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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. If buying beer and wandering around an airport makes you stoked, I, again, suggest a climbing trip to Thailand. The airport convenience stores sell beer every hour, every day (except for Buddhist holidays), and the scenery is much better than North Dakota. The climbing's better too. And the plane tickets don't cost much more and the the season is a couple months away.
  3. This is unrelated to the climbing advice but I'd check out the CHF/USD exchange rate. It's currently CHF 0.78 = $1 and might stay higher which will make the already very expensive Switzerland uber expensive.
  4. You still look sexy Off White
  5. Yeah, likewise: what kind of man wants a girl who uses pre-placed protection? ew diaphragms are better than a condom
  6. there's only one? fine, you triple posted
  7. Hugh Conway

    Double Dip

    More than a handful is wasted... only if you've got less than a handful down below when it comes to a tittyjob
  8. This is obviously an improvement.
  9. Hugh Conway

    Double Dip

    Going from As to Ds is almost always an upgrade in the girlfriend department
  10. Hugh Conway

    Double Dip

    That's unpossible!
  11. You find good beer to drink - I forgot to mention Beer Revolution in Oakland an A+ beer guzzling destination.
  12. Is that the new Cierzo 18 or the older one? (which had shoulder straps that were poorly cut and chaffed ime)
  13. FIXED:-) Everytime I see you post I think long Alcoa.
  14. I would guess they are talking about the Cierzo 25 or possibly 35 which have loops and at least one had a crampon/helmet dongle. The Cierzo 18 is a tourist pack and it sucks at that job. But not in the good Thai bargirl or slutty Scandi-trash suck way.
  15. What was a hobbit morphed into a horrid creature who's lust for power killed him. sounds like a teatard
  16. I figured it was the mariners beating the Yankees that toppled him.
  17. he get a hamburger stuck in his throat again?
  18. Do you have a Kea at home?
  19. gargle butt gravy asseyes
  20. No alien conspiracy?
  21. Hey the Rosenbergs were guilty and McCarthy justified by Venona in JayB land which with a whole bunch of other asterisks might produce a hundred years of liberal democracy.
  22. Yeah, the whole conservi-troll thing was really played out 5 years ago. Now it's pathetic.
  23. english teachers working for a pittance are now engineers? If you haven't paid attention China's been externalizing threats (evil Americans/Europeans/colonialists) and pacifying the population with massive economic growth. That's quite often been a precursor to war. Why you refuse to make a connection between "external war" and "interesting domesticly" is fucking hilarious given your support for Iraq and Afghanistan - useless wars to shore up less interesting domestic situations Course that wouldn't fit the "everythings fine" narrative
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