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Everything posted by pink_chalk

  1. How sad... I find the sound of gear clinging to be a melodic turn on! Whoops, did I say that!!
  2. Kev.... YOU CHANGED YOUR AVATAR!* almost didnt reconize you I will be there but cant stay long... flying under the radar as well...*maybe*... Give Mags and Miles kisses for me. whats up for New Years? Ping me.
  3. awesome!* your mom is a rock star
  4. this is the same night as my company Christmas party... I can show up for a round or two to warm up before the big event...might be over-dressed though! But if Jim will be there...I can use that as an excuse. Frieh: Billy the barista said you got him into cross fit. He loves it!! I need to make it there one of these days. Lets get on some ice!*
  5. Sobo, you had me on your list. We've met several times! I've met all the ones with x's but not the ones with o's. There's a chance I've met some of them and were not even aware of it. In addition, I'd like to meet all the PDX people, like Bill, Joe, John, Shelly, Iain, DFA (unless he really is Iain). I'd also like to meet crazy Polish Bob, Pope, and deskdriver. CBS: I think we met about this time last year near White Satin at Smith. I was the girl that fell on my rump roast.
  6. nice ice pics!! thanks for sharing...
  7. pink_chalk


    ya know!
  8. pink_chalk


    Ha! My wife would definitely do that! Fortunately (or unfortunately?) all of my climbing buddies are guys, so I just get accused of some "brokeback" action! She suspects that all the pics I bring back are photoshopped. And I think she's mentioned something about me meeting up and climbing with some hot mountain woman that none of my friends ever talk about. (We've been arguing over the actual existence of any "hot mountain woman, but I think I've seen that thread before.) My wife would never pull that crap…..the trust between us is impeccable……not to mention she is an outstanding rock climber. I could go for a week to smith with another girl and she would not think twice about it. Matter of fact one of my regular climbing partners is a girl…..where have you been Pink_chalk? I'm here! Lets go climbing. Submit your hallpass today!
  9. I didn't get the memo.
  10. ding ding
  11. Good point.
  12. Local hardman, huh??? Could this be the infamous "Marcus" Yeah, special thanks to everyone involved!
  13. pink_chalk

    "Pink Point"

    is there a point here boys?
  14. Of course... check your PM's.
  15. Who's beating what again? Didn't see you today Better luck next time I guess... see me where?
  16. what about chest beatings??
  17. Sweet update. Hoping to get out there tomorrow.
  18. *hot*!
  19. Thanks for checkin it out! I'm hoping that Jen or David got it tuesday, but am unsure. Stewart We didn't make it out there. Hung over from the wedding led to a slow start, then I had a family emergency crisis. Sounds like someone picked up your goods with the golden piece right where you left it. So glad you are okay! Wear your helmets boys!!! Jen~ sickie
  20. Just show up with your saddle!
  21. This will be a great time! These guys are incredible!! Looking forward to it
  22. great news David! hope you have a speedy recovery. I was on the bench for two months after dislocating my shoulder while kayaking. felt awesome to be back on the wall this evening, even if they were fake holds kevbone: maggie was a rock star!!
  23. dido!
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