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Everything posted by YocumRidge

  1. Yep, Steopich, to the dogs ! I wish I had that much energy as the Beagel after 5300' hiking.
  2. Wow. What a story. Ignorance is a bliss but at what cost... Glad the dog made it out in the end, albeit so painfully.
  3. No offense to dogs, how could one not admire them? Some of them climb mountains, like this OlegV's dog Charlie - who runs up his "dedicated" route on Hoodie in under 3 hrs. Thank gawd there are no leash/being "roped up" laws here, so he proudly soloes it. Charlie has completed Dog Headwall Direct (also known as Pearly Gates) and is approaching Hood summit in June 2008: But in 3 hrs? That's right, its much better than for some Homo Sapiens. Like myself, for example, who needs to train hard to beat the 3 hrs Charlie's fastest time. Or my Dog friend Cody I am so affectionate about: Cody breaks trail, carries your stuff and leads sick ice! And more importantly, he gets up early, never whines and is always motivated! What can be better than that?
  4. Avy debris across the Icefields parkway 10 km north of Rampart 03/27/12: Carlsberg and Massy's 03/29/12: Dane on Carlsberg:
  5. I was wondering if you were gonna pick up on this thread... Yes, Dan and Dane are so cute together
  6. Yeah. OlegV is in the climbing retirement since. And no more "victims" for the Eliot HW are to be found...
  7. OlegV, what a good friend he is, came up with the coolest way ever to celebrate my b-day last year: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1002652/Re_TR_Mt_Hood_North_Side_1_22_#Post1002652
  8. Great show guys! Already looking forward to the part II. That couloir looked amazing !
  9. What Dan said. This is how convoluted it was for us last August. We ended up finishing it up via the NE Rib/Hanging gl.:
  10. Looks awesome, guys!
  11. Thanks for the new "used" Nomics, Einar. Love them, and the Cascade picks they came with. 4200' of ice climbed and one tool got stuck once! Dane is a witness. But with Cobras... 2-3 times per pitch.
  12. Yeah, these ravens are stubborn like that. Nice shot though. Sorry to hear about your injury. Heal up quickly. We were there 19th through the 25th. BTW, nice work on Rundle. What line did you climb?
  13. A little fogged up by the elevated testosterone production, Dane?
  14. Dan, I was mostly puzzled with their peculiar diet choice, a nicotine?
  15. Where did you guys end up going on Sat? We were wondering what happened since we did not see you on the upper weeping wall. It was a little chilly (-18oC) in Rampart that night.
  16. Raf, that was one of the Dane's simul climbing "shortcuts"
  17. Yes, Wayne, I very well remember your polite sigh when I informed you that I am going to climb this one with Aztarexes :
  18. Props to Raf (Rafal A) for the pro quality pics and good times: Raf's photo rig: Side notes: Canadian ravens at the Weeping wall are weird. Not only they know how to unzip the Cilogear packs, they find and feed on cigarettes carried inside them.
  19. Not only Dane is getting "out and about" but he was smoking my ass while climbing and on the approaches. Ha, and here I thought I was not in the terribly sucky shape after all . "I am only 1/3 of a man now that can walk for 1/2 mile"! After 4 months of excruciating chemo with still lingering side effects and 50 lbs lighter, here is the trimmed Dane Burns on Professors last week: Soloing Cascade falls while I was pathetically lagging behind the boys: Dane on the Weeping Wall: The best chunk of ice I ever climbed:
  20. As I told you, S, my marketing skills are significantly improving, so...
  21. Oh Gawd, no - I would not trust either!
  22. Thanks Dane :kisss: How have you been? Ahh, and those wolves...Now I really really need a couple of your guns for a peace of mind.
  23. I doubt it. The fluorescent rat must have got it.
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