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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    I have reason to believe, that as we speak, the political right is promoting a plan to reduce Medicare spending and reform Social Security. I personally believe this to be very real.
  2. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    I think what we have here is a genuine government conspiracy!
  3. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    Where ever did you uncover this groundbreaking news!?
  4. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    That's really insulting to Bigfoot to say they've got Kevbone DNA.
  5. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    Kevbone causes autism!
  6. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    The government says Squatch is fictional. I'd be suspicious.
  7. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    I'll prove it by cutting-and-pasting an article I read on the internet that says Squatch exists.
  8. Pete_H

    Climate Change

    Sasquatch can control the weather and shape shift. Coincidence? Maybe.
  9. Pete_H


  10. Pete_H


    The President probably has daily secret meetings to discuss national policy. Tvash is so right that you conspiracy nutjobs really have no clue how government actually functions. Or, obviously, anything about the Constitution.
  11. Pete_H


    I caught that Scott. Funny how Buckaroo thought it was a great website though.
  12. Pete_H


    If you are half way educated you don't need a source. These are all historical events that were conspiracies. Just because some of them weren't known as conspiracy theories by outsiders before they were exposed doesn't mean that people in the government were not lying to us and participating in a conspiracy. Also the Gulf of Tonkin incident establishes that the government will lie to the public to foment war. Which is exactly what 911 was. Look, you are correct in that I wouldn't expect someone making a persuasive argument to cite a source for something like the Gulf of Tonkin Affair, since (as you note) it is a commonly known historical event. However, when the author then makes statements that world policy is managed by a select group of elite individuals controlling banks and all resources, I would expect the author to, maybe, back up the claim with a source or two. Many of these conspiracy ring leaders use a persuasive tactic I tend to see a lot in extreme political ideologs. They assert a well-established fact, something that people can buy into, like Gulf of Tonkin, Iran-Contra, etc. Then try to pull people a long into fringe theories and outrageous assertions. Not really a whole lot different than Rush and the like.
  13. Pete_H


    Interesting. Where's your source for this information other than some internet article?
  14. Pete_H


    Right. Its just a list of factual historical events, like the attempted Hitler assassination and Iran - Contra mixed in with your standard New World Order and Illuminati conspiracy bullshit. With, of course, no actual references to any source. Maybe you should take some of your self-righteous skepticism and turn it on this internet garbage that you blindly accept as reality.
  15. Get the one that looks the coolest. Definitly. A lot of people tie their chalk bags on with some cord or webbing so that they have extra tat in a pinch.
  16. Pete_H


    Are you referring to me? Yeah...I ate too many drugs in the 70's when I was 5 years old....... thats funny. See. You thought you were 5, but you were just really high.
  17. Pete_H

    Runnin' Kills You

    Last months Outside mag had an article about this. The next article was about how exercising outdoors, like trail running, is super good for your mental and physical well being.
  18. And you can save the rest in the glass jug with a handle till later.
  19. Pete_H


    And most of us aren't a burn out butt-rocker from Portland who ate too many drugs in the '70's, who develops his world paradigm from whacked-out internet conspiracy websites. Go Ron Paul!
  20. Pete_H


    No, some of us have educations and/or practical experience in the field of policy / government.
  21. Pete_H


  22. Pete_H


    So we're all in accord that you're a dumbass.
  23. Go out and tour indeed. I don't think you need to stick to the resorts, but might not be the time for an ambitious multi-day above treeline trip. From Everett I'd check out b/c options near Baker, Stevens, or Snocrummie.
  24. Pete_H


    Come on you don't expect Kevbone to read every word in his cut-and-paste job
  25. Forecast is calling for significant snow through the weekend. Probably not the best time to be above treeline unless the predicted weather doesn't materialize.
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