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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. wookie? shouldn't you be in Eugene or Bellingham?
  2. did they nuke all the "mixed use" yuppie veal pens or something?
  3. Almost certainly. The question is usually who.
  4. ahhhh Australia. their anti-intellectualism makes ours look provincial. maybe just mention how it killed off the Abos?
  5. the problem, like anything in Nepal, would likely be transportation. Traffic sucks in KTM, and getting out of the city much less into the hills can take a while. Awesome country though, I'm jealous. Have wanted to go back, and out into the wilds of West Nepal
  6. I dunno 2g1c was like a PatPong ouerdoeuvre to lure you in
  7. It's funny to laugh at the real estate prices in Revelstoke as you pass through, yes
  8. Back in Revelstoke: http://www.revelstoke-realty.com/buy/405-r-4537 I can't wait to watch the canadian market crater
  9. Damn looks awesome, always wanted to climb in Rio. Doesn't look like there were many other climbers?
  10. Who the fuck do you think gave us the crack, err cash?
  11. Nice TR Wayne, it rocked. Pisser about the gear
  12. Hugh Conway

    The 9%

    Herpes is more popular than Boehner
  13. if you are willing to forgo the miraculous-reverse camber-OMG how did anyone ski powder without some tip camber OMG it's the greatest thing EVAH there's some good deals on "fat" boards in the ~105mm range out there. stiff skis are like single malt scotch. an acquired taste for many
  14. "sick pow turns, brah"
  15. sounds like solid work in some fantastic mountains. A tr anywhere?
  16. It's true. They invented the used schoolgirl panty vending machine before gunpowder
  17. you'd suspect the hotness of the cc.com hotties from the screen name alone?
  18. I'm a 25 year old female, blonde, big tits with an ass like french vanilla ice cream.
  19. With current votes only for the GOP S&P and George W Bush which is Ass to Mouth? I didn't see a PP option
  20. I've already forgotten what Bush used as an excuse. Anyone remember? Not enough tax cuts.
  21. nah, I'm not on chat roulette anymore
  22. STFU. You have no idea what you are talking about. The French think they are dirty, illiterate, hillbillies. Too be fair Parisians think everyone not from Paris is a dirty illiterate hillbilly. And French mountains towns are like every other mountain in the world where someone who moved there 2 months ago is convinced everyone else is inferior and they've mastered all of its secrets.
  23. This sounds like the usual artificial "real climber" vs "Rei shopper" distinction that "real climbers" babble about on bulletainboards to feel better about themselves. Climbing (whatever climbing is these days - do the lulemon tight bodies at the rock gym count?) isn't as bad as snowboarding or skiing, but plenty of irrational brand loyalty or hatred (cue some BD venom) i'm not sure where the patagonia comment comes from these days. all the cool kids have moved on to Norrona or something cooler.
  24. USA is still #1 here too boyz. That's right, I said it. Read it and weep gentlemen, we rule. Many dislike our politics and what it does to them but often Americans are said to be easy going, unpretentious, congenial, .. so my guess is that it's more of a mixed bag of emotions. i'd chalk it more to working americans don't travel much and when they do state at insular mid-range hellholes so few know or care. the little study abroad shits have a bad rep particularly in Italy. Israeli's aren't well loved either.
  25. Hey Canada make with the 21st century! From my travels the french are generally insular and thats the major compliant about them. The women are hot, flexible, and put out. It's the loud drunk Brits (110% of them), the obnoxious Germans(err, all of them), and the rich Russians "spek Roooshian", and the Han Chinese who think they are "fah superior" that people really hate these days. From Quebecois the French and the Swiss don't think they are part of the same culture; some Quebecois (like these who'd moved to Switzerland) don't think of themselves as Canadian (and really, if you had money, would you want to be Canadian? It's pay for not gay)
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