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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    Caption requested

    OK, so I was croozin' through the Gallery and came across this: This just begs for a caption. My work here is done. How come I can't get the image to post?? How do I get it to recognize the file format as jpg? Or whatever it is? Can you not post pics from the Gallery? WTF??
  2. sobo


    Shite! I haven't figured out what the piles of shit are in the middle pic. push pins? tiny bolts? and what's the other crap? granular activated carbon? sand? WTF??
  3. sobo


    Substitute "The Nose" for "straight line" and you might be on to something, cindy...
  4. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    MP: that's pretty rude.
  5. Betty and Veronica still love you.
  6. bummer, d00d.
  7. I find I have to click twice to get them to load. Not a double-click, mind you, but two distinctly separate clicks.
  8. oh.
  9. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    That was my reasoning as well. I probably just had more resources with which to do it. He was the one who kept on living happily. He chose the time of his leaving, one cold night in November, 2001. Again, that was my reasoning as well. I could tough it out for "6 months..." I don't regret what I did for him, because of what he did for me for all those years. Doesn't sound like CRF, if she's bouncing off the walls at 14. Although CRF can come at any age, it usually onsets in cats over 12-15 years of age, if they are going to get it at all. Chronic Renal Failure. Their little kidneys give out.
  10. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    Despite what I said to CF above, I do have a soft spot. I had a cat a few years back that I treated just like you have treated yours. Put out the food and water, have a friend check once or twice while I'm gone, and go off on "walkabouts." I come back, the cat's still there. It's all good. He died a few years ago of CRF. He went from 13 lbs to less than 6 lbs. over a year and a half. I kept him in good spirits with sub-Q injections of lactated ringers solution (3x/day) and special, low-protein cat food (kD diet that you get from the vet). He carried on after his diagnosis for the better part of 18 months or so, when the vets all gave him less than 6 months to live. I had people telling me to put him down, but he still seemed to be a happy kitty, so I let him cost me thou$$and$$ of dollars over that time period. He became the "Poster Child" for CRF survivability at WSU, where he made more than one appearance at the vet school there. Why am I telling you all this? Have you had Kitty to the vet recently and had any blood work done on her? If not, now's the time, if you really love this critter. If she is losing weight this fast, she may have CRF. It is imperative to get her on a new diet (with reduced protien intake) and to get some fluids into her. You may even have to spart feeding her with a syringe. It is not going to be easy, and your climbing is definitely going to suffer, unless you can find a good petsitter (like I did) to administer the meds while you're off climbing. And what do you mean exactly by "siezures?" Are they "classic" siezures, or do they look more like the result of muscle atrophy and the resultant failure to control them? Let me know what the vet says. If it's CRF, I can help you with tips and links to good info. Seriously. I really am a softie for cats, although it would appear to be against my nature.
  11. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    Yep, but not for very long.
  12. sobo

    Finicky Cats!

    Pretty big generalization there about cat owners, CF. I give the critter food. He eats it, or he eats somewhere else, or he starves. Same with my kids. No bullshit. I cater to no one. And yes, I've been called an ass more than once.
  13. sobo


    "Heads it's Betty, tails it's Veronica." 8D
  14. Checking in at Spray, I find out that you weren't the responsible party. That makes it even funnier!
  15. arch- I like your new avatar pic. Location's cute, too...
  16. Strobach is never my "first choice" for a day trip. Given the approach time and the slogging required after leaving the road (usually), it is best to consider this area as "overnight camping mandatory" if you expect to get any real amount of ground covered. Unless you're a real PNW hardman and you hit the trail at 0300 hrs. and return within 24 hours later, having eaten nothing other than cold MREs.
  17. sobo


    Mike, c'mon! You've been around this site long enough to know about the Search function. Most recent discussion of life insurance Related discussion: Disability insurance
  18. De nada. Good luck!
  19. Sign up for this site, maybe?? How much ya wanna spend to find out what you don't wanna know?
  20. IIRC, Alex is talking about the "middle approach option" that I mentioned above that crosses a beaver dam a ways after leaving the groomed road. Skis are kind of a bitch to get through the brush, as Dannible noted above, but you'll appreciate having them for the return, especially for the turns right below the cliff and back to the woods.
  21. Yo, quit it! I'm dyin' he-ah! :laf:
  22. That's classic!
  23. Need a fork for that piece of humble pie...?
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