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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Given CM's history and past antics, I'd be willing to opine that there's more to this incident than either the paper or the CM's lawyer is letting on. I'm just sayin'...
  2. you think so? I'm not so certain. neither is this guy...
  3. sobo


    We'll get right on it!
  4. So I'm thinking on Think Before You Post Thursday about Plan Ahead Friday, or Abuse the Balless Dwarf Friday, or whatever, and I have an alternate theme to go along with that. How about Plan Ahead to Fuck with the Balless Dwarf Friday!!!1 Here's a primer on how to get started. Whaddaya think? Rvv2D5d7Z9o
  5. I thought about posting a reply to that, but then thought better of it...
  6. sobo


  7. sobo


    16 more posts and we can start discussing global warming... if ya care about such things.
  8. well, if you are calling someone "mon cheri", then I will not be bivying with you any time soon sickie (hint: ma cherie) Don't be afraid of l'il ol' me, 5K. I'll keep to my side of the ledge if that'll make you feel better.
  9. right. dear, dearest, dearie, etc. seems more affectionate than cabbage. I'm jus' sayin'...
  10. wouldn't that be "cheri"?
  11. That should probably be "mon petite chou"... if yer gonna use dem furner words, git'em right! Cabbage?
  12. Kickbacks from the Cali cartel, mebbe?
  13. sobo

    Child abuse

    I try my very best...
  14. Right out in the open. Both senior guys are out of the office today. It's just us proles and middle management. The shirt's going over really well with everyone. For now...
  15. too much zeal?? TOO MUCH ZEAL!!!1??? NOW ya tell me!!??
  16. [irony warning]Well, I for one do fucking care! It has to be Apathy Wednesday, or Whatever Wednesday, cuz I wore my special shirt.[/irony warning] It sez, "Fuh Q..." on the front, and "...and the horse you rode in on." on the back. I think it meets the day's requirements.
  17. I'll pick it up tomorrow. I'm outta here for beer replenishment now. Cheerio!
  18. A few hours too early, aren't we, hmmm?
  19. Well then, I bid you welcome to your new home. Shall we ride... to... Camalot?
  20. No marc! You're still young, it's not too late for you! Don't do what I did - look what happened to me! Believe it or not, but I actually have a copy of the script, with the annotations and strike-outs of the original lines, replaced with the lines that were actually spoken in the film. I also owned (30+ years ago) the album, of the soundtrack, of the film, of... well you know the rest. I still have the VHS and DVDs of it. I just can't let it go...
  21. Is that a Band of Brothers gif for your avatar? Or Saving Private Ryan? I'm thinking BoB...
  22. and people tell me I need to get a life...
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