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Everything posted by erik

  1. a consideration of the wild country line, the stem length. if have been climbing long you probably notice how many wc cams are fixed. these cams might have a "patented" cam angle offering unparalled strength, but if this bad boy walks even a bit you are screwed! granted you should probably place the cam tight, to alleve this issue. but in a non-perfect world we can't always do it. plus aleins just for some reason seem for superior. later zeno. p.s. no shit talkin here ole boy!
  2. max no i am not. i am mostly everywhere but no where. i sleep in lakewood and tacoma, receive mail in e-burg, sacramento, tacoma and lakewood. truthfully i really dont like the ham. most of the people i encounter there seem to be on some idealistic trustafarian trip that does not include the reality that most of us have to exist in. plus it is always overcast. though one of my best friends does live there so you can catch me there sometimes. peace out dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? fish the whole range has quite a few gems in it. have fun finding them! by the way why do ask.
  3. fish stick i am giving you approval to hike the snow free road all the way to the base of the ridge. the becky appraoch beta is solid, but do bring you mtn bikes to add that outa control feeling on the ride back down to the car.
  4. went out yesterday after work with my very dear friend. our objective was to have some fun while climbing some trees in the park. i will have to say that i love to climb trees and have many years of experience in the art. i have been climbing trees much longer then rock, probably twice as long. headed over to ft. steilacoom park to climb some of the classics. upon leaving the parking lot i made a the decision that we should head over to the 3 hemlocks located closle to the lake. i have been up these guys several time and thought this would be a good first for trish. nice big limbs with some spectacular stances. i gave the tricia the option to lead up first, though she relinquished to me, citing nervousness and inexperience. i gladly took the chance to show off and scampered up the tree in good form. about 60ft off the deck i called up to her to follow me. with a little difficulty she made the first moves with nervous anticipation, shaky at first but with an underlying hint of excitiment. as she reached my perch, the clouds broke and we caught a glimpse of the olympics. really it can't get much better than that. girls, trees and mountains! after a nice little session high above all, we made the downclimb safe and quick. upon reaching the gorund i was recieved with a cheerful glee and a hug. "i have never been so scared and excited at the same time!" (it's working!) after the first success i was addicted to bring her more fun. and her excitment only pushed me to find a big and better tree. after some simless wondering we came upon a big douglas fir with a nice lumbar stance about 50ft up. without hesitation trish fired right up to the stance bypassing some of the stronger limbs to make her advancement up more graceful and direct. a natural! since the doug fir was tucked away in the forest the views were less then stellar, but anytime you can observe nature while being part of it, it is wonderful. the downclimb of this guy seemed to go a little slower, she forgot her sequences. upon reaching the ground, the excitment was building for the big one. i had the right tree in mind. another spectacular douglas fir squirreled away in the forest. we made the quick approach through a poor example of native underbrush and signs of past logging. to come to the center piece of fort steilacoom. a large healthy 2nd growth doug fir. this tree presents some challenges as the first solid limbs start about 15ft up. the crux is climbing some deep hangin limbs. chimmany skills are a must. after the intial inspection trish backed out, citing that this was her first day. being the compasionate person i am(if we are climbing there is no backing down! bros!) i accepted her thoughts. so off to jaunt through the woods. after a nice little trapse with a few side trips into the underbrush we found ourselves nearing the truck. with an urgancy of a short lived excitment i picked out a medium sized cottonwood. an easy but nice little tree. upon reaching the crowning limbs, the poor tre started to talk under our weight. reverse mantel, reverse mantel and we were back on the ground. tricia's excitment over the day really brought me happiness. i would have to say that these ast few weeks climbing with people who are less experienced has only made me want to climb more. wether it be trees or rocks. the simplicity of movement with out limitations is truly what we are about. the lack of ego or attitiude towards anyhting has reminded me why i climb. bolts no bolts runout or sewn up it is all still climbing and we all share the same passion for it. some people express their feelings in different ways, but are all people. exceptance of the enviroment and all that exist in it, will be the key to enjoying our existance within it. love thy earth and covet all that belongs to it. jah [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-19-2001).]
  5. crack diva plz email me, asap! and no dru not you! [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-17-2001).]
  6. dru, thought you lived in a socalist country! why are you even working in the first place? as far as dogs at the crags go, if they are hot and can swap leads, then let them be there. otherwise no candaian would even be allowed to bring their old ladies into the u.s. i saw that you posted something about being searched at the border everytime. my recommendation would to quit rubbing hot dogs all over your mid-section, then maybe those border dogs might not sniff so hard! as far as sisters go i have one for sale. cheap! and no ray you cannot buy here. she wants to be married off to a man. $3.00 and a neutrino biner is all i ask!
  7. erik

