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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. You can make your own Nasa Parawings for ~$50 or so a piece, depending on. Add another ~$100 for lines and control bars.
  2. Decent guidebook on ski stuff: http://alpinetouring.com/KulluValley.htm I was last through 9/09, looked to be one place in town that had a couple pairs of older vintage touring skis, but I wouldn't really depend on anything. Actually, I'd think you insane going there to do anything outside and depending on local gear. Gorgeous area, Manali itself is a bit overrun with Israeli backpackers and Indian tourists, places off to the side are more peaceful. If you've got some spare time, check out the Roerich museum: http://www.roerichtrust.org/ one of the best mountain painters ever. Not sure if the Highway to Leh will be open when you are there, fun stuff off of it I guess Manali is the Gulmarg for people too cool to go to Gulmarg?
  3. oh, it's another PP 5-year plan
  4. The Republicans are currently proposing eating children
  5. you'll need a solid boot too and I doubt you'll find the TR10's to your liking
  6. unions are double-plus ungood I believe Jay has previously posted links showing incontrovertible proof that the head of the AFL-CIO is a recently thawed Joseph Stalin.
  7. you never stop with fetishizing useless metrics, do you? The best part though is the selective sourcing for data on your little red book (seriously, does anyone actually read the WSJ anymore? it's shit, even for financial reporting)
  8. a shocking conclusion from an org devoted to privatizing every aspect of government concievable and with a bonafide koch-sucker on its board Heh.
  9. The lens ring on the S90/S95 makes using the camera much easier with gloves - set it for zoom. It's also smaller and more packable than the G's (I owned a G9, went to the S90 which am happy with)
  10. Uh,non-union shops do the same kind of overtime spiking.There's also bonus spiking and all other kinds of nefarious means.... which happens with any system, people game it. Sounds like some Soviet rant against the ways of man really
  11. The S90 & S95 are nice, small, pocketable and easy to use P & S that take good pictures.
  12. Odd that Jay_B can't come up with a Democratic moneybags pulling the strings. Wonder why that is?
  13. I got 20% leaving the government sphere and that was choosing equity over cash. Could have easily been 30-40% < shrug >
  14. I definitely echo crackers and maxs comments that doing it yourself is much more work and expense than buying new, and ime it takes regular sewing to maintain the capability to produce high quality results. To save on seamstressing I suggest buying a bunch of good material and taking it with you to Thailand. Have them make stuff up for you The other, possibly bigger problem, is sourcing materials - retail supplies of high end fabrics are crappy and getting crappier. Not sure what you are looking to do for boat canvas - I recently finished making a sail for my small boat which, while fun, and cheaper than buying a new one required alot of time and space (even a small sail needs a big room). If you are interested in sail cloth the like a decent source of info, machines, and fabric is Sail Rite http://www.sailrite.com/
  15. Like what? let's talk about no-bid contracts, let's talk about financial bailout and subsequent 20% of the money going to bonuses of CEO's, who ruined these companies in the first place. your head is so deep up your own ass discussing anything in rational manner is a complete waste of my time. now fuck off *ping!* and find your own soap box frigging douche nozzle. Finding oneself on the wrong end of a Crazy Polish Bob diatribe is a rare privilege afforded only to a select few, but I'll confess that I'm disappointed for a few reasons. The first is that it took so long, unless I'm forgetting a previous honor. The second is that the insults were so tediously conventional compared to his normal output, the third is that it was so brief, and the fourth is that it was hampered by an uncharacteristically close adherence to the standard rules of grammar and syntax. I remember the CPB of yore, an idiosyncratic lexical anarcho-fiend who single-handedly shut-down the Rock and Ice message board while posting as "agentorange." The output was all lower case, there often was nary a punctuation mark to be found in the entire entry, there were entire paragraphs without a single space between letters, and if you studied the text closely enough you could decipher insults so baroque, abstract, and depraved that they'd never even been conceived of by another mind since the beginning of time, let alone converted into a human language and transposed into letters. Bob, my friend, I'm so disappointed with "douche nozzle" and whatever proceeded it that I almost expect an apology in the form of a diatribe that does justice to the true magnitude of your talents. Nice diversion Jay! Now back to Republican corruption.
  16. Bring America back to the 3rd world!
  17. i thought it was to make meteorologists look good? The blonde on TV right now looks better than any economist I've ever met
  18. yup, your colors shine through. nothing so bad partisan hackery can't shine through That's why I'm happy that I can rely on you for dispassionate analysis devoid of any ideological distortions. that's what we have economists for /sarcasm
  19. yup, your colors shine through. nothing so bad partisan hackery can't shine through
  20. Prostitutions tough now, isn't it?
  21. Your response to an 8% pay cut would be "cum on face"?
  22. Huh, Jay_B isn't concerned about selling assets on the cheap to friends. We do, indeed, know who stands for what.
  23. Hugh Conway


    try to get a license in August when the brats are out of school and looking to get their learners.
  24. damn you are so baller you should take your electric wheel chair down to Value Village and treat yourself to a new pair of underwear!
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