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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. I'm looking forward to retirement community sex
  2. says the most boring poster on cc.com e^ pi * i = -1
  3. bitch, drive on down to Starbucks and pick me up a Quad-Venti no foam, mmmk?
  4. given the choice between yuppie hell ballard or 10x the number of Monroe/Puyallup/Auburn strip mall hells, condos win everytime. Every fly into LAX? those 150miles of suburbs are because they chose low density. Its even more soulless - the build a whole mall for the starbucks. Your only other choice is not to grow.
  5. get back to hitting on your XXXL american coworkers
  6. Gröstl >> Rösti
  7. Auslander
  8. Hugh Conway

    HI HO

    you should have hung out with me at Stone Gardens. I had a surfeit of Patagonia steeze powering me up V0-
  9. Ich bin Tiroler! Fuck Langjager. Go Speck or go home. http://www.handltyrol.at/ I can't find speck or schweinbraten in Seattle
  10. I've heard conflicting stores about Woolites' suitability. Technogeeks care to weigh in? My spray was better.
  11. There are various home health treatment options available - like most things covered by medicare, medicare won't cover the real costs of treatment. The entire industry is massively and convolutedly regulated and there are increasing numbers of players in the business who's primary goal is not providing elder care (I can think of one nursing home company where the primary goal of the CEO is to sell of the real estate, milk the company of cash, then dump the business - perhaps a textbook case of the human impacts of "greed") A useful and interesting timeline: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/nursinghomes/timeline.html
  12. CBC needs to learn to count.
  13. I've never worked at a company with an official policy, but I've never seen anyone with visible tattoos either......
  14. thats the whole appeal, IMHO. they are barbaric logos, full stop almost got one in Indonesia but realized that was just asking for it....
  15. sorry, I fell asleep. lemme guess your tattoo - a rapier?
  16. I also question the efficiency of increasing funding but it's worthwhile to point out that doubling the budget for all of the avalanche centers in the US would cost a couple million bucks a year.
  17. By posting your interesting opinions on an internet bulletainboard?
  18. fucking bitch stopped taking credit cards
  19. he's also a kegeler sickie sickie
  20. People are looking at this years WA state fatalities. 3 snowshoers, 1 hiker, 2 snowmobilers, 3 BC Snowboarders. Based on preliminary reports I wouldn't consider any of them "highly experienced at avalanche terrain travel" This particular distribution may be an anomaly, but looking at the user groups with increasing fatalities (snowmobilers, snowboarders) the base question of "how to reach the people who aren't BC skiers and climbers" is still valid - if your goal is to reduce avalanche deaths.
  21. You can rent boots, crampons and an ice axe from REI; what's the difference? In the mind of the user boots & crampons & ice axe are "extreme" while snowshoes are benign. As sobo said, and I've tried to say, I'm not sure how to convince people that what they don't know they don't know can kill them.
  22. Avalanches are probablistics; ergo the only means to remain safe is to never be in the realm of probability. In short, to never enter avalanche terrain. I'd also go with the "snowshoe mindset" I've met a number of snowshoers who are young, fit and driven, but completely clueless about mountain terrain. Unlike skiing which requires time to learn snowshoes have a learning curve of about 5 minutes, give or take.
  23. What the fuck are you going to learn in unarguably safe terrain? How to meadow skip? Some people learn better on their own. Somepeople like listening to lectures. Multiple styles of learning. Frankly in a "standard" PNW winter there isn't much to learn from the snowpack - there's hardly any weak layers. Go to CO, UT or somewhere with an "interesting" snowpack.
  24. try here http://forums.mammothmountain.com/forum/index.cfm?forumid=1
  25. Hows it going kettle? For someone who's confidant with "avy hazard assessment" your lack of understanding of path dynamics is rather telling. If it pissed you off why didn't you talk to them instead of whining like a little bitch on the interweb?
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