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Everything posted by jon

  1. The last four years I declined getting vaccinated despite significant pressure from the organization to get it; they can't legally force you to do it as far as I'm aware. They wanted us to do it because they have to reach a certain percentage (90%) of vaccinations to get a grant from the State. I didn't get it not because I'm anti-vaccine, but because I feel a health person doesn't develop proper lasting immunity, which increases herd immunity, without getting properly infected.
  2. The last time I checked nobody makes you take any of the drugs that "big pharma" produces.
  3. It's currently an unpublished finding.
  4. Ron who? Not cause cancer, but cause the viruses to lytically replicate.
  5. Because it could cause the activation of oncogenic viruses that in most cases are undetectable.
  6. Better yet: TRUMP-PALIN 2016 MEATLOAF-LOHAN 2016
  7. A pretty good deal on a year subsciption to Alpinist
  8. jon

    Lame Duck Obama

    You mean like this???
  9. jon


    I think the reality here is that we are going to have to ditch the other themes and support only one. Maybe with the new software we will have a light and a dark theme to choose from, but having more then two really creates a headache. Quite honestly I forget there are other theme
  10. jon


    Ok we'll look into.
  11. jon


    We tried to use a picture of you at Smiffy having a belay smoke but Marlboro wouldn't agree to the licensing terms.
  12. jon


    Is this an actual complaint? I'm looking right now on Win7/IE and the line height seems ok.
  13. jon

    CC.com Turns 12

    I'd like to tell you guys a bit about the new site design and what changes you can anticipate in the next couple months. I met my goal of having this done within a month of the birthday date. For several years we've been wanting to redesign the site as it was obviously in a poor state of affairs. Not only did it look like crap, functionally the content section of the site created a lot of unneeded resistance in getting articles published. Each time we'd talk about it, make some mockups, talk about it some more, get frustrated, and then find something else to put our limited time into. The limiting factor besides time was that I wasn't a web designer, so we were never going to get the design we really wanted. About a year ago it became clear to me the only way this was going to get done was to hire a designer. So I put out a craigslist ad, got a couple good responses, and probably several thousand from India. I found someone who I thought was going to be a good fit, only to be told as I was ready to start he couldn't do it. So I follow up with another person, send him specs, and then he flakes out. After several months the first designer gets back and says he has time, makes some mockups that I wasn't very wild about, then drops off the face of the earth. Now I'm really irritated. This was so important to us I decided to pay $75 to put an ad on Smashing Mag, a leading design and developer website, in hopes of connecting with a great, motivated designer. I got a lot of great responses and eventually got hooked up with Lisa from Toronto. I gave Lisa some ideas of what we wanted, made it clear that we were designing for our users and that advertising space would be put in afterwards. Her first mockups were incredible, much better then the previous designer, and I knew this was going to workout. She was prompt and a great communicator and we look forward to continue working with her. If you are looking for a web designer I highly recommend her. Let's talk about the design a bit. On the content part of the site the design is responsive; instead of having separate designs or scripts for each device it responds to your screen width. Right now this is only on the front content part of the site, but our goal is to have the whole site working in this manner over time. Now you might be thinking the front of the site looks great, but the forum and gallery look like you put the top and bottom on and that's it. Well that is basically what we did. As I indicated above we are moving to a new forum and gallery software, and I didn't want to invest time and money into something that is about to change. This design change is going to be a work in progress and we will be iterating on it over the next few months (years really) as we get some user and testing feedback. If there is a problem or something you don't like about it please give us a shout. We will likely be spending some time polishing the forum design just a bit to match the changes. Next up is the forum and gallery. I'm hoping I can have this done by the end of the Nov or Dec, but it's a complex project.
  14. jon


    I heard a rumor the upgrade fairy might be visiting tonight.
  15. Thanks for the Alt-J rec. Gary Clark jr has been a good find.
  16. jon

    Debunk this.

    I'm with Pete. Nessy was flying the holographic plane into the towers full of nucular explosives. It's the only explanation.
  17. jon

    No power

    Holographic planes crashing into towers spreading holographic debris that ends up in holographic investigation hangers!
  18. jon

    It's Gonna Be BIG!!!

    Bill, I'm sorry I'm too enthralled with Jessica Simpson's dad cheating on his wife with a dude to respond at the moment.
  19. Thanks everyone, better safe then sorry
  20. jon


    This is extremely environmentally toxic. But I suppose Ron Paul DOES want to abolish environmental regulations, so.... And Obama has kept Gitmo open so I guess its all relevant. Kev, you know what they did before Gitmo, right?
  21. jon

    It's Gonna Be BIG!!!

    Why is that illegal, Bill?
  22. jon

    last nights debate

    You are almost on point. There are two problems. 1) Education is getting too expensive for the returns, and 2) Institutions are willing to give near worthless educations, both in degrees and substance. We graduate high school students who are either already pretty capable and might benefit from two years of intensive professional study or are completely incapable and in need of serious vocational training that begins in high school. Ivan, I understand your point, but our system is doing a complete disservice to young people. A year ago there was an article in the NYT about education debts talking about a girl who went to NYU with a degree in Womens Studies and is in 200k in debt and making $15/hour as a photography assistance. Now, I'm not saying that there shouldn't be womens studies or any similar types of degree, but don't you think there should be a come to jesus talk when someone decides to do something like this "these are your professional options which are very limited with this degree and you need to be aware of this before embarking on this". Instead it's "fuck yeah we got another one to fund our department and research." Mitt's answer to education expenses is for kids to go into the military if they can't afford it. How pragmatic.
  23. Hey, if we owe you a t-shirt we will get them out soon. If you haven't claimed your prizes from a previous contest please message me this week or we will give them to someone else. If you chose gear as a prize we will have it out soon.
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