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Everything posted by erik

  1. erik

    31 dead this week!

    remove the professional aspect out of it....enforce term limits and reduce the ability to "contribute" and we have a good start.
  2. This is some dam good advice. i second the motion
  3. erik

    31 dead this week!

    the demos dont need to put up a better canidate..the repubs just need to stop being the whores they are... i dont see how mccain(a liberal repub) didnt get the vote?? oh wait he isnt a corporate whore like bushco. he atleast has had experience in reality. whereas bushco excells at pocket pool and cash hording!
  4. erik

    31 dead this week!

    i did! but i only got two votes...myself and micro.... maybe next year??
  5. erik

    31 dead this week!

    i'd suck your dick trask, but i cant seem to find the wee winkie.. you are a moron who voted for a moron.....apprently you couldnt see this fuckstick attemptint to ruin the world? just look at his bushco staff...that alone pretty much sums up the plan.
  6. you know the thing that gets me is when there is wide spread damage to forrest service lands all the dead fall is left to waste, they could use that to sell at campsites(that are not ran by the asshole old people organization of haters) to help defer maintence costs. but what do i know? and i like in the article is states that the roads are of the utmost important to repair......dumb!
  7. erik

    31 dead this week!

    go bush go! how many more american's can the dumb texan with an ego bigger then his own state kill? bushco should go over there and handle the mess personally. he still doesnt seem to understand what it is all about. everyone who voted for this dumb fuck why dont you pat yourself on the back!
  8. click on "here" thats the link
  9. the sign of an excellent alpinist is to be the one to start the stove and make coffee. plus it gives you more leverage on the super shitty days....
  10. pete you know where we will be......if you get the chance come on out! erik
  11. erik


    yeah it means taco, but it's spelt with a 'p' instead.
  12. erik


  14. drul is going mtn photographing this weekend, while backing with climbing gear i thought?
  15. sez vantage is gonna be in the 40's and sunny. so that makes it feel like 50 degrees. thats your best best.
  16. if you said this earlier: then big 4 aint gonna do it for you.
  17. erik

    Spray Sucks

    heh. your right trask, that does bug me. it actually currently drives all emotional outbreaks on my part, when i think of reality i just lash out with whatever suits me best! thanks for the healing friend!
  18. erik

    Spray Sucks

    nope i beg to differ... hard to guestimate but i would say there is a percentage of actual worthy contributions, what that percentage is hard to say....but you my friend consistantly post inane shit!!! Pot calling the kettle black... never said i wasn't guilty. again whats your point?
  19. erik

    Spray Sucks

    nope i beg to differ... hard to guestimate but i would say there is a percentage of actual worthy contributions, what that percentage is hard to say....but you my friend consistantly post inane shit!!! all hail trask the king of spray!
  20. also more maps!! the one for the lennox mtn area is a good start. maps are way better then descriptions.
  21. erik

    Spray Sucks

    well you are the king of spray, so what does say about and the way you rule your kingdom?
  22. that thing looks desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. sandstone is next......... the rest is all just um rock.
  24. only make sense kid! economically and socially! smith is cool, but granite is and always will be better!
  25. actually two dogs makes more sense then one. they are pack animals and very social. they can in theory keep each other occupied. and chihuahuas are crazy little dogs, an old housemate had one.
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