Get a fucking clue. It's not only the law, ITS COMMON SENSE! If you are riding in the night or twilight in Seattle, in the rain, have lights. And reflectors. - they found me (past 3)
It works if you have specific, unique, searchable attributes in your resume. The search conversion ratio (they made contact) was ~5%. The conversion ratio on applied for positions was <1%
hmmmm....sounds like most men. pretty much fits
The spray should’ve been all over the place on this one, but I guess a lot of the guys were looking at Schweddy balls.
42 below vodka actually.
Because the loonie is now on par with the dollar they are worth the same
If you can now buy more in the US because of a favorable exchange rate the converse - that Americans can buy less in Canada also holds true. I'm still trying to figure out your statement about how the dollar can decline vs. the loonie, the loonie can decline vs. the euro, and the dollar can decline vs. the euro without leaving some massive currency play for people to profit on.
ya, stop picking on me. btw rumr: I'm wearing the negligee you gave me
If you go in our fall/winter flights will be cheaper. November/December to Argentina/Chile could get you some nice trekking as well as some climbing. Alternatively May/June to Peru or Ecuador (again mountain walking, some climbing)
I'm surprised some Hollywood pinko hasn't taken up the Bre-X tale and used it as some anti-capitalism cynical story - rampant corruption, fraud, murder, and it all ends with....
... one of the big players in shorts, sandals and shirt sitting on the beach enjoying his money
A company devoted to turning skiing into a homogenized sport for simpletons who will spend more money in the alpine themed shopping mall cum base village and then retire to the new condos made on a carefully bulldozed and filled wetland?
The Netherlands, Northern Germany, Denmark, the Baltics, rock meccas, all.
Our summer wouldn't be horrible to go to Australia, bit too hot in their summer for rock. Other than rock though its a bit cultureless (suburbs with an accent - woohoo!).