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Everything posted by sobo

  1. another Vantage choss pile story... Page 2, 9th post down from the top...
  2. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    I see the same thing. Right below the first post in new threads. I'm using IE7.
  3. Yes, you can. I did it back in December of 2005 when I went there to pick up my daughter. I just couldn't forget you fokkas, even when I was out of the country...
  4. Is claiming the suddenly en vogue again? Have I missed something? Or am I just too old to keep up with this site...?? I mean, the whole Bug offensive post and public apology brouhaha passed me right on by. Just sayin'...
  5. Will someone please link the "offending post" from Spray, so I don't have to wade through all of the chaff? I can hardly picture Kieth saying something so offensive that he feels that he has to leave the site. Please don't go, but let me read the juicy bits, m'kay?
  6. Agreed. I guess what I've been using all these years is the SSS. Never knew that's what it was called, if that's what I'm even doing. In 25+ years of climbing, I've never dropped anyone or had anyone deck while I was belaying them, so I guess I must be doing something right... And before anyone says, "What about Dane?", that one doesn't count, cuz he hadn't placed any pro before he pitched off.
  7. That's a great find, Dane. I've bookmarked it for later viewing when I have more time. Reinhold was my first climbing hero, and I've always admired that guy's drive and determination. Some folks call him an asshole, but you can't argue with his principles and accomplishments.
  8. In SAR and Mountain Rescue, a "hasty" team, "hasty" search, etc. is a small team, sometimes even a single person (as it was in this case), that moves with great dispatch to the injured party/search area, armed with the minimum amount of gear required to pull off the rescue based upon what the Reporting Party (RP) tells the rescuer(s). For someone in a moat, Stefan knew exactly what he would need in this instance to extricate the woman. Many times RPs are not so well-equipped with information, and when the hasty team arrives, it discovers that it is unprepared for what it finds. That's when the reinforcements are instructed (by the hasty team) to bring what will be required. The hasty team then moves into a patient stabilization mode until the larger group arrives to effect the rescue. Nice work, Stefan, and NPS. :tup: This area sounds like Edith Falls, the same place where the young man was killed in an avalanche last year (or 2 years ago??) when he lost it at the top of the falls. Is it the same place?
  9. sobo

    Rules for men

    it depends...it has to be the *right* one...with kids, i can not imagine being single...it definitely is a work in process and very dynamic...and i have a great wife to start with.... That's where I went wrong. Insufficient vetting of the fiance' prior to marriage. That part was my fault.
  10. "undatable trifecta?" Is this 3 married guys? married guys and gals are usually quite datable... Yes, just ask my soon-to-be ex-wife...
  11. And there's not much of them to eat. Takes 3 or 4 to make a meal...
  12. :laf: I just had to laugh at that. That's some funny prose, Pat!
  13. Bonefish. And I prefer dry reds. But you already knew that...
  14. sobo


    Now this is starting to get fun...
  15. Really? I can hardly wait... Technically, I'm not single *yet* in the eyes of the court. What was that old saying? "I'm married, but my wife's not."
  16. I would like to open treaty negotiations. My envoy will meet with your envoy at a neutral location of your choosing.
  17. sobo

    Display Upgrades

    Yes, bring back the blue. My Precioussssss......
  18. GREAT JOB, EVERYONE, for writing in and voicing your opinion on this issue!!!1 :tup:
  19. Hey, Joe, go tell that to CPB/GGK. He's still got wax in his ears on this issue.
  20. I heard that, too, OW. GREAT JOB, EVERYONE, for writing in and voicing your opinion on this issue!!!1 :tup:
  21. My vehicle was broken into and lots of tools stolen one night parked on the street right in front of my house, and I was pleasantly surprised that they were covered, less a $500 deductible. Allstate. As far as carrying all that shit in and out of my house every day, well, I became less lazy afterwards. Ta-daaaaaaaa! See, General CPB? Not so void of turds as you believe you are. Like I've been saying from the beginning people... check your fuq'n individual policies instead of relying upon a bunch of buffoons on teh interwebs. Personal responsibility...
  22. sobo

    North Face

    Shite! Only one playdate?? The Egyptian on February 5. Be there. Aloha...
  23. Vehicle content is never covered under car insurance policy, not when it comes to theft. The only time the content would be covered if it gets destroyed during an accident (like breaking transported goods or fire damage if the vehicle catches on fire after the crash). The only policy that will cover theft is home owner/ renter insurance. Broken widow can be covered under car insurance policy. I found out about it hard way, when my car was broken into in Vancouver near MEC. Begging the General's pardon, Sir, but those are some pretty rigid words, Sir, and you are distinctly full of shit, Sir. I know for a fact that my car insurance policy (State Farm) covers the disappearance of the contents of my vehicle, regardless of how those contents may vanish, and regardless of where those contents would normally reside. Mebbe things are different in Canadia, and mebbe your policy just sucks, and mebbe you should stick to spouting "truisms" about shit you might know just a little bit more about, Sir. Again, Taylor, check both of your policies, just to be sure.
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