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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Thanks. Please answer the following questions: Did you vote for Bush in one of both of the last elections? Will you vote republican no matter who is on the ticket? Do you drive a huge truck to compensate for your small penis? Yes I voted for him. Come on Clinton or Kerry? No I will not vote Rep no matter what. I hope its not Hillary or I will be. Yes I drive a Ford F-150 to go along with my Large penis.
  2. You are correct. It is vague. I was not trying to be explicitly specific. This was just a conversation with a normal tax abiding citizen who was trying to bring an issue to point with me. I thought I would share it with you being you seem to lean toward conservatism. and I honestly tried to answer with what info I had. and back #1 where the proof of this? Fucking Carter murdered things. I like to see the proof.
  3. Well It not really. I think you have a big ego becuase the guys just lay down for you. Anyone talks shit to you, you get all offended. I've seen your type. Always get what you want. spoiled. Can you handle the truth. Now you can ignore be like K-bone. But I might agree with him your just a "B"
  4. and if his friend is point there money into an saving account for 40 years i would say the are a stupid ass.
  5. Well I assumed that It was tax free saving account (like 401K) since he didn't say. But the point still stands. He is counting the chickens before there hatched if its pre-tax. and then again he/she could end up like all the people in the 20's jumping out of windows when everything crashes. Well, seeing as how the 401K WASN'T AROUND forty years ago, that is a pretty stupid assumption. You know arch you may be cute, but I think everyonce in a while you need a little fuck off. Good point. I was just trying to answer his Vague shit.
  6. Well I assumed that It was tax free saving account (like 401K) since he didn't say. But the point still stands. He is counting the chickens before there hatched if its pre-tax. and then again he/she could end up like all the people in the 20's jumping out of windows when everything crashes. Also #1 like to see his proof. Tell this to all the people on the Capital gains tax.
  7. Laugh at this: I have a colleague I work with; she is 61 and about to retire. She has been putting money away in a savings type account (not sure which one) for over 40 years. She tells me she has been through 5 – 7 presidents in these 40 years. Seahawks, do you how these accounts work? You give someone your money and some years your savings grow others it goes down. Ok. That is the scoop. She told me the other day that when ever there is a republican president, they loose money, and when there is a democratic president, their savings grow. This is not just once, but over 40 YEARS. You can say all you want, but the proof is in the pudding. I bet you will come back with some comment on my friend not knowing how to plan and save and blah, blah, blah. That is not the point. Ok. Lets hear it 1st Lets see the proof. 2nd she hasn't taken the money out yet. Who will net her more when she takes it out? Someone who advocates higer or lower taxes?
  8. FORT McMURRAY, Alberta -- Any serious effort to ease America's addiction to Middle East oil starts near this Alberta boomtown cut out of Canada's great boreal forest. By conservative estimates, the underground deposits around Fort McMurray hold 1.6 trillion -- with a "t" -- barrels of oil, making them the largest lode of hydrocarbons on Earth. Up to 330 billion barrels of the crude here in Canada's oil sands region are recoverable, geologists say. Saudi Arabia, by contrast, possesses 262 billion barrels of proven reserves. With oil prices bounding to nearly $50 a barrel this summer, both the Bush and Kerry campaigns have been talking up the Canadian option. Both extol a U.S. energy policy that draws more supply from friendly, familiar Canada and less from the volatile Middle East.
  9. So do you not take plastic at the grocery??? Or take paper and cut down the trees?
  10. "Neo-dems". Apparently this is some newspeak for "anyone who doesn't lick Bush's ass"? Well I guess I fall into that category. Here's something for you to ponder (or whatever your peabrain does when you aren't shitting out your mouth): As far as I can tell, Hillary Clinton has a nefarious and manipulative agenda behind her cash laden masquerade. A classic politician through and through. Phoney as a $3 bill. She's probably the least appealing candidate in the whole field. Won't be getting my vote. Seagal I like to give you shit becuase you shit your pants. Your not the one I egging on. You actually have some thoughts behind your responses. I want the freak dems. The Michael Moores. come on I know your reading.
  11. Good idea. I thought the thread was going to be about K-bone.
  12. K-fed I don't care about your boyfriend pic. I want some good laughs from these neo-dems. I want to hear from theses chicken littles. Much more entertaining.
  13. He's dumb shit what you expect?? March 28, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - A poll released yesterday shows that half of all voters will not back Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. Despite her front-runner status in the Democratic primary field, a full 50 percent of those questioned say they won't vote for Clinton if she's the party's presidential nominee, a new Harris Interactive Poll found. The Clinton bashers include a surprising 21 percent of fellow Democrats and 48 percent of crucial independents - swing voters expected to determine President Bush's successor. The poll shows even worse results for Clinton among men, married women and committed-to-voting senior citizens - an eye-popping 69 percent of whom say they won't pull the lever for Clinton.
  14. So why are you looking here? The joke's in your hand. ah should known shit in pants would be good for a laugh.
  15. Hey its Wed. Where the daily Democratic freak out about the world and our war for oil??? I need a laugh.
  16. Seahawks


