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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Yes, I recall this comment, too. Please, do tell, mike. In other news, I think this is the best TR pic evuh!
  2. Isn't the other name of that law the "Dicksucking" law? It's not the "Basset Hound lap" law. I see absolutely nothing wrong with getting road head. It is patently not illegal.
  3. A shout out from the other side of the coin. See guys, it ain't all about what you want, neither!
  4. sobo

    Mt. Hood Solo?

    Maine-iac: Remember... "Discretion is the better part of valor." I had neither when I yardsaled my way down the bowl below the Pearly Gates... Good on you for recognizing an epic in the making and taking the requisite steps to avoid same.
  5. This goes completely without saying. :tup:
  6. Doing something similar here with sidewalk emphasis patrols. Plainclothes coppers (sporting the West Coast Choppers look) cross a sidewalk with the pedestrian light in their favor, then when someone cuts in front of him or crosses the line behind him while he's still less than halfway across gets pinched when West Coast Chopper guy radios ahead to his compadres in the waiting cruisers. I actually like this idea. Being a frequent ped, I get disrespected a lot by the motoring public around this town.
  7. Nice idea Sobo but the '06 takes up to a 220gr and it aint a HP. You'd need a 180gr HP and something a little better than a Bushnell POS Last time some guys started hanging out at Exit 38 with a couple of M4s, 10x binos, digital cameras and a cell phone this shit stopped for awhile. Funny how quickly the word gets out. Dane- Good points all. You know I won't go toe-to-toe with you concerning leaded projectile weaponry. That's your bidness. How are you doing now, anyway? I need to call you, man. Mikester- The car alarm looks like a great idea. I need to get a new beater car for that one. denalidave- The seatbelt violation is not a secondary offense. Regarding the hugging law: Why can't that be applied to more than just people? These fux that drive around with their goddamned dog or cat in their lap fucking piss me off. Last week in my rear view mirror, I watched a basset hound jump out of a woman's Mercedes at a stop light and run into the opposing traffic and promptly get flattened by an 18-wheeler that couldn't stop fast enough. WTF is wrong with these people that do this with their pets?
  8. Right where I've always been, man. In the Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington. The realz kweshchun iz, WTF have you been? I ain't seen you in a coon's age.
  9. "Who is John Galt?" ...Ayn Rand
  10. that's a good one! Ya know, you're an idiot if you don't wear one, but I would posit that it's your choice. Of course, if you end up a vegetable after not wearing one, I do not think it's the state's job (nor mine, through my taxes) to pay for your upkeep. Same with motorcycle helmets. Reap what ye sow.
  11. Squid required dental work after a climb? WTF was I that I missed that?
  12. you need to uncage your soul, man...
  13. what number you on now? I'm on #3...
  14. my, what a difference a day makes... You left work yet, 5K?
  15. yer shitting me, Keith. WTF was their reasoning behind their inaction? KCSO afraid to take on the Russian mob?
  16. it got carried off by a mynok. oh wait, they only like power cables...
  17. yeah, gonna do that later tonight after it cools down and after I cut the lawn. but you should get yer ass out to the garage and get on it right now, mister!
  18. Ouch! I hate climbs that end up requiring dental work. Glad to hear he's OK other than that.
  19. Yeah, he's kinda like that Joe Bfstplk guy from the Li'l Abner comic strip. Brings his own weather with him wherever he goes...
  20. Spraying from the comfort of my BarcaLounger now, all you nancy bois. My commute is 7 minutes. 9 if the lights are against me. "Wife, fetch me another beer!" sheeeeeeee-it, she'd knife me if I ever said that.
  21. turned in the timesheet. I'm outta here, suckas!
  22. C ya! 13 minutes and counting... on my second
  23. Did you see at the bottom of the page what he's going to do to his wife's scooter? Great find, Choada Boy!
  24. excellent! you cracked one, too! dos vedanya
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