No offense to dogs, how could one not admire them?
Some of them climb mountains, like this OlegV's dog Charlie - who runs up his "dedicated" route on Hoodie in under 3 hrs. Thank gawd there are no leash/being "roped up" laws here, so he proudly soloes it.
Charlie has completed Dog Headwall Direct (also known as Pearly Gates) and is approaching Hood summit in June 2008:
But in 3 hrs? That's right, its much better than for some Homo Sapiens. Like myself, for example, who needs to train hard to beat the 3 hrs Charlie's fastest time.
Or my Dog friend Cody I am so affectionate about:
Cody breaks trail, carries your stuff and leads sick ice!
And more importantly, he gets up early, never whines and is always motivated! What can be better than that?