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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Nothing will ever really be solved until the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen are investigating
  2. Chuck was a great guy! He and I climbed Burgundy Spire and Rebel Yell on Chiante. That was a great weekend trip.
  3. I heard they were expecting 4-inches at Stevens pass this weekend, but that's on top of zero. Crystal mountain will have a couple easy/moderate runs open
  4. According to NOAA Snoqualmie pass is forecast to receive snow by the weekend. Maybe not a ton of snow right away, but...
  5. Skiing the north side could be good. We climbed that side long before skiing stuff like that was hip. If you hit conditions right it could be good, but I remember wading through bowling ball sized chunks of hardened snow.
  6. Unfortunately I see lots of rain in the forecast, even up near Mt Larrabee.
  7. These days the most common route is via the White Chuck Basin. It's a long truck but not bad. Scrambling with snow and an ice ax are nice until you get below the Cool Glacier. From below the glacier until the summit snow/glacier condition are present You'll have to make a judgement on what you're comfortable with. It's fairly standard glacier climbing but weather and conditions can change or move in.
  8. In the 90s I had some silvretta bindings that could connect to climbing boots. Not sure what the modern equivalent would be https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images1/1/0212/12/silvretta-404-ski-bindings-barely_1_69d42fdb12694bff63f74097a4342fa8.jpg I took them as far as the football field on Denali and skied slopes above when we were hanging out at the camp. Taking a setup that far was worth it.
  9. Post a TR if you go. The closest I've been is Mount Cain http://www.mountcain.com/ and Shames Mountain http://www.mymountaincoop.ca/mountain/about-shames-mountain Those places were/are awesome
  10. Great pictures! Sir Donald is a great climb. Skiing in that cirque is great in the winter/spring too.
  11. Secret spot on the river http://ropewiki.com/File:Breitenbush_River_(South_Fork_North_Fork)-20160708213931_pic.jpg
  12. Fear not. the Nodder is near.
  13. Is Mrs. Alden OK?
  14. We climbed the N ridge then did one or two raps on the west ridge. From there we scrambled down the remaining portion.
  15. Can you believe it!
  16. Back in the dark ages (1980s) we bivied at the north ridge notch then climbed up and over the next day. It's a cool climb!
  17. I've attempted to pick needles and other debris off my skins. While it seems to work for sometime, I recently put my skins on plywood and under tension and proceeded to scrape the skins bare. Afterwards new skin glue was applied. The process seemed to do the trick. I used glue from a tube, but G3 sells a glue renew product. https://youtu.be/NGY1KCUC1fI
  18. Apparently NWAC and the TAY website either don't welcome or downgrade your opinions and or observations. NWAC is a joint effort between the USFS Avalanche Center and the non profit NWAC. While anyone can submit observations, NWAC forecasters get to make the call on the amount of information publicly provided. Sometimes that means making a judgement on when there is sufficient or too much information. If you feel they are ignoring vital information you can keep plugging or file a complaint. NWAC is a member of the American Avalanche Association and the National Avalanche Center. Those are the organizations you can contact. In addition NWAC files all governing documents and tax returns. These are available for public review. TAY is a private website. Public/member input is encouraged, but if enough site users dislike how you express yourself online, the site owner or moderators can ban or block you. The only alternative left is starting your own blog or going to a similar website and expressing your views there. Cascade Climbers is a good way to meet and talk to others who may have similar interests. On the other hand it isn't the best place if your primary interest is expressing complaints about other websites or organizations. You can post trip reports and add condition observations here...
  19. I remember trying out a snowboard in the mid 80s. The ski area where I went didn't care. It did take a little time to self teach yourself. Snowboards are cool just not my preferred technique. If you want to be really cutting edge there are always Snowfeet https://youtu.be/-o3vZcLvZiE
  20. We dug a pit on south facing slopes and didn't see anything of concern. The first person in the couloir held a rope where the slope becomes concvex but didn't trigger anything after a couple jumps. There were some minor sluffs, but skiing was great.
  21. Trip: Mount Snoqualmie - Slot Couloir Trip Date: 03/03/2018 Trip Report: Nice powder day Gear Notes: Skis Approach Notes: Skied in the trees back to Alpental. Fun at first but got a bit mushy lower down
  22. Soloing can be anything that involves fear of falling and dying (Mt Si, Das Tooth). Free soloing usually means climbing something that is commonly considered worthy of a fifth class rating. For some people free soloing might be a long 5.4 climb, but others may require a higher rating
  23. AlpineK


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