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Everything posted by sobo

  1. KEELHAUL HER!!!1 Wait a sec... was she hawt??
  2. sobo

    Home alarm systems?

    Wow, sorry to hear that about Gramma, but that's pretty impressive. RIP Gramma.
  3. sobo

    Home alarm systems?

    LOLZERZ! Classic, Mel....
  4. That case against Bismark Dinius is just pure fucking BULLSHIT! YTF isn't the powerboat driver taking the manslaughter charge up the ass, instead of the sailboat rudderman?? That's a pretty fucked up court, IMO.
  5. Bug really got to you, huh? That's too bad... I miss your creamy thighs and the firm globes of your ass...
  6. C- I would add that unless you intend to spend a shitload of time in the BC or become a guide of some sort, then the WFR is overkill for the Weekend Warrior. Others here will (no doubt) disagree with me on this point. But in 25 years of doing this shit, I have treated several kinds of injuries of varying severity with no problem with a bi-annually renewed WFA. That's why I recert every two years: there's a lot of shit covered in just two days, and if you don't review it/use it/practice it from time to time, you will lose it. Vigilance... PS: WFR is a significant cost outlay over and above the WFA. PPS: Nice to see you again, but could you peel a little more skirt off yer avatar? OKTHNXBAI!
  7. Ain't it the truth... 8D NOT!!!1
  8. So lemme get this straight... the cat carries the rack, or you carry the cat with the rack?? Is that why this thing is called a cat rack...??
  9. sobo

    Sport vs Trad

    I'm just here to turn the page... CROTCHETY OLD fixt the spelling for ya, too...
  10. The first thought that strikes me is that you (possibly) witnessed a piece of the Perseid meteor shower. Comes around every year at this time, and is one of the biggest/brightest/strongest light shows in the lower 48. It's always nice to be in the high mountains when they come along. I used to plan my higher summits around the regular meteor showers...
  11. Where do I get the cat? And in what kind of placements does it work best? Is a tabby better than a Maine Coon for off-widths? I have a seal point Himmy. Should I take him over the crazy tuxedo loozer that just shows up to eat and scratch the couch? Help...
  12. It appears that the course will be taught by NOLS WMI instructors, and is being offered locally through the Catlin Gabel School. If indeed the course is taught by NOLS instructors, I would jump all over this if you're the least bit interested in a great course in WFA or a WFR recert that goes far beyond the Red Cross's First Aid/CPR/Call 911 course (which ain't gonna do ya a shit o' good in the backcountry, BTW). I recertify my WFA every two years through NOLS WMI here in the Tri through my local hiking/climbing club as the course sponsor (much like what it appears Catlin Gabel is doing). We charge a non-refundable $160-$180 per student (but half-off for club members, like me) to take the 2-day course. I wouldn't shell out those kinda bucks every two years if I didn't think it was well worth the cost. Just make sure that the course and the instructors are NOLS/WMI, which by the link above it appears they will be. That's my $0.02
  13. OMFG, that was really funny, and I like Bill! Musta been shot around the time of ST V, The Final Frontier, about 20 years ago. Look at how trim he was back then. Ya know, Off, you've said that before, and I looked him up here. But is it really Bill Shatner? I mean, is the ICQ/IP address and all really his? Like there's a way to know...??
  14. sobo

    What a douchebag...

    Dude...thats very quotable! I'm going to have to quote that sometime myself. "They get all menstrual on you." I like it... A newer version of "going postal", and a more useful version than "getting medieval" on someone's ass.
  15. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: What a priceless tatoo! That is about the funniest fuq'n thing I've seen on this here board in years! And what's even funnier is that allison, carolyn, EWolfe, NOLSe, and Lofgren are friended! The Nodder is LEGIT! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  16. Hey, I'm a lumberjack!!!1 And I'm okay! But I keep a pretty busy schedule, ya know... I sleep all night and I work all day. I cut down trees, I eat my lunch. I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays I go shopping and have buttered scones for tea. I cut down trees, I skip and jump. I like to press wildflowers. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars. I cut down trees, I wear high heels, Suspendies and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Pappa. So you can see I don't have a lot of time for the bullshit that runs rampant on this site...
  17. From the site's FAQ page: What is the title that appears beneath my Display Name in posts? It's a system-generated User Title to give ranking to your postcount. You will progress through the various levels according to the cumulative number of posts you have made. What are these titles about? Everyone has a title within the forum. You will notice the title below the Display Name in each post. Some titles are automatically assigned based on the number of posts a user has made, and some titles are assigned by the forum owner to denote official representatives of the company or other VIPs in the forums. 0 stranger 25 n00b 50 journeyman 100 member 200 enthusiast 400 addicted to cc.com 700 old hand 1200 veteran 1600 Pooh-Bah 2500 spray'prentice 5000 sprayer 10000 Spray Master 13000 Elite Sprayforce Team 15000 Sick Spray Bird 50000 Lord of the Sprayers Cheer up! You're only 18 posts away from n00bdom!
  18. It would seem that similar advice has not stopped you in the past. Just sayin'...
  19. Hey peepul, we're only SEVEN posts away from getting off this page (page 10). Can we PLEEEEEEEEEEZE start talking about global warming now??? Where's that beyotch minx when you need her, eh?
  20. Really? How does that work, Gary? I had to bring a $13,000+/- check to closing when I sold my first house. When tax time came around, H&R Block told me "tough titties" on seeing any of that scratch coming back to me. However, if I had made money on the sale, they told me, I would have had to pay CG taxes on that, unless I re-invested it.
  21. Not exactly, we're only reimbursed if its over 100 miles travel, or if we are called to an out of county assist. I knew I could get my stuff replaced if lost/damaged/consumed on a mission, but I didn't know I could get bucks back for gas for driving my POV... Never thought to ask. Probably still won't. And I support NOT charging for rescues. The AAI had a great report up on its site a few years back. The report has since been taken down, but it gave a really compelling argument, and cites some of the same things as the North Shore website ^^ does, for why subjects shouldn't be charged for their rescue.
  22. Hesh, I can put you in touch with Pete Rieke, the inventor and pilot of this thing: He used his snowpod to climb Mt. Hood in '98, Rainier in 2000, and he led Mark Wellman, Muffy Davis, and Keegan Reilly up Shasta in 2001 or 2002. Pete was my former regular climbing partner, before he broke his back in a 1994 100-footer at Index. He also makes and rides road and trail bikes for the paraplegic crowd. His latest gig is designing/building an "all-terrain" (except snow/glaciers) wheelchair. PM me if you're interested in talking with him. And best of luck to you on your road to recovery! And now for a dose of shameless self-promotion... Crank Rainier 2000 summit shot Yours truly on the right, in the Garanimals suit...
  23. sobo


    Just got back to this thread, and I was gonna do the math for Dan. Seems I got beat to it by snoboy. Thanks, SB!
  24. Fuck no, man!!!1 We just hit 10 pages. Now, at last, we can talk about global warming!!!1
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