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Everything posted by sobo

  1. But be prepared for the weather to go to shit. Mountain makes its own weather, and all that rot.
  2. You'll be fine as long as you can follow the donkey trail and the visibility stays good. Map and compass/GPS if you have any doubts about that ability. Please, please, please do NOT decide to make the glissade from the false summit to the Lunch Counter (the 2000 ft runout that Ducknut refers to above) with your crampons on. Every year our mountain rescue group goes up there to drag someone off the mountain with a broken leg/ankle. The cause? Glissading with crampons on. Despite what people might think about the braking abilities of crampons, they are only breaking possibilities. Take them off if you're going to butt slide.
  3. First, read this thread. Then, review this thread. That should about do it, and have fun!
  4. I guess we could include most of us by listing... Odd Fellows Or was that already covered under "Human"?
  5. OK, I'm out! I call "Uncle"! Hmmmm, now where could that lead...?
  6. Yah, I should stop. I'm prolly old enough to be your daddy!
  7. PC Well, first thing you need to do is change the date, as July 5 was yesterday. Mebbe that will increase interest.
  8. I guess that makes Ole' Jeffery a human after all!
  9. sobo

    Bad First Dates

    Exactly! Someone is deluding themself if they make/accept a climbing invitation thinking they're going to get any action other than tricep strain and forearm burn.
  10. sobo

    Bad First Dates

    Hmm. This is not so at many of the "climbing gyms" sprinkled about the country. Possibly, but then are they really "climbing" gyms, or meat markets to hook up with someone. Kinda reminds me of the "health clubs" that sprouted up all over the country in the mid-80s... Were they really health clubs, or just another place to pick up a hunk-o-meat that replaced the aging disco craze?
  11. sobo

    Bad First Dates

    Climbing is climbing, a date is a date. They are mutually exclusive propositions. If either party wants more than climbing, they must state so explicitly. TLG has it right: get it out in the open before someone gets the wrong idea. Miscommunication can lead to soooooo many fuck-ups.
  12. True dat, but so do most top tier predators. Except, typically, the one that you first suggested on Page 1. We must of course exclude Jeffery Dahmer from that list, but then, was he even "human"?
  13. Thought you might like it...
  14. I'll let you ponder on this statement for a bit...
  15. Do eagles migrate? I kind of want to be an animal that migrates. I like to travel. Yes, the American Bald Eagle migrates. At least, I see them from time to time in the Little Naches drainage and around Bumping Lake, then they're gone for a year, then they're back. For any additional information on the migratory patterns of wild flying fauna, PM Ducknut or contact these guys. Seriously, this link has some Bald Eagle info, and leads to this link about migration. So there you have it. <edited to add serious info/links>
  16. OK, I won't say what first came to mind (don't worry - it's not bad, but probably too much inuendo for someone I've never met or talked with much). But good on ya for having a great time out this weekend.
  17. That's great! I might suggest that you've found a "keeper".
  18. Yeah, I was thinking about a Great White and/or an Orca, too. It's nice to be the Top Tier Predator. Or a Grizzly Bear (protected species) Same for the Bald Eagle (and you get to fly real high).
  19. Did he get the door and pull out your chair for you? And did he get the check? If so, he's miles ahead of yer last first date!
  20. sobo

    Bad First Dates

    Agreed! And I wouldn't give you any wierd looks for getting the door for me, either. I would give you a cheery, "Thank you!" though.
  21. sobo

    Bad First Dates

    <thread drift> Righto, O_W! There always seems to be some grumbling around our house when one of us finishes the pot of java in the morning, probably because it's kind of an "ordeal" to make. Ya know, grind the beans, boil the water, steep for five minutes, etc. When I get a wild hair, I'll make a Bodum, then bring my wife a cup while whe's just waking up. She loves it when I do that. Regarding chivalrous behaviours, yeah, I still do some, although not always. When you've been around someone for a while, you just know when it's the thing to do and when it's not: Dinner at a pub/fast food joint? She gets to pull her own chair. Get dressed up all fancy for a night out of dinner and dancing? I pull out the chair. I almost always get the door, occasion notwithstanding, but never make a big deal of getting there first to do it. Never order dinner for a woman, unless it's a foreign-food restaurant, she's told you what she wants to eat after you've translated the menu (assuming that you know the language), and she explicitly doesn't want to butcher the language were she to order the dish herself. Only then is it OK to order for her. Ordering dinner for a woman is an outdated notion these days. Order the wine instead, unless she knows more about it than you. Then let her choose. It's all really quite simple. Ya'll can start calling me Dear Abby now...
  22. sobo


    That's brilliant, Kurt!
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