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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Ya know, you are just as fuq'n guilty as those other two...
  2. Now, why would you put such a notion into my head, OW? You know I can't resist clicking on shit...
  3. Very funny, Kurt. Very funny...
  4. Don't you be a'gittin' any bright ideas there, ModeratorBoy...
  5. Yes, Yes, I did. But very little shall I do and so it is done.
  6. Good head on that woman. She's a keeper, fer sure. Don't know whether or not I'd be that calm and dignified if presented with that scenario...
  7. Considered and rejected...
  8. sobo

    BD Nut Tool

    If that pic is not staged, I am left in wonder that you have managed to survive this long. Oh, and go back in and edit your photo size down. Superhuge pics are so fucking annoying...
  9. So that's what a female Wookie looks like, huh? I always wondered if they had hairy tits or not. Question answered...
  10. sobo

    Holy shit

    Yeah, I mean, really. Just think about what you're giving up!
  11. You two... you're a couple of incorrigible little boys... Hmph!
  12. sobo

    Hey, fuck you

    Careful there, ZZ... loose lips sink ships, or sump'n like that...
  13. sobo

    Hey, fuck you

    Nope, Stephen, my legendary aptitude arose from nothing more than a very early start. Living in Italy beginning at the tender age of 9, with no legal requirement save only to have enough money to pay for what was consumed, was a boon to my early proclivity for all things alcoholic and my attendant libational development. One can build up a tolerance for alcohol over a sufficient period of time, in much the same fashion one builds up an immunity to iocane powder...
  14. sobo

    Hey, fuck you

    Nope, never joined, but I partied a hella lot with a few guys from KA. Nice folks all of them, a bunch of enginerd types, and a few other, less rigorous, majors. Got so good and drunk at one of their parties, I let them shave the order's letters into my chest hair. Took about two months before it finally grew back in. I think I have an old photo of the event around here somewhere...
  15. It's time for me to stuff all of this shit that's gonna support my habit(s) for the next 6 months into a couple suitcases, THAT'S what time it is!!!1 Making Black & Tans tonight - Guinness and Harp. Need to keep my head about me to get this shit packed tonight... Now, where did I leave that Uzi...??
  16. We've been down that road before, Kurt...
  17. Welcome, keen. You weren't on board yet when the Cluckers made their debut on this site.
  18. sobo

