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Everything posted by Alisse

  1. Looks like weather will be good enough to ride! @kmfoerster ride bikes with me? 😁
  2. I don't want to do any group rides, but I would love to ride these routes!
  3. It was fun watching some of the race video! Thanks for posting. May I? I'd really like to do this ride/HAB/ride next year, if any of y'all are interested: https://bellinghamgrindcorps.com/rambod/ I would ride my lighter road bike with 32mm tires for it, not the bike pictured above.
  4. Did those axes come out, @JasonG?
  5. Please add your pow pics!
  6. This week, the gods smile upon us. Let us continue to appease the gods!
  7. Sweet, a solid 26-mile round trip bike ride! I hope it isn't raining. Rad, I also vote for the Roanoke Tavern, next time!
  8. I just didn't want to install the app 🙃 We'll see about pub club...thanks for the special invite 🥰 (even if it is basically 100% because of my gender) 😝
  9. I'm on my phone (Android). When I use Google Lens on this code, it prompts me to install the PayPal app. Weird. Not sure if this is true for all mobile users, but the DONATE button is at the very bottom of the general forum list page and at the bottom of each individual forum. Long live CC and all the beta contained herein! Thank you Oly!
  10. So glad I got around to looking at your pics here @JasonG! I think one of my favorites is the close-up of the larch branch with some red blueberries/? out of focus in the background. Stunning colors! S face of the Mole has been on my list, too. Let's do it 😎
  11. A moose! The aspens! What a great trip. I really enjoyed the SE Buttress on Cathedral when I was there a few years ago and I was lucky enough to have a partner that could carry me up the headwall 10a finger crack (super fun). I'm happy you got to have so many good adventures in the mountains this summer 😊
  12. https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/local/article266805861.html What a great piece of news! @JasonG it's only taken a few years, but.. yay!
  13. Looks amazing!! Funny, I just stumbled across Luke's report the other day and had it on my list to look into further...
  14. That first non-map photo 😍
  15. I know some long-distance hikers take a no-cook strategy that includes some hours of cold soaking their food. If this one says like 10 minutes with boiling/near-boiling water, then maybe it would work with like...6 hours of cold soak? I'm sure there is someone here who knows the answer. Glad you got out to the mountains even without a companion
  16. Fantastic photos! Love the snow bridge one the hawk one, the rock one, the glacier one...
  17. Oh, that would be a way better excuse. I snaffled myself 🙂 I think my mistake was not adding more sealant before leaving home when there were small signs that I should have. And then not carrying, as an individual, a full kit to install a tube as backup. Won't forget these lessons!
  18. 😱😱😱😱 Wow!! Incredible! Lucky you to get to see one! I'm kind of terrified of grizzlies so I hope these are the only kinds of (rare) reports we'll get out of the North Cascades... And the church group with the smorgasbord at the trailhead -- also incredible. I'd be an easy convert in this context, I think.
  19. This was a lot of fun to read. Thank you and congrats on the route!
  20. Great trip report! And fantastic photos -- especially the one that Jason commented on above. I bet Joe and Rob are hooked on climbing for life now I climbed that route in early August in 2019 and Winnie's Slide was noticeably less fat than in your photos. On our way out we came across an accident -- a young girl had fallen down the chimneys and had to be helicoptered off the mountain. Luckily we found out later she was generally OK. It sounds like the time you took with all the rappels and everything was wise. Stoked for you!
  21. Jon! May I rudely interject some other perspectives in (slightly hijack) your TR? We saw your name in the summit registers just a few days after you signed them. It sounds like you had an awesome adventure!! We did too, and although our adventure visited the same summits, we took some slightly different approaches.....(I debated posting this but some people convinced me.) Thanks, @JasonG for the inspiring original BB TR! - Kat, Micah, and I biked from Dingford Creek TH to Dutch Miller Gap TH on Saturday at a humane hour: - We thoroughly approved of the Dutch Miller Gap trail. We camped at Lake Ivanhoe and did a good amount of hangin' at The Cove. I did not catch any fish but it's OK: - In the morning, we took the trail down and then tromped around and had some B1- open forest schwack for a bit, crossed Shovel Creek, then started up...I agree: the mega slabs were awesome!! So fun! That foot-then-handrail crack you describe/have a photo of was definitely memorable. I feel like none of these photos really do this route justice: - We scrambled the first bit of the summit tower, pitched out the chimney, then scrambled up to the summit of BB: - I agree the summit views were not the most amazing, Hinman and Daniel south sides in late summer... oof, so dry! Hinman cradling Lake Rowena and tiny part of Rebecca: Slightly more solid views: - We descended the SW face route. Happily, my partners nailed the complex descent while I attempted to keep up. Shout out to @Hoo for great chossy gully and cliff navigation. No one knocked rocks on each other and no one slipped on exposed 4th class. Hurray! We rapped the summit block (3x) and then down lower did two raps off cedars. Kat led, quite vocally, this memorable one: - The next morning we walked down the trail, stepped into the "timber" and did some B1+/B2- schwacking, then took a high traverse over to the notch and then up to Summit Chief. Summit Chief Lake basin was spectacular! - Glaciers around Chimney Rock from the summit: - The Cove delivered yet again that afternoon with blueberries and swimming and eating some of our last foods (so hungry): The ride out was awesome on my 2.25" tires until I learned some important life lessons about tubeless tires, sealant, and friends carrying the tire levers. (/snaffled) I felt lucky to have this adventure with Kat and Micah. Two very skilled, ridiculously fast climbers. Great people even if they do Strava...
  22. Woah, what a way to start the morning! Great photos, as usual. Love a good ridge run and some easy rock, will have to add this to my list
  23. Ahhh, thanks! Of course. That makes sense.
  24. A noble endeavor! Joshua, how do you process the rope to create the belt? I'm thinking to myself: I don't want a belt that's round, 9.8mm thick... But it looks like maybe you cut them lengthwise or ?
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