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Everything posted by sobo

  1. WTF have you been, Ricardo? Gone for over two years, and now you show up in ROK? Do they have a lot of rich, Corinthian leather over there???
  2. A pretty good rule of thumb to remember for Prussik cords: Prussik cord diameter should be between 2/3 and 3/4 of rope diameter. 8mm rope => 5-6mm prussik cord 9mm rope => 6-7mm prussik cord 10mm rope => 7mm prussik cord 11mm rope => 8mm prussik cord The equation: 0.67*rope diam. < Prussik cord diam. < 0.75*rope diam.
  3. WTF?? Just shit on the ground, put your hand in the blue bag like a shitmitt, pick the steaming article up, turn the bag inside-out whilst holding the offending article, and wrap and twist-tie it off. Continue as per usual with secondary bag.
  4. sobo

    8mm rope

    This is a pretty good rule of thumb to remember for Prussik cords: Prussik cord diameter should be between 2/3 and 3/4 of rope diameter. 8mm rope => 5-6mm prussik cord 9mm rope => 6-7mm prussik cord 10mm rope => 7mm prussik cord 11mm rope => 8mm prussik cord The equation: 0.67*rope diam. < Prussik cord diam. < 0.75*rope diam.
  5. sobo

    Dog breeds

    Mel, I'm glad you've decided upon the NE. My first post to this thread: "...consider a Norwegian Elkhound. ...However, I think it's doubtful that you'd find one (purebreed) in a shelter or a pet sanctuary. The purebreeds can command some serious coin." was obviously wrong, and I'm happy for you to state that. I hope that Chaos becomes a lifelong and trusted member of your family.
  6. sobo

    What would you do?

    From Bug's OP, sounds like the son wants to see his dad (Bug sez: "Father never shows. Son is sad."). So it seems the kid is ready, but it sounds like Dad is not. At the very least, he sounds like he'd be embarrassed to meet Son now (Dad believes/recognizes his predicament is not "cool" to his own siblings, so he's likely to believe/recognize it's not "cool" with Son, as well). No sense forcing more embarrassment on the old man. Just might tip him out of his chair. I wouldn't push it, but kudos for getting involved, Keith.
  7. sobo


    Jumbo Joke website
  8. sobo


    From the "Bad Joke" category ^^ Bumpersticker: Joan of Arc is alive and medium well I had to laugh...
  9. sobo


    FOR SALE: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.
  10. sobo


    "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! I don't wanna go around in circles anymore." "Shut up, kid, or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!"
  11. sobo


    Why do kamikazi pilots wear helmets? When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? How do you know it's new and improved dog food? How come wrong numbers are never busy? Why do tornadoes always touch down in trailer parks? Why do school busses always stall out on railroad tracks? Why do they put Braille pads at drive-thru ATM machines? Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? Does "virgin wool" come from sheep that glassgowkiss hasn't caught yet?
  12. sobo


    That has got to be one of the funniest rejoinders I've heard in a goddamn long time.
  13. sobo


    Ancient Chinese proverb say: "Choose job you love, never work day in life."
  14. Jeebus!!!1 $750+ for a pack? Crikey! They's mighty damn proud of that thing, ain't they?
  15. sobo


    A skeleton walks into a bar and says, "Gimme a beer and a mop."
  16. Pink Floyd - the last two minutes of Comfortably Numb. Especially the final 30 seconds. And the first minute and a half of The Division Bell's Coming Back to Life.
  17. Craig, I agree with the manufacturer. Retire the cams. You can just give them to me and I'll make sure they get back to the manufacturer.
  18. Greetings and welcome. I live in K-wick, and would like to hook up sometime. I'm not much for Vantage anymore (rode a column down there once), but would be up for Spring Mtn., Tieton, Banks Lake area, WA Pass, Leavenworth, and Lightning Dome (SF Clearwater River). Currently don't get out much (wife and two kids under 6 yoa), but that may change soon as the kids are becoming more independent and require less parental oversight. As a result of this lack of regualr outdoor experieince, I currently lead in the 5.8/9 trad and 5.9/10+ sport range. Also ice climb in the WI-3/4 range, alpine (when I can get the time) and volcano slogs. No mountain bike (road bike instead). haven't skied in 5 years (since getting the kids), so that gear is just hanging in the garage getting old.
  19. Pretty strong opinion on JT there, 5K. Why don't you save it, huh? While I enjoy listening to various outputs of JT, I can't for the life of me describe them as being of the Heavy Metal genre. Here's what Wikipedia has to say: Jethro Tull are a Grammy Award winning British rock group that formed in 1967-1968. Their music is marked by the distinctive vocal style and lead flute work of front man Ian Anderson. Initially playing blues rock with an experimental flavour, they have, over the years, incorporated elements of classical, folk and 'ethnic' musics, jazz and art rock.
  20. Wow, that is harsh. I don't know what else to say. Harsh. Just harsh. Totally preventable. ouch
  21. I remembered the scenario as a lad of 15 or so. It stuck with me over the years, for several reasons. I thought it germaine to the discussion at hand. That is all.
  22. Read it again, GMC, this time more slowly. Note that I said "there was some question of infidelity."
  23. What about putting rap rings on webbing around trees? Saves pounding shit into rock. Saves strangling trees with chains.
  24. I know of at least one couple that survived the loss of their 32-year-old daughter. That was 20 years ago this coming May. And there was some question of infidelity on the wife's part about 30 years ago. The kids were never fully briefed (nor in my mind need they have been). That couple celebrated their 53rd anniversary last October. I understand that they are still joyously in love with each other.
  25. Anything that could/would lead to a failure of grand proportions of the realtionship. Trust is the first casualty. Very hard to recover from that loss.
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