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Everything posted by sobo

  1. you really only need two...
  2. 4-year-olds that nap??? How do you get them to do that??? I need to know! We have a 3-year-old daughter who won't go to bed before 9:30/10:00 pm, wakes up not later than 6:30 every day, and won't take a nap. Goddamned if we know how she does it.
  3. sobo

    Happy Birthday mattp!

    True dat. We'd all go flying off this HB thread onto hers. Sorry man, but there's priorities, and then there's PRIORITIES.
  4. Sure as hell sounds like some bitchin' hot sex to me. At least, what I remember of it...
  5. me neither. not even gonna try.
  6. Thanks, Pug, for that information about your dad's service. And thank him for me as well for his service to this country.
  7. sobo

    Happy Birthday mattp!

    Dat's right, matt! This day is all about you!
  8. Reinhold is one my Heroes. I'd screw yaks with him anytime! Sulden is calling you! I can hear the music! The world is alive...!!!
  9. sobo

    Happy Birthday mattp!

    Yeah, but he dead. So do dat count fo' a berfday?
  10. You anger me, Mel. I feel that I have been taunted by you a second time-uh!
  11. That's pretty damned cool about the first metal edges. Trendsetting! What can you tell us about his military service?
  12. didn't take it that way; just making an observation...
  13. might there possibly be other reasons that you haven't fully considered yet? Jus' sayin'...
  14. so what's a "dirt barbie" anyway? You race dirt bikes or sumpin'?
  15. Gender check Hugh Conway
  16. Fuck, you're right. So much for vantage. Well, there's always Tieton... Someone better go and pick up the portapotties and hide them somewhere for the weekend...
  17. Yeah, c'mon over 5K. It ain't gonna rain at Vantage. And even if it does, it's dry in like 5 minutes anyway.
  18. O_W: You operate exactly as my dad does (no commitment of funds over the phone - send something in writing), and by extension, myself. And I, too, have never heard of WA Search and Rescue Association. I smell some bad carp here... Almost everything that needed to be said on this topic has already been said above. I would add, however, that if you intend your donation to go to a mountain rescue unit of your choice, then you must be very specific about that direction. It would be best to contact that MR unit directly through their website or through a unit member. Otherwise, your donation may be lost in the general fund of the county SAR treasury and go towards such things as administration, 4x4 team, snowmobile team, quad team, K-9 team, dive rescue team, swiftwater team, groundpounders, etc. I mentioned this issue on page 2 of the Kevin LaFleur thread.
  19. sobo

    Happy Birthday mattp!

    OK, that thing is making me dizzy. Try watching it's eyes for a few seconds, and you'll see what I mean...
  20. no excuse and poor form to even seek to excuse it
  21. Well yeah DPS, no shit... but why plutonium? Did he work at Hanford? Does he glow in the dark? Does he have an atomic-powered pacemaker? Maybe he puts the stuff on his wheaties? perhaps this might help explain... Pug's post from two weeks ago
  22. Pug, I know of your father through his exploits, year after year, on Rainier. Quite impressive. He's a local legend here in the TC, as I'm sure you know. Gets a write-up every year in the Tri-Titty Herald, a write-up this year in The Columbian magazine, regular fixture on Badger Mountain, etc. What I did not know and find rather intriguing is that he served in combat on not one, not two, but three continents in WWII. Surely, that must be some sort of record for a combat line soldier, too, yes? Anything you can share about that would be appreciated. I have a curiousness about all things WWII...
  23. Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam I am.
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