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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yeah, I've done it quite a lot. It's really quite simple. Go to your local international airport, buy a ticket, board the plane, have a few complimentary drinks, and once the plane gets to cruising altitude, you've effectively acclimatized to 8,000 meters. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two once you take off! Actually, "At a 39,000 foot cruise altitude, the cabin pressure is equivalent to 6,900 feet or pressure of 11.5 psi (about) 450 feet less than Mexico City. reference here That wasn't the point, Aaron. The point was that was a smartass answer to an inane question from an obstensibly clueless person who supposedly is leading an expedition to an 8000m peak. See olyclimber's post immediately following yours. That was the target for which I was aiming. Just good ol' down home smartass answers to a blatant troll of a thread.
  2. That would just be poor form... unless it was replaced by a newer edition!
  3. Ralph, you're killin' me... again!
  4. Yeah, I've done it quite a lot. It's really quite simple. Go to your local international airport, buy a ticket, board the plane, have a few complimentary drinks, and once the plane gets to cruising altitude, you've effectively acclimatized to 8,000 meters. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two once you take off!
  5. I already put dibs on those at the top of this page!
  6. Nice job, BD and Dad! Way to come out of "climbing retirement", girl!
  7. ryland and griz; I want in on some of that action, too. I wager the Sherpas will desert within 5 days of being hired. No one left but the "007 American Cho Oye Expedition" to haul their shit back home. Oh yeah, someone gets killed along the way, but we all agree on that. I call "shotgun" on the movie and TV rights right now! Lesse, get Chris O'Donnell as 007... Cho Oye
  8. Thanks, cluck. I was thinking about doing a solo link-up of Snowy, Ives, and CG this weekend, as the wife and kid will be visiting my in-laws, and I'm in need of a peak-bag fix or some other form of vertical entertainment. Sorry to hear about Cluck's abduction. Glad to hear you got your gear back, at least. Fuckin' criminals!
  9. I think that's kinda disingenuous, Michael. Gator and his crew might take umbrage with your statements... Damn, Dox, ya beat me to it.
  10. Purdy much. Wait until Sept. and do the Tieton. Freeman: You are correct in your understanding of the "flip-flop". Took me a while to get it when I first moved out here, but then nobody ever explained it to me really well. fenderfour: I think that those were the same guys we used. River sumpin. And the Methow gets my vote for the best ride. We did it in May a few years back when it was really up. What a hoot!
  11. I've run the Tieton (during flip-flop) and the Methow, both with an outfit called River Runners, or something close to that. I think they're out of Wenatchee or Chelan. Of the two rivers, I thought the Methow was way more fun. Some friends of mine (that did the Tieton and Methow with me) went and did the Wenatchee, and they said it more fun than the Methow. So from that, it would seem the Wenatchee would be a fun ride, but I don't know that from personal experience. My $0.02.
  12. That direction is pretty wide open and has a (mostly) western exposure, so most snow should be gone by now below 7,000. A month ago, via NF Tieton River trail to PCT to McCall, it was clear and dry to about 6,000. Now, I would say that you could expect clear sailing to about 7,000. It's just a short skip above that to the summit, as you must know. I think you'll be just fine going in that way. How old is the kid?
  13. It was pretty snowed up about a month ago (July 4 weekend), and it's been hot as Hades here for the last several weeks. I imagine there's still a lot of snow, but nothing that I wouldn't consider taking the kid on. Bring along a spare pair of shoes and change of socks for her. Bread bags make good waterproof barriers to keep feet from getting cold. Which way you heading in? Trail should be pretty dry from NF Tieton to McCall Basin now. Again, my beta is close to a month old now. Mebbe someone else who's been there more recently will chime in.
  14. OC, I don't know whether she runs marathons or not, but I know she runs triathlons and then climbs volcanoes the day after... Send a PM to climberchica of this board. Mebbe she has some ideers. Just a thought...
  15. It's Latin, meaning "and Cetera", as in Peter Cetera. So if someone says, "For your 8K expedition, you'll need 200 lb. of horsecock, 50 lb. of Gore-Tex, some actual climbing experience, suckers to carry your gear, etcetera," they mean you'll want this guy along with you for "Inspiration": Good one, Ralph! You're killin' me! BTW, 007: You still haven't answered The Burning Question that's been posed several times now... WTF have you climbed? And oh yeah, what ken4ord said.
  16. FOUND IT! Thanks, mvs, for the "secret beta." Wow, 'bone, what a way to hang in there. Props to the gurlz, too. Ya know, it's almost two years ago now to the very day...
  17. Closest thing I found was a TR of your NR Stuart trip in September of '02, just post-honeymoon. Nothing about a cell phone and a GF in there, tho... My search terms: Username: Lambone Search terms: cell phone + girlfriend (in subject and body) Forums: all Dates: any date Main posts only Please advise more specific search entries for next query. I'm interested in hearing the story, but a little for beta to refine the search would be good. TIA
  18. Why the frowny-face icon? Ya bagged it, didncha? Nice apres' meeting doings!
  19. ...sounds like a good story in there somewhere, Lambone...
  20. ...and from the same web source... a conspiracy of ravens... I knew they were up to something!
  21. You're either a little too quick, or I'm a might too slow. check again.
  22. Easy, sped. It's not like I was being serious, either. Hey don't try and change the subject. I can wear shorts over poly-pro if I want!! And he does. Sometimes just hanging around the house...he says it makes him feel "pretty." <sigh> ...no fashion sense... Gianni Versace is spinning in his grave.
  23. HEY! Don't remove it on my account. I thought it was fuckin' funny. See clarifying post above. ^^
  24. Easy, sped. It's not like I was being serious, either. Mebbe I shoulda added a at the end for clarification. And I did find will's image somewhat titillating in a strange sorta way...
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