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Everything posted by sobo

  1. It's about ***'n time for me to move back into my house, THAT'S WHAT TIME IT IS!!!1 The *****ing, **ing ****h moves her *****y ***t out of my house next Saturday, and I move back in. The divorce is still not final, but I am oh so close to crossing the finish line. I can see the ribbon from here. Sign me... Sobo, soon to be re-bachelored
  2. sobo


    In the rain? At Christmas? On Mt. Hood? What about the sequel?
  3. sobo

    Opposing Gates

    If by "flip 180 degrees" you mean to rotate around the axis parallel to the long sides of the 'biners, assuming that a rope/sling/etc. goes through both 'biners, there's no way that's gonna happen. No, that's not what I mean, and you're correct, that can never happen if the biners have something passing through them. Yes, this is what I mean, and no, you're incorrect. Put the two biners together opposite and opposed, rotate one of them 180 degrees around an axis that is perpendicular to the plane of the biner, and the gates will line up, with both gates having the hinges side by side. Now both gates, if opened, will not trap the rope/sling/etc. All I ask is that you try this yourself. Reversed: Reversed and Opposed:
  4. sobo

    Opposing Gates

    The Munter rappell is easier to remember than a carabiner brake, at least for me. And I use sports tape to turn a non-locker into a "locked" bail biner. Ghetto! Yes, knowing how to tie, and when to use, a Muenter hitch, as well as "ghetto workarounds" for locking biners, are all equally valuable snippets of knowledge to add to the toolbox.
  5. sobo

    Opposing Gates

    It's all about knowing what you can do with what you have. Improvisation is the key when equipment is running low. You should probably also practice how to make a carabiner brake rappel package. You could drop your ATC someday... Nice to have these little snippets of knowledge in your toolbox when the shit hits the fan.
  6. sobo

    Opposing Gates

    I was going to say this very same thing, then I got to the bottom of the thread and found RBP's post. RBP is exactly correct. The gates MUST BE MADE to form an "x" when opened. That will NOT HAPPEN if you arrange the gates as opposite and opposed. They will form a "slash" across the biners when opened (try it). While that may look fine to you, turn one of the biners around 180 degrees and now what do you see? Both gates are aligned and adjacent, and all that needs to happen now is for the rope to fall out. Precisely NOT what you were trying to achieve with "opposite and opposed", no? Put the gates opposite and NOT opposed (have the hinges at the same end of the package). This will give you the "x" that you're looking for, and will still give you that "x" even if one of the biners spins around (gates would now no longer be opposite, but you will still make the "x"). Just check to be sure they make an "x" and you'll be fine. If it hasn't become obvious by now why you want the gates to make an "x", it's because that "x" will "trap" the rope within the biners if the gate(s) open, no matter what the orientation of the biners. Or you could just buck up and buy some lockers...
  7. Wow, those are all proud ascents. And the PNW appears to be very well represented...
  8. Now that has to be a record for coming out of the woodwork around here... Registered for nigh on 9 years and this is his first post. Uncommon patience...
  9. Oh, man! I just checked out the sample pages on the link LG provided! This new guide is smokin'!!!1 I'm gonna have to order one immediately and own my fourth VK guide to 11worth.
  10. sobo


    This can be taken at least a couple of different ways...
  11. Damn straight! At just shy of 50 years of age, she is still out there ripping it up. I get so sick to my stomach every time I watch her climb something. It makes me realize just how much of a big pussy I am at 50.
  12. Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip That started from this tropic port Aboard this tiny ship. The Mate was a mighty sailing man, The Skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day For a three hour tour... a three hour tour. The weather started getting rough, The tiny ship was tossed, If not for the courage of the fearless crew The Minnow would be lost... the Minnow would be lost. The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle With Gilligan The Skipper too, The millionaire and his wife, The movie star The Professor and Mary Ann, Here on Gilligans Isle. So this is the tale of the castways, They're here for a long, long time, They'll have to make the best of things, It's an uphill climb. The First Mate and the Skipper too, Will do their very best, To make the others comfortable, In their tropic island nest. No phone, no lights, no motor cars, Not a single luxury, Like Robinson Crusoe, As primitive as can be. So join us here each week my friends, You're sure to get a smile, From seven stranded castways, Here on Gilligan's Isle. How's that for getting a shitty song stuck in your head? I know I'm going to humming it for the rest of the night, now...
  13. Every time I see or hear the phrase "fish tacos", my mind leaps to only one thing... Damn good thing there's several locations to serve me...
  14. Neither do I. On the drive to and fro, though, it's generally Pink Floyd, Led Zep, and Big Country. The Big Country stuff is an homage to my first climbing partner/mentor, Frank Gibson, as it was our favorite band back in the early 80s, when I first learned to climb. Those of you that have been on this board for a while know the story of Frank's premature passing. RIP, my good friend Frank. This one's for you.
  15. These aren't the droids you're looking for. These aren't the droids we're looking for. He can go about his business. You can go about your business. Move along... Move along! Move along!
  16. This confounds me: Did she willingly go down on the guy, or is he just really really really tall???
  17. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    Fuq, at least ya got a GF. She should be givin' ya a hummer... yeah we were talkin bout that - i have to watch sex and the city with her if i want it Small price to pay. Very small price to pay... Turn on the tube, dude...
  18. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    good stuff! Time to crack another one...
  19. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    broken back and girlfriend refuses to get on top... i feel for ya, though Fuq, at least ya got a GF. She should be givin' ya a hummer...
  20. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    Moose Drool... :brew:
  21. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    well, you're posting too, huh? I'm in the endgame of my divorce. What's your excuse?
  22. sobo

    Bacon and eggs

    See what I mean? You didn't even read it!!!1
  23. sobo

    Bacon and eggs

    Meh, perhaps not quite enough. It's very high-brow reading, ya know...
  24. sobo

    what a bunch of pussies

    Sounds like someone's not feeling the love tonight...
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