    is that your inspiration??? Holy shit. where my ignore button?? A van down by the river.
  17. Seahawks


    U have to learn how to use the ignore function. K-fed there not ingnoring you, Well maybe Arch is. What did you ever do to her???
  18. More clinton shit today: I'm sure she telling the truth Vilsack and his wife, Christie, endorsed Clinton in her bid for the Democratic nomination at an Iowa news conference on Monday. Daley said there was no connection between the fundraising and the endorsement. "There was no quid pro quo," Daley said. "They have a long history and if she could be helpful she wants to be helpful." The help for Vilsack comes as one of Clinton's top supporters in New Hampshire disputed reports of another promise in exchange for an endorsement. Bill Shaheen, in an interview with The Associated Press, said suggestions that he withheld his endorsement of Clinton until he was promised an ambassadorship were wrong. "Did she promise (an ambassadorship)? No," Shaheen said. "That's not how I work. I don't think Senator Clinton is thinking that far down the road and I would be disappointed if she was."
  19. There a cute one, nice face pic and nice smile.
  20. Seahawks


    archy, had a blast last night. thanks Hell I saw the picture of the car and I wonder if pink did this. TACOMA - A woman claimed Monday that she was sexually assaulted in a Tacoma tavern parking lot after being Tased. She told police the attacker gave her an electrical shock that rendered her helpless. The victim told police she had chatted with the man inside the Flying Boots Tavern on 38th Street South. When it came closing time, she left, and he followed to her car that was parked next door in a well-lit parking lot. "He grabbed her, took her around to the front of the car and allegedly Tased her," said Chris Taylor with the Tacoma Police Department. She told police the Taser disabled her and the man then sexually assaulted her on the hood of her own car. The manager of Flying Boots says her bartender remembers the woman leaving, but did not remember the man. And it was midnight when she left, but the victim told police the assault happened just after 1 a.m. But what has people especially concerned is the possible use of a Taser - a non-lethal device that delivers a stunning electrical shock to its victim. It's a device thought primarily as a tool for self defense but now allegedly being used by a sexual predator, rendering a victim helpless. "A Taser can be construed as a weapon so therefore it would be classified like a gun or a knife," Taylor said. The attacker is said to be white, 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighing 200 pounds, with short dark hair and wearing a dark hat and a white Tacoma V-Twin T-shirt and blue jeans. The police are treating the report as credible. So far, they say there are no other witnesses to the attack
  21. I can't even respond becuase I can't see it. What the hell wrong with this computer?
  22. Even with Seafag quarantined in his Clinton thread?? Ah....Steven. That is funny. I have not seen him post any other place today. Maybe if we all take turns responding to him once in a while. He will stay there, arguing for what ever chokes his chicken. One thread is enough with you ass wipes. How can you argue about hot chicks?
  23. I haven't told you to STFU. I reserve that response for Kevboner and V7. And Brianmoore??? Evidently so. Someone does not know how to quote. Must be the republican/seahawks. Thats all better you have??
  24. Darwin Austrailia maybe it evolved from V7 nut sack.
  25. Brian Moore must went to make his movie. He got a good idea from someone else.
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