Have you tried Cloudveil or OR pants? Historically both had long legs relative to waist (and relative to the catalog sizing) otherwise Dryskin Extreme.
I find her advocacy of the death penalty for tax cheats refreshing, the idea of asset seizure for anyone posessing over $100k in assets tempting, and the forcible redistribution of mcmansions pandering of the best sort.
Are you challenging me and kevbone for biggest dumbass on cascadeclimbers? Or are you trying to tell the fool he's a fool?
On second thought neither of us own a "never used" down suit with a smiley face on the poop chute.
hows it going kettle?
You can either look at this as free thread-bumping publicity to boost eyeballs of an item that's not really in big demand here or you can be another bitter tool like me. Your choice douchebag.
The lesson I'm learning is never, ever, fly from or to Seatac. Of the 6 RTs I've had in 6 months 10/11 flights have been delayed, 6 of them for more the 3 hrs.