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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I just wanna get to the top... just once. The pic in FB's Challenge of the North Cascades is stuck in my mind. It's what drove me to find the Snag in the first place.
  2. That would indeed be great if people took responsibility for their own misguided actions. But this is Amer'ka, and it's always somebody else's fault and somebody else has gotta be blamed for all of this mess. It's how we do bid'ness here in the Land of Partisan Politics.
  3. Yah, when we went in, we checked in with, and got permission from, the guy who's got the howitzer in his front yard. He indicated that "a lot" of people visit Chumstick. This was before cc.com came online. I guess it must be you who he indicated was "a lawyer friend of his" that comes by every so often to climb it.
  4. You need a cheerier avatar. Go back to the Muppet. Jus' sayin'...
  5. I'll be there, Friday night for beer through Sunday afternoon/evening. I'll be sitting with Sherri. Chumstick Snag, eh? Still haven't touched the top of that one. When I went in to do it about 9 or 10 years ago, I thought it was supposed to go free. I couldn't figger it out...
  6. WTF are you sayin'? Dawg, Give it a rest, man. You think everyone that shows up at RU is a stoner? Get fucking real. I haven't taken a toke since matriculation. That was like, what, 20 years ago? And some people would still call me entertaining. So there! Hell, why don't you come out and join us? You might find that it's a bit of fun, and we don't bite or bark either. All this crap online is just that, for most of us anyway.
  7. Those quotes have about as many grammatical and syntax errors as the emails I get from "my creditors" telling me they've somehow lost my personal identifying information and I must immediately send it back to them so I don't get locked out of all my accounts.
  8. That may be cuz it's been edited for the Sound Byte Generation.
  9. sobo

    bigger problems

    Shit, we must be in a pretty fucked up state if the Empire didn't even wait to finish building the damn thing before they brought it here to nuke us.
  10. I don't have the time, nor the inclination, to search high and low on this board to answer my own question. The following video was pulled from YouTube by Time-Warner earlier today, but I see now that it's back up. Watch it while you still can. How did this all start and when?
  11. Dude! Don't say the 'r' word!! D00d, by having the canopy (ergo, prepared for rain), ipso facto guarantees that it won't rain. It only rains when you're not prepared for it.
  12. Done! I'll bring the Quik-Shade, just in case of rain...
  13. Weather looks bee-uuu-tee-full. Bummer I couldn't go. Also, too bad you got stymied by the route/rappel finding and ran out of time, cuz the NF of Concord is a great moderate route. The last 15 feet are freakin' awesome.
  14. Excellent, I'll leave the tent at home. Westfalia livin', here I come!!!1
  16. sobo


    That's just darling, Skeezix. That one needs to be posted up in the Kids forum under that Kids in the Outdoors thread. Too cool.
  17. OMG ONLY 7000 POSTS STFU N00B Didtcha mean "STFU NOOBIE GAPER JONG?" Jeepurz you two, why all the fucking hate? Quit harshin' and put on your mellow.
  18. and the last exclamation point shoulda been a "1" w00t w00t!!!1 This post makes for 7,000 pearls of wisdom.
  19. sobo


    Meh! I thought it was Tinkerbell out for a limo cr00z. sickie
  20. sobo

    Forum Upgrade

    Mine's fixed! Thanks Porter! Mine's fixed, too! Ditto on the thanks, Porter! :brew: PS: Nice buns, C.
  21. Oh, I don't know that it is the best way... you could always wander in to a retail location, try on a bunch of stuff and then loudly brag that you won't be paying these prices because your organization XYZ has a pro deal. That would get you swiftly booted as well. Yes, mk, that was essentially what I was getting at with the "bragging" reference in my first post. Gotta be pretty dumb to pull a stunt like that.
  22. So it would seem... so it would seem.
  23. Shite, those are way too sporty for my blood! With the coin I'd have to drop for one of those, I'd never take it off the pavement. I'll stick with my '94 Exploder, thankyouverymuch.
  24. When I was growing up in Italy and coming of driving age, my dad had one of these ('74 Fiat 124 Spider) as his "toy": We brought it back to the States with us and I took my driving lessons in it and got licensed. He went back overseas when I was 18 and the rest of the fam stayed in the States, and while he was gone, I promptly wrecked it, had it fixed, and wrecked it again in the 12 months he was gone. When he came home after his TDY ended, he sold it to some Catholic priest. Although he never said anything about me crashing it up for him (twice!), I knew he was pretty fawkin' pissed about it. But it sure was a h00t to drive that baby...
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