It depends on where you are. If you're in Yosemite or other popular places then you need a shit tube, but if you're in the back of beyond just don't shit on the route.
I've hiked there a long time ago. It's a pretty place. I remember lots of trams, nice mountains, but I don't remember climbing.
You should PM Glassgowkiss
Exactly. I'm sure a lot of you lazy shiftless people don't care, but some of us hard workers gotta send in a big check to the man, and we don't want to do that till the last minute.
Downtown Downtown Downtown
I find it very interesting that MtnGoat portrays himself as such a reasoning sceptic when it comes to global warming yet he jumps on the, "we found chemical weapons," bandwagon at the very first report of a possible find.
Cars are built with a lot of plastic and plastic burns. If a hydrogen powered car were to catch fire, I wouldn't want to stand around to see what happens.
Actually some folks have done tests on this subject. They compared a ruptured hydogen tank to a gas fire. The hydogen tank sent off a vertical jet of fire destroying the trunk of the car whereas the gas fire burned the whole car.
Hydrogen dissipates very rapidly cause it's a very light gas. Like Ian said the Hindenburg had little to do with hydrogen.