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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Is that the problem??? Flash backs?
  2. A cock that can strut with the big birds, no less Love chicken.
  3. Who owns it?? people like you. + I have a buddy here at work that is from pakistan. He said there are rumors in Pakistan May 5th and more rumor for another date in Iran.
  4. I see. So you're saying that 25% of the time, you like to lie down and take it in the ass? You mentioned ass.....you knew this was coming. He takes it here... Libby you like to suck this.
  5. I see. So you're saying that 25% of the time, you like to lie down and take it in the ass? Knew that was coming. Good one. K-Fed, think you got your answer above.
  6. Did you see the part where it said "So too, oddly, is the world’s greatest sanction-busting nation, France"???? Maybe you missed that phrase. Actually was ripping them too.
  7. no. Hate cities. Love country.
  8. Hey that baby doesn't have to pay the taxes he'll just be fucking aborted. Ohh I knew the libb's would love that article, they hate taking action. There like the French just like to lie down and take in the ass. (Those of you that are French, screw off cause I'm 25% French, they are wimps)
  9. Dam that doesn't look half as nice. Yuck.
  10. Really it probably K-fed dream, that why he has that pic.
  11. Might drive the libby's mad. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=HOADO45SIMCEVQFIQMFCFFOAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/03/30/wiran730.xml
  12. Any ideas for good ones?
  13. Thought someone might be interested. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/03/30/mt.fuji/index.html
  14. What happened to BrianMoore, I answered your questions. I'm calling you out. Where is your list? Guess you were to much of a wuss to answer me.
  15. Just wish they would save the area like Rainer as a Washington State Treasure. Its a pretty cool place.
  16. Dad took us down the Yakima rafting when I was like 10. Loved fishing ever since. That Canyon is very beautiful. I hate all the new homes being built in it. They should make it a place where no building can be done. Some good Chuckar hunting there too. Hiked within 20 yards of one of those huge long horn rams over there, when I came over a ridge. sucker must ran 2 miles straight, amazing.
  17. I saw that driving by it. It totally sucks. They ought too stop all the building in the Canyon. Last 15 years way to much. Just ruins the beauty of that place.
  18. I don't think it was a wedding finger. Unless you wear those on the middle finger.
  19. is that really real??? that is just sick It looks real but I find it hard to believe a doctor would have that sucker sitting out for a pic. That pain would be immense, not including the blood loss. My Dad took of 1/4 to 1/2 inch finger with Log splitter and nearly went to make his maker becuase of no pressure on it.
  20. Dam thats hurts looking at it. Second look is it real?? first pic show skin off then it shows the finger peeled like a bannana??? Think he peeled it to get the ring out of the skin?
  21. Nothing better than delicious chicken.
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