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Everything posted by erik

  1. YAWN! bone that is some serious spray right there! dude i think you got my keybored all wet! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 06-01-2001).]
  2. bro, i think that the methadone clinic is on 6th and stewart. you might want to stop by. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-31-2001).]
  3. so as i sit here and waste my work day away and am reading the pointless banter that we all enjot so much. i started to miss our fury friend from the north. did the finally catch him for that sino-canadian dna testing project? will we ever know!? or is that bastard enjoying the sun while we all suffer in the poisenous/choking atmosphere of work? oh well, at least i can see mt. rainier from my desk! DRUL!!!!!!!! hahahahaah
  4. http://www.nps.gov/morningreport/msg00868.html
  5. erik

    We're So Sorry!

    here is a good exercise that us sprayers can use to become the best we can be. step 1. open mouth step 2. insert foot step 3. repeat as necessary
  6. i didn't know it was a race?!
  7. erik


    just talking to one of my computerless(smart) friends. b/c skiing in the goat rocks rocks. have fun with the adventure!
  8. bone, why you so cranky this morning? did pusher not send you the new s7 dyno pants in on-site pink with lacy frillies? i know your pain. my girlfriend's order is back-ordered as well. oh the drama.
  9. erik

    We're So Sorry!

    i-am-a-bone fell free to send me cash in the amount of $10.00 to join to cascade boner climbing club. you will be the only official member and can do as you please. as far as your concerns go for the climbing. it is soley up to you. i don't care how you climb your projects. but they are worthy ones, as i have spent many hours flaling on them, to acheive that oh so important clean ascent. and there is nothing wrong to listening to bob marley any time. sounds as if you have an acceptance problem. or are just that rarified supe dude who transends all that is good, just without knowing. jah oh yeah good luck on your projects as well. remember your #3 stopper and purple tcu respectivly. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-30-2001).]
  11. i think it should read tenzig norgay then ole hillary. i'll drink to the hero and the white dude as well.
  12. erik


  13. bone. don't forget that the 3-1 does not include any blondes, only pulling by yourself.
  14. i-am-a-bone and xam, the only thing small about me is the respect that i have for the both of you. U R right though, rubber is only an excuse, just like the one about your dad beating me over the fence to hit your mom up. howllllllllllllllllllllll! if it smells good eat it!
  15. erik


    he's canadian- you gotta give him a break! eh! they want so bad to be part of the u.s. that they try too hard sometimes. right drul!
  16. dude, boreal rubber sucks ass. good for sharp limstone, crappy for everything else. kick down a c4 resole and then we'll talk. wait i don't know where your feet have been. but i will take 20 lbs of webbing. enjoy your life before i take control!
  17. i would agree with fred's statment, that all gear will work. but the celebration of false idols is pretty annoying. becky's achievments are great, but it does not change the way or what i climb and that goes for any person out there. i just want to enjoy myself and try to concentrate on what or how someone did something does not matter. i climb with good ethics and that is all that matters to me. everyone has an opinion and is free to share it, but lets get of the hype train! i would recommed a grivel air race and i am a fat boy, too. i just don't plan on boot/axe belaying my pickup, so the overkill on stength and weight shuold be the important decision. buy what you like!
  18. http://www.petzl.com/FRENG/tech/techframe.html
  19. scott i hope you have cleared your sale of public property with the deofrest service. i know that you will only sell to a qualified buyer. but my borther does own a quarry bussiness and i think he would really be interested in purchasing public land for pennies on the dollar, especially land that has little to no human contact. less emotions involved.
  20. to put it to rest, yes i did submit i letter to the editor or r&i. if they published it, whatever! i have not seen or heard about it. lambone- what types of rescue technique will you be teaching? i was also wondering if you are an instructor? cause if so i have a question for you. it is good to see that someone is teaching self-reliance in the mountains, cause if we can take care of ourselves the 'MAN' will have no cause too. part of being in the mountain is taking responsilbility for ones own actions, and when the epic strikes it seems no days more then ever we are relying on outside sources to save our asses.
  21. erik

    fend for yourself

    never mind! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-23-2001).]
  22. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/ubb/Forum23/HTML/000029.html yawn! once again we cannot read! eh zeno!?
  23. erik


    the commercialization of climbing is like anything else growing and tainted. i do not know how one could not see this coming. we live in a capitalistic society and greed is what makes the country grow and function. if we do not have greed we do not have america. so deal with it. though i doubt it could be chaulked under greed. if you called the commercialization greed then i am going to call driving greedy as well. remember when cars were xtreme and new? well shit now most people have two of them. with more horse power then 1st 10 combind. though what is really greedy is the idea that we can keep the wilderness to oursleves there are so many poeple in the world and they all what a piece of the good life. so unless you are imparting good faith and the love of all humnakind then you are greedy. greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedYOUANDME! greedgreedgreedgree greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed greedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreedgreed [This message has been edited by cascadeclimbers (edited 06-20-2001).]
  24. erik

    spray police

    really people! how weak can you be as a human being if you are letting practically anonomyuos postings wreck or even affect your day. there are so many others things to get bent out of shape over. one happens to be democrats, but that is another worthless topic in general. about once a month some yahoo gets on his/hers moral high horse to tell everyone that we need to stop being obnoxious! well girlz this is america and we are all obnoxious. i really doubt anyone that posts spray or puts up a jab towards someone else really gives a shit what anyone thinks or cares. valuable information is traded here, some might think like a rare comoditiy. i bet you all watch tv, you wanna talk about worthless shit. it only takes 3% of your brain to watch tv, and about 16% to make some worthless smart ass comment, so unless you don't watch tv you are just as bad as the next dude, who wants everyone to be friends and only converese in harmonious glee? that would be called assimalation! so watch your tv and watch boscowitz beat some filthy crook up or those 70's kids smoke their doobie, and quite fucking whining. p.s. if you feel like whining after reading this i think costco has tampons on sale.
  25. dru i didn'y know you knew how to clean jugs!? if you want practice i think cpt. caveman has a book you can use. cpt cavman says there are plnety of diagram and color photos work with!
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