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Everything posted by sobo

  1. In this instance, size really does matter. Bigger is not always better...
  2. and click through the "Contact Us" info until you find George Hunt (President) and get a hold of him. He's the climbing committee chair this year, I think.
  3. Now this is a thread worth bookmarking. Nice job, Braydon!
  4. Tons of us. Many don't post here. I also live exist in the Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington. What kind of climbering are ya looking for? Jeff- I thought you lived in Benton City. You moved out of the double-wide or sumpin?
  5. Nope, never got that far. It was quite the drive (5 hours) just to get up to the lake trailhead for the climbs on the south side. Got the Randall guide with me right here, and it doesn't reference any climbs on the north side. The two west side climbs (West Face Flake Route, 5.7+ and Sunset Dihedral, 5.9-) were something I always wanted to check out, though. You thinking next year...??
  6. Arrrrrrrrr, I be hoistin' the mains and settin' sail for the Atlantic seaboard come Thanksgiving. Gots to check on me buried treasure in me parents's back yard, ye know... Arrrrrrrrrr.
  7. Off, you know who I am. I am indeed a MAWG. But I refuse to be a victim and resent any such notion that the government must take care of me or protect me from some perceived offense or injustice. That's not the government's job. It's mine.
  8. I am so fucking sick and tired of this whole steaming pile of PC bullshit. Have always thought it smacked of a nanny-state pandering to loozerz with no balls in their sac. Political Correctness: A system of thinking where it's OK to offend someone right in front of you by enforcing a made-up rule to stop a theoretical offense to an unknown person at a later date when you aren't even going to be there.
  9. Fair enough, Dane. Let's change "special" to "lucky", eh?
  10. Welcome back, Gidget. You've been MIA for a while.
  11. Braydon, read below and be awed. You were in the presence of someone very special. Dane's plummet to earth, reloaded
  12. Jeebus Christ, Dane, you sure did fix yerself up fast! Hat's off to you for healing up so well and getting back out there. What's it been now, 6 months? How's the tendon's holding up? That grinding sound in your neck finally go away? Awesome news to be reading this so soon after...
  13. Nice TR. I heart the south side of Harrison. Been up there many times in years past, but haven't been there in about 10 years now. Used to make a Labor Day w/e out of it every year back in the mid to late 90's. SF Standard route w/Keystone finish, Twin Flakes, Running Flakes, etc. It's all good! Nice hair...
  14. sobo

    Mid week?

    I'm out for mid-week stuff, and for the enxt coupla weekends (until 11/15). How are you feeling? Healed up well enough to climb, I reckon?
  15. Welcome to the board, CBrU, and my belated condolences to you and your father's family.
  16. I'm not nice. Any questions?
  17. sobo


    No, there's still an election for you to get through...
  18. sobo


    Congratulations, rob! Glad to have you back on the tax roles... on the contributing side! Now that your job and bank account are back on track, can you put the happy Fraggle back up as your avatar? Yay life!
  19. Baby's gittin' new shoes???
  20. Yes, I know. And yes, it was... Chin up, lad. I's jus' fuk'n whicha.
  21. That is perhaps the single most creative manner I've seen yet for spelling "isn't". Crackin' job, mate!
  22. sobo

    I'm 16!

    Yeah, 16 was a pretty tough year for me. That was the year I "discovered" pot and hash. Memories are kinda sparse through that period...
  23. Micro-linear, iso-elastic synthetic fibers. You like what it does for my figure?
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