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Everything posted by jclark

  1. I may have missed something here. I have never been, so where is the same place as last year? I have looked forward to it since reading the posts from last year...thanks in advance.
  2. Ok, I need a responsible partner for skiing. I can only do weekends and I have a 4x4 truck. I have a level 1 avy cert and I am fit. I would like to try and get out most weekends this spring and I am willing to do most of the driving. located on the eastside... Who's in?
  3. very nice...so jealous right now. What is the process for using that hut? Thanks.
  4. They are already out. I was with alpine sleeper.
  5. jclark

    Bozeman info

    I am considering making a move to Bozeman...everyones opinions of the town? Good? bad? I am interested in hearing as many points of view as possible...what's the vibe, are the people cool, job market....etc. Thanks.
  6. jclark

    Housing Bubble?

    go to www.seattlebubble.com all the info you would want on the local housing market. And it is not writtten by realtors.
  7. The zone...that's all you need. Rob miller and mark Twight swear by it along with every other serious crossfitter. get you hands on CFTJ #21...
  8. Dynafit vertical Ft's with Atomic RT 86 ski's...sublime
  9. My wife and I are looking to go on a two night camping trip this weekend. She will be snowshoeing and I will be touring. Looking for an easy moderate distance with open views in the alpine lakes area. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  10. If it hurts worse when climbing stairs or uphill and you can't remember any trauma that would cause it, look into orthopedics.about.com/cs/patelladisorders/a/chondromalacia.htm Very common in active folks like us. I had it and it was painful. I had disproportionately developed leg muscles from years of cycling and running lifting weight the wrong way...long story short my quads were much stronger than my hamstrings and the imbalance caused the condition. I recommend 4-6 months of crossfit and some ibuprofen.
  11. :lmao: :lmao:
  12. I just got mine...thanks for the heads up by the way Hugh! The color actually isn't all that bad. Kind of a grey green. Not the best, but for $100 bucks, I can't complain.
  13. Atomic RT86's 2007 model rocks!
  14. Here is an example where torture backfired. Nothing is absolute. This is what happens when the interrogators go too far. http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/11/cia-rendition-t.html
  15. By RICHARD ESPOSITO & BRIAN ROSS Dec. 10, 2007 Font Size E-mail Print Share A leader of the CIA team that captured and interrogated the first major al Qaeda figure, Abu Zubaydah, says subjecting him to waterboarding was torture but necessary. In the first public comment by any CIA officer involved in handling high-value al Qaeda targets, John Kiriakou, now retired, said the technique broke Zubaydah in less than 35 seconds. "The next day, he told his interrogator that Allah had visited him in his cell during the night and told him to cooperate," said Kiriakou in an interview to be broadcast tonight on ABC News' "World News With Charles Gibson" and "Nightline." "From that day on, he answered every question," Kiriakou said. "The threat information he provided disrupted a number of attacks, maybe dozens of attacks." Kiriakou says he did not know that the interrogation of Zubaydah was being secretly recorded by the CIA and had no idea the tapes had been destroyed.
  16. to TVASH...F*#! off. That is all the response your dumbass deserves. You talk so much shit on this site and almost immediately after you enter a conversation it goes down hill. What do you do for a living since you seem to have so much real world knowledge of warfare and interrogation. Have you ever interrogated anyone? Have you ever interrogated anyone who just killed someone you were very close to? How about have you ever interrogated anyone who just killed on of your friends without laying a hand on them? I have. I didn't torture anyone. I have been a part of many interrogations. I never saw any torture. You probably don't want to hear any of that since you are so smart and experienced.
  17. No, the whole chain of command there was responsible. The commanding General was actually relieved I think. Should have been thrown in jail with the rest of the morons. Asolutely the largest defeat we have faced in regards to the war on terror. That particular National Guard unit was the most poorly run, unproffessinal conglomeration of train wrecks ever. I am sure there were good individuals in the unit, but on the whole they were an embarrasment to the uniform. I have dealt with the ramifications of they're acts personally overseas.
  18. MattP: I totally agree with you. And I am not defending oversight issues with the President. He is another discussion altogether and we would probably be more in agreement than not on that subject. Yes waterboarding and sleep deprivation were used to get the info in the UK plot. I actually agree they need to disclose some of the successes that we have had. Everything is so classified right now to protect the boys over there and to not tip off the enemy. If all the successes we have had were public knowledge it would be so good for the country. People like you who are actually open to debate and are actually open to changing your opinions based on facts would really feel better about our country.
  19. Nice catch...correction deprivation: deprivation n 1: a state of extreme poverty [syn: privation, want] 2: the disadvantage that results from losing something; "his loss of credibility led to his resignation" or "losing him is no great deprivation" [syn: loss] 3: act of depriving [syn: privation]
  20. MATTP: Yes in fact we have foiled many plots in the last 6 years. Yes many of them were foiled due to interrogation of detainees. I cannot elaborate on things still classified, but how about the plot in the UK to fly fully loaded airplanes headed for the good ole USA over here and blow them up with liquid HE? I bring that one up because it is common knowledge in the media. That began with the interrogation of detainees in AFG. It was also very close to coming to fruition. Other techniques can produce good results such as fear of permanent isolation from family, the "we know all" approach and so forth. Believe me contrary to what the liberal media might have you believe, the patriots out there keeping us safe are not monsters and they don't enjoy hurting people. They exhaust all other means before going there. Those inbred National Guard morons at Abu Gharaib hurt the US more than any other act since the war began. I am not in anyway defending those idiots. I am defending the professionals that this thread was initiated about.
  21. Quote from MATTP Apart from the questions of morality or whether you want our guys to face the same kind of interrogation techniques, has anyone here seen where there is a convincing case being made that torture can be expected to extract good intelligence? I haven't heard even the war hawks argue that it is "necessary" or a "good idea" so much as to argue that we have to be unconstrained in our war against terror because the bad guys want to kill us. As someone with over 2.5 yrs of deployed experience in the current conflict at the special operations level I can tell you a couple of things. 1. waterboarding and making someone very uncomfortable through sleep depravation, subjection to uncomfortable temps (mid 50's) and constant pressure have astounding results. The idea that we will get the same information from asking nicely is absurd. These people that are having said procedures done to them hate us and sometimes don't even break after all that. 2. I can also tell you many future plots have been discovered and averted due to the intelligence gained by these techniques. Does that make the techniques savory or good table conversation? No it doesn't. Does it make it a very necessary tool to be able to use if you have to? Yes. Do we use it indiscriminately? No we don't. It is only used when it is known the indiviadual has very important information that is specific in nature. 3. These practices are already having diminishing returns due to the fact that it is widely published. The combatants now know that it may be uncomfortable, but we will not hurt them or leave any marks. Yes they read the news as well.
  22. You guys are right. We should just ask the islamo-fascists pretty please and they will spill their guts. It would be nice to be as blissfully ignorant as you guys. Unfortunately the world is a dangerous place with dangerous people who need to be dealt with. I think if you look at it closely, the fact that Democrats and Republicans were working together on the issue lends some validity to the techniques. Maybe just maybe they have more information than you people on the situation. Probably not though CC.com sprayers are the most informed least biased bunch I have ever met. And by the way, I actually have real experience with this subject and the war, I am not basing my opinion on Tv or internet articles.
  23. check pm's
  24. Hey Mountainstyle, I have been checking out Dodge sprintewrs for just that purpose. Do you have an pics of how you have it rigged up inside? Anything fancy or just a mattress? Thanks in advance
  25. Check PM's
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