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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Pushing it over the edge to 6. Still lotsa life, now that the discussion has morphed to marriage and climbing. Although, we beat that horse to death in another thread some time ago...
  2. sobo


    And they also have been known to use the term "safe" for the same thing. I first heard "take" at Smith back in the late 80s/early 90s, and it was from Eurodogs, not us Anglomutts.
  3. Nekid pics? See the current tatoo thread. First post.
  4. I can't help but muse upon what rob said in another thread several weeks ago... "My awesomeness springs from a deep well of humility."
  5. That's the fact, Jack!!!1
  6. sobo

    Glacier Travel

    I do not rope up on a glacier every time. It depends upon many many things. That said, there are some glaciers where I would never step foot upon them without first roping up. Nisqually, Kautz, and the Carbon come to mind. I've seen so many dadburned holes in them fuckerz that I would never chance it with them. I've been up and down the Emmons both roped and unroped. Same with the Wilson. It all just depends. And that's just Rainier for an example. So what I'm saying is your question can't be answered simply. It's like what you said about seatbelts... Do I always wear one? No, not always. When I'm barrelling down the highway at 70 mph, yeah, I'm wearing one. When I'm pulling the rig off the street and parking it in my garage? Nope. It's a matter of common sense. Go figure... Suffice it to say that I do not climb, nor do I live my life, according to a pre-ordained set of rules. Rather, a set of guiding principles provides a much better framework for moving through this existence, IMHO. Principles are never-bending, and you will never go wrong by following what you have set up those principles to represent for you (honor, truth, loyalty, safety, common sense, etc.). Rules, on the other hand, are made to be bent and, if need be, broken. I follow no hard and fast rules, since to me, there is no such thing as a hard and fast rule. So with all that said, let's attempt to address your concerns, applying my outlook of principle-based behaviors... In early season on glaciers known to be crevassed, the slots are covered under a layer of snow. How deep/strong is that snow? Unknown, hence rope up. In late season, when the snow has melted away and crevasses are in evidence all around you, you will (obviously) know where the crevasses are, and as long as you're not doing something that could cause you to end up in one (e.g., glissading with a run-out into a crevasse field), what would be wrong with ascending/descending unroped? Nothing, hence don't rope up. Time of season, known existence of crevasses, snowpack depth/strength, topography, evidence of hidden slots (think changes/indentations in snow cover), etc. Yes, it is overly conservative, because they are preaching a hard and fast rule. See above for that discussion. But they are taking responsibility for teaching you (a n00b) something, so they are going to (obvisouly) err on the side of caution because of your admitted inexperience. It is an exception (and again, the use of that word "rule"). I don't know of anyone who has ever trudged up to Crater Rock with a rope on, or anyone who would. You would never go ripping down something with a rope on, because what would be the point of that exercise? Would that be fun? Would it be safe, lashed up to someone else moving at the speed necessary to have any fun? Clearly, it would not. Also, why schlep a pair of skis/splitboard/snowboard up something that you know in advance you will NOT be able to schuss down because of crevasses? Clearly, they CHOSE the route they are on WITH THE INTENT to ski down it. Obviously, these people know something about any particular route that you do not, and they gained that knowledge through years of practice, study, and just getting out there. They have seen, studied, and played on numerous mountains, hills, glaciers, couloirs and the like to the point of having enough experience to be able to judge the safety of travelling unroped. By your own admission, you are not there yet. But stay with it, get out a lot, and as much as possible with people that already know these things, and you will enjoy the same adventure and experience that the rest of us do.
  7. What is that, Off? The Skullcap-Bandito belay? Lots of bandanas employed there...
  8. sobo

    Reporting Bugs

    When using the Search function, and you get your search results returned, and then you click on one, and then you click on the Back button, instead of being returned to your initial search results, you get a shitty message from your browser that the "Webpage has expired" and then you have to go back to the search page and re-enter all of your search criteria and essentially start all fucking over again. EXTREMELY AGGRAVATING... Page looks like this: Webpage has expired Most likely cause: The local copy of this webpage is out of date, and the website requires that you download it again. What you can try: Click on the Refresh button on the toolbar to reload the page. After refreshing, you might need to navigate to the specific webpage again, or re-enter information. More information If you continue to have this problem, try the following: In Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, and then click the Advanced tab. Scroll down and uncheck the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" option in the Security settings.
  9. why do canadians do it doogie-style? so they can both watch the hockey game, eh? Same joke I was making with the coaster tatoo and NASCAR races above.
  10. That's rich! I guess it's so he knows where to set his beer when he's watching NASCAR races...
  11. I've never understood why a woman would tatoo her ass with a scripture passage. I mean, is that s'posed to be for my reading enjoyment while I'm doing something with her that I probably shouldn't be doing??? Jus' sayin'... What if it's your wife? Just askin...... My wife doesn't have any tatoos. One of many reasons I married her. Just sayin...
  12. I've never understood why a woman would tatoo her ass with a scripture passage. I mean, is that s'posed to be for my reading enjoyment while I'm doing something with her that I probably shouldn't be doing??? Jus' sayin'...
  13. Dammit Keith, it was that MLB that you left next to the jug. That rock homed right in on it. Don't you know that you're only s'posed to use MLBs on the Mountain of Doom?? Yeesh!
  14. Cats are game meat? Didn't know that... Note to self: Open season on pussy!
  15. I don't think so, which is a shame. Pretty cool venue. Since moving to the Oklahoma Dustbowl of Washington four years ago, it's not worth the trip anymore just to go bouldering. Before the move, I went there several times and never saw anyone else.
  16. Well, I have no white spots under my arms like that L00zr does.
  17. might have more luck in the Lost and Found Forum.
  18. I don't need to list the litany of accidents and falls that I've survived, plus of the people that I've caught, and even those that I've carried out to the ambulance, to justify my wearing of a helmet on everything except TRs. I'm from the old skewl that didn't wear helmets 25 years ago. But it took one really fucked up ride down with a column at Vantage to change that outlook. Anyone who's been around this board long enough will know of that scary day at Vantage ~20 years ago, and Dane's big whipper last year. Not wearing a helmet is just plain dumb. There's NO excuse not to, IMHO. ETA: Regarding the emphasized statement above, I went back through some old climbing pics and noticed that I still refused to wear a helmet on multi-pitch routes for several years after that fateful column ride at Frnechman's. Apparently, something else must have ultimately triggered the survival instinct that caused me to don the brain bucket religiously. However, I did notice that every waterfall ice and volcano slog pic had me bedecked in a helmet.
  19. Now that's just too PhöQing funny.
  20. Just get ye to The Caldera. The veil will be removed from thine eyes.
  21. I was mentored by Keith Caradine, so I am wholly superior to you, Grasshopper.
  22. Don't get too complacent, Brian. I'm up and coming...
  23. Very nice documentary. The slideshow froze up on me at 2:22 left to go. Had to scroll through one by one after that. Is it just my computer, or did I not give it enough time to fully load up?
  24. Typically, I just throw it away after I clean up an anchor. Didn't know you were supposed to keep it...
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