    Big Lou

    i always knew you catholics were nasty. chaulk up one more for rastafarism. big lou, little lou, yew! peace
  8. it is a demo fee project. you not buying one of those passes is your no vote for the demo fee project. go tell them to f$%k themselves. well you probably shouldn't do that, but the deforrest service is not up front or truthful about the whole situation. if you challenge that you should win. you already own the land. it is called double jepoardy, last time i remember we hucked a bunch of dru's relatives tea into the sea for that bullshit. there are many links and conversations about this subject on the site do some searching. power to the people!
  9. hmm, sounds like mt hood and mt st helens have switched locations. i remember side routes on hood being sandy headwall, leuthold and yocum ridge. maybe things have changed since i was last up there. but do bring skis and becareful of the glaciers. low snow fall!
  10. erik


    party on garth!
  11. and i like it!
  12. yeah i heard that you were an offwidth specalist! i've never really liked pulling myself into the those dark, smelly, slimey canadain chimmenys. who knows what canadian hard man gto the 1st ascent. let alone if he even used any style to mount the project! thank allah for big bro's for the canuck hoe's. and by the way my sister is the crack ho! i personally like fishing! if it smells good eat it! gas worx district seems to have the dirtest!?
  13. i still waiting for the u.s. to set up an socialized system of prostution, much like in the one in vancouver! dru, i heard that your family has a monoply on it. maybe you can come down here and spread your wealth of knowledge on the ins and outs of the s.t.d.s. lick..lick..lick it only takes three licks to get the center of canadain! god save dru the queen!
  14. erik


    cool dru, let me know how much i owe you for a ticket. might as weel see him at all the pnw shows. a trifecta. plz allow me a kitty of two blondes a burnette and bottle of ole' gran dad. plz none of your sistas' glad my girlfriend doesn't have a computer! way to
  15. erik


    you guys also should check out 3 skinney j's and us-3 for some hip hop by some phatty white boys. adian, i think no one mentioned led zep cause it is kinda understood that they rock!
  16. ZENO, the only thing that i offended by is the attpempted theft from major ski corp. and your mom! you probably should have gotten alpine skis and mounted your 3pins on that. b/c skis are for lightwieght girls. put some power behind those turns! take it easY!?
  17. fixed lines baby! fixed lines! that is where that gravel parking lot rope comes in. dru, how did your project come? did she slap you again or did yout get to first base!
  18. i would recommend not sawing off the flap on the grigri. if you put a piece of tie off through it when you close it will work as good. plus when you saw off the flap it changes the grigri forever. more likely to get that burr chewing rope. but the grigri is the most cost effective/easy way to solo. but the as w said, the most important thing is to rememeber to back tie all soloist devices.
  19. erik


    This post is a follow up and addition to MR. Good Time's posts of more to life then climbing. So since we all have to drive so many hours to reach those fabled crags and mountain ranges that we all desire so much. We have lots of idle time. So what music does everyone like around here? I enjoy most: Bob Marley-duh Ben Harper Neil Young Pink Floyd Modest Mouse Nine Inch Nails Dave Siemans & Gov't Mule to name a few. p.s. Ben Harper will be in seattle on 5/24 ans spokane 5/21 and van b.c. a day in between.
  20. tim, save me a couple blondes drivin range rovers i 'll be up for ski season! with the home brew!
  21. was up on the n twin on sunday. road is closed at the river. bring mtn bikes. you will have to descend the route as right now the n slope is LOADED! the route is about 50% snow 50% rock. an nice mix from the usually. quite enjoyable. a perfect girlfriend route (or daughter)!
  22. who was dishonest? it even sounds like that the people who bootyed old boys rope were not even dishonest!? apprently someone cannot read context very well?! thats okay, cause i cannot do calculus very well either!? once again people from seattle have an unneccessary attitude!
  23. trust me bro, i am from tacoma. if i want your gear i will take it from your house while you are out at the symphony.
  24. aidian, i have seen simolar things like this on other websites. you might try seaching www.google.com good luck! tacoma helping tacoma
  25. w- you gotta remember caveman is stupid! with a forehead like that, there is no possible way for him to make an intelligent comment. me on the other hand, i make no excuses. i just truly enjoy the havoc! and there is nothing personal on the internet, so don't take it that way. [This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-08-2001).]
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