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Everything posted by erik

  1. erik

    get on the list

  2. erik

    Madam Opal

    you have a failed marriage yet you are qualified to dish out advice on others? doesnt jive to me!!!
  3. erik

    Madam Opal

    no offense, but i personally would not like to have my doctor be a failure in medicine and then continue to dish out advice..... and since all happen stances between people are random and situationally based, i do not see how this mumbo jumpo craps works unless one buys into it....... either way have fun!
  4. michelle i do remember you walking around with the bottle of amaretto just take pulls off of it for quite some time!
  5. erock that is the beauty of not putting all of ones chickens in the same basket. i can do both and be content.
  6. that comment does not quite make sense sure they ski around thanksgiving, but that is also an option here. also to note when we are skiing in july, the entire state of utah is almost too hot to do anything. so i still think washington is the better state.
  7. that's odd, I've never heard you complain before shit bag i was out at index. you had no chance. quit dodging the fact that you are a weakass fat old man!
  8. i knew he was full of shit. he prolly out fucking some poor intoxicated barn animal.
  9. yeah thats why i didnt buy one.... i figure the old one will work well enough for me. i wonder if he wil warranty books that have fallen apart? i know some other guide book authors do.
  10. the only thing that bums me out about the new book is the potential durability of the book. it appears to be glued just as the last one...so it will be ruined in a short time.
  11. where were ya old buddy? didnt see you out at index?
  12. erik

    the snow is sticking!

    Shut up Erik. you don't even know.
  13. erik

    President Dean?

    it's actually a crime that he is not our current president.
  15. erik


    sounds good dag...but we got homies rollin in from accorss state and they are always late!!! so we might see ya!!! and plus i like to get there early!! take that message to heart!!! scuzzy!
  16. i got that book as a present a few years back...and i have enver been able to finnish it...i dunno why.... and now that i think about it..i think someone has borrowed it!!!! if you have my mt analouge book give it back!!!
  17. erik


    sounds good dag...but we got homies rollin in from accorss state and they are always late!!! so we might see ya!!! and plus i like to get there early!!
  18. erik


    thats my excuse!!! 9am rumr!!!!
  19. you know it dude!! we will be there both days!
  20. i dont have any cool personal stories.. but my friends micah and lars were doin someting really fast and twice in a row micah dropped offset aliens and lars caught both of them...... they swapped leading blocks right there as it was obvious who was on their shit and who wasn't.
  21. it just makes me smile to read it!
  22. layton hands down write the best trip reports. keep up with the nyquil baby!
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