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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Money may not buy love, but it sure can rent some high-class affection...
  2. sobo

    Japanese Gardens

    Kurt, That would be considered sterotyping, and not normally considered racist by common standards. Now profiling, however, could be considered racist, but only peeps buying crack-n-ups in Naches would be profiled as meth cooks.
  3. sobo

    Dear Car Talk...

    You say you're still not sure. If the noise sounds like small pebbles (or even ping pong balls) rolling around in a metal can, similar to a musical instrument called a "rainstick", then it's definitely a catalytic converter failure. And your vehicle is 10 years old - it's overdue, given average driving.
  4. sobo

    Japanese Gardens

    Hey Dan, they sell crack-n-ups there, but only if you're a meth cook! hmmmm, is that a racist remark?
  5. As with forrest_m's post, not trying to tell anyone what to do here, but Central Washington Mountain Rescue will be conducting it's annual rock climbing day for the local community college's Basic Mountaineering Class at Royal Columns on June 4 and again on June 18. Each of the two sessions will have 9 students and 3 to 4 instructors & assistants. The students are all n00bs, so the class will stay to climber's left of the wall, typically. Be prepared for lots of "command shouting" and general newbie shenanigans. crossposted to Climber's Board forum.
  6. As with forrest_m's post, not trying to tell anyone what to do here, but Central Washington Mountain Rescue will be conducting it's annual rock climbing day for the local community college's Basic Mountaineering Class at Royal Columns on June 4 and again on June 18. Each of the two sessions will have 9 students and 3 to 4 instructors & assistants. The students are all n00bs, so the class will stay to climber's left of the wall, typically. Be prepared for lots of "command shouting" and general newbie shenanigans. crossposted to Central/Eastern WA forum.
  7. DeC, that might be funny if the situation wasn't what it appears to be: folks in deep trouble and not looking good for a pick-off anytime soon. Your comments appear a tad crass at this time, IMO.
  8. sobo

    Excel HELP!!!

    There will probably still be a temp file in the same directory that you opened the original file in. The filename will be preceded by a tilde symbol ( ~ ). If you've exited the program window, then that back-up is probably gone, but you may still have a back-up of your original file in your My Documents folder. Use your Start button on your menu bar to do a Search for Files or Folders, and plug in as much of the filename that you remember. Note that once the search function finds your file and lists it, you cannot "click to go to it" from the search results menu. You must plug through the directory path to get it back. HTH.
  9. Or maybe the surgeon opened him up, took a look around in there, saw a large empty space, and said, "Well, not much here for me to work with in the first place. Let's close him up!"
  10. Uhhhhh, no, in fact you are not. Catbirdseat beat you to this vivid insight two days ago in Spray. See this thread, 11th reply.
  11. I didn't know that they could fly that high, either. I'd like to know what's under the hood of that thang.
  12. I think my answer speaks for itself. Since there were no takers, and that was over 6 months ago, it's mine now suckaz! Brand new #4 WC Friend, with a QD, 2 wire gates and a D. Scwheet! PS: The red Tri-Cam was stuck too well. It's prolly still up there.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that. And I agree, too. The topout on Cutting Edge can be scary for a new leader, leaning way back like that to clear the cleaver and scratching at ball bearing grit up top...
  14. Welllllll, that used to be the case. After this weekend, I'll be getting out there about as much as you, CBS. My banishment to the Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington begins this weekend, with the Great Migration to the Dry Shitties. BTW, Little Known Wonder is a 5.7, but stiff for it's grade (as with most old RC trad climbs). Glad you enjoyed it.
  15. Excellent! I couldn't play cuz I was packing for the migration to the Dry Shitties. We'll be outta the the Palm Springs of Washington by Memorial Day. So much to do, so much still left to do...
  16. The Tieton! The rock dries out in, like, seconds!
  17. Yeah man, Pat Martino ummm, that wasn't the Phildelphia Experiment that I was thinking of. I was referring to the WWII destroyer Philadelphia, which was set up with all sorts of electromagnetic generators in an attempt to investigate stealth or "cloak" the ship. The experiment was alledgedly conducted in a harbor in NY (I think) and witnesses said it disappeared. Witnesses in Norfolk, VA said a destroyer appeared in their harbor at the same time. What was really wierd about the whole thing is that when the ship alledgedly reappeared in NY harbor, the sailors that were on board for the experiment had parts of themselves buried in the steel deck, handrails, gun turrets, funnels, etc. They died screaming. The governemt disavows any knowledge of such an event, of course. That was the Philadelphia Experiment to which I was referring.
  18. hmmmmm... good catch... must be that "snail eye"...
  19. And if you look closely, you can see his hands and feet disappear into the rock surface, a la "Philadelphia Experiment" or that one Star Trek episode where people re-materialized into bulkheads and stuff.
  20. In my opinion, I'd have to answer your question with "stupid and dangerous". I'm no chemist, but I think that nail polish uses acetone or xylol as the carrier for the pigment. Those are some pretty nasty chemicals to have around your rope. You wouldn't store your rope next to your gas can, would you? Go with the Sharpie marker (my favorite) or do the Martha Stewart thing and get out your sewing kit...
  21. If anyone is planning a sojourn up thatta way, I doubt that they'd be advertising it here (or anywhere else for that matter). The walls may have ears, as it were...
  22. Yah, that one always gets to me.
  23. chelle's hit the nail on the head. I suspect the target audience is the armchair quarterback variety... Every year we get scads of call-outs to go find lost hikers, snowmobilers, boaters, and bazillions of lost cold, hungry, ill-equipped hunters. Nobody covers these folks in the press unless they show up dead, which is rare.
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