I would think for a guy watching chick-on-chick is way better than my booty. Dru/G-spot likes watching Two Girls/One Cup... Just sayin'...
  7. sobo

    RIP Phydeaux

    Thanks, chirp. I had my little buddy longer than I had my marriage. Go figure, huh?
  8. You haven't even met me. I have a sixth sense about these sorts of things...
  9. Negative. Go back to surfing porn. Classic!
  10. ??? Was ist los? Was wird passieren? It's looking like all of this less-than-half-time work is going to end. And not in a good way...
  11. I shopped MG in Spokane for many years after first arriving in the Dry-Shitties in the late 80s. Shopped them all the way through to the mid-90s, until I moved to Crackima in 1993 and it was just too far to drive anymore. Short history lesson from a former Yakivegas local... For many years, Sven's was the only place in town to buy climbing-related stuff. The staff were not climbers, and they were nothing short of rapists with a pricing gun. This dates back into the 80s thru to the mid-90s. Then along came three young men and opened Mountain Supply of Yakima in the late 90s (ca 1997/8??). MSY focused on high-end climbing gear and equipment - the really good shit. Whatever they didn't have in the store, they had enough relationships with different reps to get it for you on order lickety-split. Brothers Chad and Todd Lochrie and their mutual friend Todd DeGrasse were the owners. I bought a ton of stuff from those guys over the course of their run with MSY - 1,000s of dollars worth. They had a really good-sized inventory back in the late 90s when they first opened. Then they got so much stuff that they had to move into a new store location with more retail space in 2000. They stuck it out for 5 years or so in total, to sometime around 2003/4, but it was tough to make a go of such a venture in Yakima - there's not a real active climbing community there anymore. So they closed up the shop and moved to Bend. Enter John Crock: He bought out their store, moved the inventory to a new location on South 1st Street, and opened his second Hyperspud Sports store with MSY's inventory and some additional stuff (like kayaks and such). John ran a good ship there for several more years, and I always gave John the "first right of refusal" to sell me something whenever I needed to buy something (I would much rather support the local guys like MSY and Hyperspud than send my money to REI or off to some other place - plus, I wanted to keep a climbing store in my town). John gave it a go for about 5 years, too, which seems to be the tipping point for a "true" climbing shop in Crackima. John told me that he couldn't make money there like he could in Moscow, so he sold off the inventory to a couple of guys and a married couple that opened Pacific River & Alpine Sports on Yakima Avenue just west of downtown sometime around 2008 or so. PRAS took the climbing and BC ski gear of MSY/Hyperspud and John's kayaks and beefed up the boating selections in an effort to cater to another demographic. There's a pretty good sized WW kayaking scene in Yakivegas, what with the annual flush of Rimrock Lake down the Tieton River every fall. Plus, the Naches is a fun run any time of year. Anyway (enter rumor), I heard that there was some teepee-creeping going on between the married couple's wife and one of the other single owner dudes, and that caused a falling out of the owners. So they ended up closing the store after only a couple years or so. I think it closed in late 2010. AFAIK, no one has picked up the pieces and tried again. So I don't know what keeps Sven's in business, but I suspect it's the downhill skis and the bike selections. Biking is really huge around Crackima, and of course White Pass is only an hour's drive or less away. But I just couldn't ever stand having to go into Sven's. I always felt like they were watching me as if I was gonna kype a cam or something.
  12. Really? This may be good news for single-me. Maybe my ass will look smaller, relatively speaking..... You've got nuthin' to worry about there, Princess...
  13. Donk, E-burg has a climbing supply store, but I can't remember the name. Mountain High Sports or somesuch - google it. I seem to recall the last time I looked, they had boots, cramps, axes, etc. for the mountaineer along with trad/sport gear and shoes. With the demise of Mountain Supply of Yakima and then Hyperspud, Crackima's ability to supply climbers has gone down the shitter (I used to live in Yakivegas for years before moving to this shithole of the Tri-Cities). And you're right about that Kennewick REI shithole... If you're looking for someone to trust to outfit you with some super boots, I highly recommend John Crock of Hyperspud Sports in Moscow, ID. Give him a call at 2oh8-883-115oh. You won't be sorry, and he certainly won't gouge you. He took over the inventory of MSY when they went tits up, and John ultimately sold the inventory to Pacific River & Alpine Sports when he couldn't make a go of it in Yakivegas. PRAS ultimately went tits up, too. John still has his first and flagship store in Moscow. I always give John "first right of refusal" to sell me something when I'm in the market for buying. Shop Hyperspud, shop "local"...
  14. Agreed. It was a tragedy all around. All the jeering to shoot the guy like an animal was sickening, but Alex's compassionate response quickly turned that tide.You are entitled to your feelings, Pat, and I am entitled to mine. Mine haven't changed. He was a cold-blodded killer, and I'm glad as hell he's dead. It's a goddamned shame what his blaze of glory took with him.
  15. Well, yes, there is that. Nice to see one of my lessons took root. The boy is educable...
  16. sobo

    RIP Phydeaux

    This afternoon Phydeaux, my Pirate Kitteh and best buddy, set his sails and cast off on his final voyage, then disappeared over the horizon and into another realm. Any suffering he may have felt is over and he is free of pain now. And I will truly miss him. For the past 10+ years this little guy was the best friend an old fart like me could have had. Always there waiting for me after returning from a weekend climbing jaunt with a hearty meow and a "WhereTF you been?", or sleeping on the down comforter on my bed while I was off visiting my kids, or after he went fully blind, walking across my head in the middle of the night trying to find "the warm spot" where he had just been sleeping... He was never one to make a fuss, and never asked for more than a bowl of Iams, a warm lap whilst I sprayed here, or a place by the fire on the sheepskin rug. For a long time I thought his predecessor, Trango, was the World's Best Cat, but Phydeaux showed me a thing or two about tolerance, mellowness, and unconditional love that Trango never did, or maybe just couldn't. To my friend Phydeaux, and to nine lives well lived. I'll look for you on the other side, little buddy.
  17. Andre!!!??? Pfffft! That plonk's not champagne! Kevin, haven't I taught you better than that?
  18. That one with the avy going off behind the climber is pretty damned cool. So's the one with the cougar. Rawr!
  19. 2012 Goal: I'm looking forward to getting off the couch in 2012... 2012 Dream: Repairing my liver!
  20. sobo

    Feedback Requested

    I rarely go to SuperTaco, unless someone here links to a thread there that I might be interested in. I virtually never go to MountainProject. It's enough to keep up with the spray here in our own little sandbox. And I'm nowhere near anything that could remotely be considered a software/web developer. So I don't fit your selection criteria at all, but I'll help in any way that I can.
  21. Tragic. Simply tragic, what has happened to this young family. I hope the NPS, WSP, and/or FBI find this guy and just shoot him dead in the snow for the mangy curr that he is. Or that he dies a slow, painful death from hypothermia. Either way, save us all a chunk o'change for his upkeep for the next 50 years...
  22. Marmot Prince should jump right in and grab all the mad props from the ladies when he summits. Needs to choose a worthy objective, though. Rainier just ain't gonna cut it against these guys...
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