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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Punch punch....wham wham....smack smack.....diss diss.... feel better? Phenomenally
  2. I've found over the years that if you want to rent just the right tool, go to one of the chains that does this for contractors as well as the layperson (SECO, Star Rentals, etc.) or one of the "mom and pop" shops (locally, that would be Bennett Rentals; that old fucker has everything, and he takes damn good care of it).
  3. sobo


    What, no personal response for me? You write personally to rob and Dru, but not to me. I'm crushed...
  4. sobo


    'bout time you started hitting back, instead of always being the punching bag, as you like to call yourself.
  5. I just got back from a weekend camping/fishing trip with my son, and I have to agree, the older they get, the more fun they are to be around. Of course, on last year's trip, I did all the tying, baiting, and casting for him, but as a result, Dad got to do a lot of fly fishing down the shoreline a ways while The Boy sat with his hook full of Power Bait in the water, waiting.... Now that he's six and an Official Big Boy, he insisted upon doing all of his own baiting and casting, which did nothing but cause a lot of anguish on my end, as he went through almost an entire tackle box full of sinkers, swivels, snells, etc. and was calling "Daaaaaaaaa-dyyyyyyyyy!" about every three minutes. I decided that for this weekend, fishing just wasn't in the cards for me. Good thing I brought a book and a half-rack of Fat Tires... Still, I wouldn't trade the weekend for a million dollars.
  6. sobo

    Seven Years Ago Today

    just here for the Seven Year OKTHNXBAI!!!1
  7. Did that strike anyone else as weird? A degree in women's studies, yet prostituting yourself? Non sequitur... By doing what she's planning on doing, isn't she technically working? As in "working girl"? I'm just sayin'...
  8. sobo


    Damn, kev, your grammar sucks!
  9. you just made my day, Doug... Sorry, Mel, no disrespect meant to your thread. :kisss:
  10. sobo


    Duh, I know scott. Check out this cool, forward-thinking, common sense approach post from me yesterday on this very same thread! empahasis added
  11. sobo


    You have to get out from under your rock to get a ticket, Ace.
  12. sobo


    you're forgiven
  13. sobo


    I'd give it a few stars more than that. I'd say a very good read. Was tough to put down.
  14. Why should we GAFF about who the rest of the world wants for our President??? We don't get involved in their elections or politics. Oh, wait a minute...
  15. I'd be in a dead heat with you for that prize...
  16. sobo


    You're shitting us, right?
  17. sobo


    That's a good one. Although you could say that and be reasonably well assured of being correct, it's prolly not your best first option...
  18. Galls ya, doesn't it? Sorta the way nationalized health care galls me. I SO don't want my tax dollars going to pay for some unemployed, welfared, drug-addicted, meth head just so he can consider the ER his Preferred Provider. Welcome to the Republican Party, allison...
  19. should be moved/reposted to the Lost and Found forum.
  20. sobo


    That's a bummer Craig. But Sol's got the beta on the WSP training center. Whenever I drive between WetSnatchee and 11worth, my butthole gets so tight I could shit a diamond. I've been pulled over several times on that stretch of road, but nary a ticket. yet... I always go on the lookout and settle my driving down whenever I see those blue "State Police" signs on the highway.
  21. Relax, we just breached the global warming discussion minimum thread length threshold. Lots more life to this thread now...
  22. Hmmm, let's see: I just finished Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor; and did a reread of The Monkey Wrench Gang. When is the last time you looked outside your box? A thought provoking reading list to be sure...if you've been in a coma the past 20 years, perhaps. FW uses less than a handful of stone simple rhetorical devices over, and over, and over. His favorite is FIND THE CHINK, for which he conveniently provides what liberals believe so we don't have to. One you'll never hear from this chickenshit is THIS IS MY THESIS. Why is Palin or McCain good for the country, exactly? He just doesn't have the neural power, balls, or both to come up with a defensible argument, so all you'll here is the kind of standard liberal carping that Rush Limbaugh capitalized on so well over the past 20 years. His driving emotional need? Prove the liberals wrong!!!! for which he provides a 3 year old's understanding of liberal thought so he is guaranteed victory in his own mind. But FW's history of 'being right' is something completely different. If one had all four limbs removed and had nothing else to do, one could simply track his predictions regarding, say, the Iraq war and quickly realize that this self styled 'free thinker' is nothing more than an tinny amplifier with a blown out speaker for the GOP propoganda. If he ever had an original idea pop out of his barely functioning brainstem, it never made it to this forum. Absolutely scathing. I suppose if you were better read you might even put together a rebuke worthy of your 10th grade Catholic education. Sister Catherine must have left deep scars--so traumatic you eventually found yourself placed in that small minority of St. John's Prep kids designated early on as not college-bound. Is this why you developed eating problems? Is she partly responsible for your Asperger's? Pssst: I tried to help you out with the spelling (again). I didn't bother with the structure/syntax--which was just awful. (Which grad school was that again?) Note the bold print, make the necessary corrections, then turn it back in. I'll give you half-credit. Fatass. Didn't you already post this exact same reply to the exact same post back on Page 9? I don't get it...
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