    go big or go home

    So nice to see Archie back in our little sandbox again. We missed ya, hunny. :kisss:
  19. So helmets and protective clothing in automobiles???? To me the right to freedom outweighs the quest to save you money. Lighten up on the hyperbole with the automotive travelwear comment, Lucky. And know this: There is a long-held notion in this Land of Liberty of ours that goes something like, "Yes, Citizen, you have your rights. And yes, your rights end when they infringe upon the rights of other Citizens." I am reminded of this little snippet below that I saw in an article about 5 years ago. I liked it so much back then that I saved it to my hard drive. Now seems like a great time to pull it out and dust it off. A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments's (ABATE) arguments against helmet laws are largely based on the dubious premise that they violate individual rights or invade privacy. Gimme a break. Maryland has invested billions of dollars to build a public road system. So if the state decides to require users of that network to take steps to avoid spilling the contents of their skulls on public pavement, it is well within its rights. Don't like helmets? Ride on private property. A federal court in Massachusetts said the same thing a little more elegantly in turning down a challenge to a state helmet law: "From the moment of injury, society picks the person up off the highway; delivers him to a municipal hospital and municipal doctors; provides him with unemployment compensation if, after recovery, he cannot replace his lost job; and, if the injury causes permanent disability, may assume responsibility for his and his family's subsistence. We do not understand a state of mind that permits plaintiff to think that only he himself is concerned." Add to that the cumulative toll of repeatedly treating the victims of grisly accidents have on the first-responders and medical personnel. Anything we can do to mitigate the stresses on them serves a public purpose. So, if ABATE wants those of us who drive larger vehicles to look out for motorcyclists, we have a right to ask bikers to look out for themselves. That includes putting a little distance between motorcycle groups and the tavern industry. ...Obviously you have never enjoyed the freedom of the wind in your hair or had a bee up your helmet at 60 mph...mandate: bolts to replace gear on established routes for safety, how would you feel about that?...Let those who ride decide...Let those who climb decide You presume a helluva lot for someone who doesn't know one inkling of my history. I rode for many years, beginning when I was 17 and concluding when I was 23, when my bike was stolen out of my parking lot. I never bothered to replace it. I had "shelved" it in the parking lot because I was nearly killed three times within a span of about a week: Bitch ran a red light and damn near made me her new hood ornament, another dickhead pulled a late left turn in front of me at the same time some asshole pulled out in front of me from the right. I threaded the needle between both grills, so close I could have touched both of their hood ornaments. The last douchebag was some drunk redneck who pulled up next to me on the 610 loop and started throwing empty beer bottles at my front wheel while we were doing 60. If it wasn't for eye protection, I'd be blind (or more likely dead) today. And all of this BS was in Houston, with no helmet law in the very early 80s. So yes, you proceed from a false assumption. I have felt the wind in my hair at 95 mph. I have had a bee (more than once, actually) slap me in the face and sting the shit out of me in her last act of definace. I have laid my bike over at least three times that I can vividly recall. And one of those times I got pitched off my bike and slid across some guy's lawn on my back and cracked my head against the base of one of his trees. It was just like the sledgehammer/bell game at the carnival. I sent the ringer all the way to the top. That one was in Virginia, and they had a helmet law, so I was wearing one. If I hadn't, I'm sure I'd be dead, or at least a vegetable. So you go right ahead and keep spouting off about personal freedom and rights and all that bullshit. I don't ride anymore, but I drive and climb. So I'll wear my seatbelt on the road and my helmet on the rock, and live to watch your ass getting hauled off to the morgue or the sanitarium. Good luck with that. Mebbe you're just LUCKY-er than me...
  20. So helmets and protective clothing in automobiles???? To me the right to freedom outweighs the quest to save you money. Lighten up on the hyperbole with the automotive travelwear comment, Lucky. And know this: There is a long-held notion in this Land of Liberty of ours that goes something like, "Yes, Citizen, you have your rights. And yes, your rights end when they infringe upon the rights of other Citizens." I am reminded of this little snippet below that I saw in an article about 5 years ago. I liked it so much back then that I saved it to my hard drive. Now seems like a great time to pull it out and dust it off. A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments's (ABATE) arguments against helmet laws are largely based on the dubious premise that they violate individual rights or invade privacy. Gimme a break. Maryland has invested billions of dollars to build a public road system. So if the state decides to require users of that network to take steps to avoid spilling the contents of their skulls on public pavement, it is well within its rights. Don't like helmets? Ride on private property. A federal court in Massachusetts said the same thing a little more elegantly in turning down a challenge to a state helmet law: "From the moment of injury, society picks the person up off the highway; delivers him to a municipal hospital and municipal doctors; provides him with unemployment compensation if, after recovery, he cannot replace his lost job; and, if the injury causes permanent disability, may assume responsibility for his and his family's subsistence. We do not understand a state of mind that permits plaintiff to think that only he himself is concerned." Add to that the cumulative toll of repeatedly treating the victims of grisly accidents have on the first-responders and medical personnel. Anything we can do to mitigate the stresses on them serves a public purpose. So, if ABATE wants those of us who drive larger vehicles to look out for motorcyclists, we have a right to ask bikers to look out for themselves. That includes putting a little distance between motorcycle groups and the tavern industry.
  21. sobo

    End of an era?

    Hell, yeah! 90% of the wheezin' geezerz in this country would go down with it. That, sure as hell, is worth celebratin'...
  22. I guess you really can't judge a book by it's cover, OW. I didn't even click on the link; just went by the blog name. I'm soooooooooo running out of time here...
  23. Yeah, fer sure Mt. Washington can be a bitch in winter. Me and Frank went ice climbing there back in college, and what started out as a beautiful Christmas break day in the morning had totally gone to shit by the time we finished climbing for the day. I think the last route we did that day was Odell's, and when we topped out on the Alpine Gardens, we were almost blown back down the freak'n route. Not only that, it was total whiteout and about 20 below 0. We found our way to the descent trail by accidentally locating the first cairn (stumbled into it in the whiteness), then "swinging leads" on an arc at the end of the rope until the leader found the next cairn, while being "anchored" by the second at the last cairn so the leader wouldn't wander too far past the cairn. Lather, rinse, repeat, until we found the top of the Lion's Slide (Lion's Head?? Lion something) descent route back down to Tuckerman's trail. Smart thinking whoever set up those cairns at 150-foot intervals... Very interesting experience to have taken our crampons off once reaching the Alpine Gardens, only to be blown across the frozen tarns and lakelets up there by the gale force wind like an out of control figure skater. Ended up putting the damned things back on... Yeah, 5K is right - if you've experienced severe winter weather on Mt. Washington, then you won't find anything worse on Rainier in July. Mebbe just as bad, but not worse...
  24. Hey Allen, it's only three pages at this point. You need to reset your posts per page view to the default of 25 instead of 10. It's the only way to win in the snag the game. And oh yeah, DPS's article in SP is spot on. Nice work, Dan!
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