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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    ok, I'll bite, what does TTFN mean? Think Winnie the Pooh and in particular, his bouncy, striped friend's parting words...
  2. Whole thread on this topic from about this same time last year. Clickety click!
  3. sobo


    RTFM Read The Fucking Manual (used in a n00bie sense, this could refer to FOTH, which is YAFA) Freedom Of The Hills, and Yet Another Fucking Acronym, respectively.
  4. Gary, You, ania and your friends have just waaaaaaaay too much style for the likes of this board. I applaud your sense of humor, gusto, and taste. While I've packed beers on longer outings, it's never been in bottles (Brilliant!) and certainly never on ice (reminds me of the scene in Eiger Sanction...)! I'd like to run into you again sometime, on a trail, while you're flitting about distributing frosty malted beverages and other such tasty comestibles. Cheers!
  5. Yes, rather easily. Have fun.
  6. Ohhhhhhh, there's going to be a lot of crap dumped on this thread...
  7. You could go to Ha Long Bay. Very picturesque and the climbing rocks. Or go to Phan Thiet. Or do a google search using "climbing" and Vietnam" in the search bar. Or talk to these guys. We were going to go to Phan Thiet for a beach and climbing holiday while we waited for our son's VISA to the States to get processed, but we never ended up connecting up that way. Sorry we missed it.
  8. And remember JoshK, at least these two were a bit contrite after it all and they also thanked their rescuers, unlike the two fucking goons from this rescue. What did the one goober say? "I don't got no regrets." Well, you could have at least said "thank you" to all the folks that took time out of their lives to save your dumb ass. Coming from someone who is in mountain rescue, I would much rather have spent my time on Vesper looking for these guys than on Saddle Mountain performing single-man pick-offs of Clem and Scooter.
  9. And nothing less than 24 lb. leaded crystal at that! Now where is my Swarovski ...???
  10. Authorities will do little to stop identity theft because credit card companies profit handsomely from it. How do you think that works? Heard it Monday morning on NPR's Morning Edition. Read/listen to the segment here.
  11. That was f^k'n riot. The pictures at your link are hilarious! Tally ho, eh? PS: ania, I happened to note that you dispensed with the stiletto heels... what gives?
  12. Should be in the relatively near future (July/August??) as now I live in The Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington (aka Tri-Cities) and that puts me about 1.5 hours closer to LD than I was in The Palm Springs of Washington. It makes the trip an easy weekend outing now, whereas it was only really viable as a 3-day weekender before.
  13. I've never heard that euphemism before. It's not a euphenism... it's a brand name.
  14. d00d, you're just too modest. too funny!
  15. KingsMM: A little "not so obvious keyword" searching brought up this thread from about a year and a half ago talking about climbs on the the WF of Matterhorn. It gets into the very few deets about a third of the way down, after skipping through the Sacajawea stuff. Again, TG is prolly your best bet, and also scratchandsniff, for info. Oh, and I prolly ought to mention wazzumountaineer - he'll get upset if I don't include him, too. That last line was just for you, wazzu...
  16. Was looking for something else and I came upon this old thread of mine. I sent the pack back via the local dealer in Crackima (Hyperspud Sports). Osprey fixed it up lickety split, all nice and super-reinforced and stuff, and they did the same to the side that hadn't blown out yet. All for only 9 clams (the price of shipping it to them - free return shipping). I thought it was well done work, and good customer service. Hats off to John at the 'spud for helping me "git 'er done" and to the folks at Osprey. PS: allison, regarding your reply about how manufacturers like to see how their gear fails: I see where they don't make this pocket thingie like mine anymore. The newer versions have it set up with a different system to reduce stress at the end of the backstay hoop. So someone must have brought this type of failure to their attention a while ago, and it took a little while longer for mine to go kaput. Mebbe it means I need to get out more....
  17. Pagan moon and sun-worshipping
  18. So that subscription to e-harmony paid off fer ya, huh? Apologies, Mike, you're a way harder bad-ass mo-fo climber than I, but I just couldn't let that one go by untouched.
  19. Now that's true blue dirtbaggin' style. Gotta love it!
  20. See the link in murraysovereign's second post ^^
  21. That would prolly be a bit much to ask a n00b to accomplish on their first rappel. Picture this scenario: N00b rappeller thinking to himself... "Lessee, keep my feet apart and against the wall, sit back, hold the rope and brake myself with this hand, manage these twisty rope thingies with my other hand. Ooops! There's two of them! Now what should I do?" There is absolutely nothing wrong or unsafe with giving them a fireman's belay. It is quite reliable.
  22. TLG got it, again. Couldn't have said it better meself. Thanks, TLG.
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