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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070606/ap_on_fe_st/odd_unwanted_arousal;_ylt=AuYc9z6V_uid8BOQpRXIsQcDW7oF
  2. Don't think that is me. I probably should be concerned about them, would be more if I thought they were. Should left them in afgan, they would been taken care of. It's kind of hard to say how many of them are innocent, considering the fact that fewer than 10 out of the 380 left in Guantanamo have ever been charged with a crime. Plus, there's the fact that the U.S. has released over 50% of those detained in Guantanamo after years of incarceration and abuse because they were deemed to be innocent of any wrongdoing. Not a great batting average. alot of those went straight to Saudi prison system. I'm sure Cuba was vacation compared to Saudi.
  3. Don't think that is me. I probably should be concerned about them, would be more if I thought they were innocent people. Should left them in afgan, they would been taken care of.
  4. Technically Cuba. They should just left them in Afganastan and let them deal with them. They would be shot by now.
  5. Probably end up hurting the canucks more than helping in the end.
  6. Not smart to jump in front of a vehicle to stop it. Not worth your life. People are nuts. Let them run and save yourself. Had someone hit me in college New Years night, I got up to 110 MPH (chasing them) and he/she pulled away from me. I just let them go even though I was pissed.
  7. Very true, who going to write those history books. Hell in Iran the history books say WWII killing of the jews never happened.
  8. Nope, they didn't. Senate: 77-23; House: 296-133. Further, even if all of them thought it was justified "at the time" it would not necessarily follow that the war was in fact just. Can we read that quote from Hilary Clinton again? Well since we live in a democracy and the vote looks a little lopsided I would say they thought the war at the time was justified.
  9. C'mon, show some class. Class? Like using a child's death for a political campaign of personal destruction, engaging in a seditious game of anti-Americanism, meeting with despicable dictators who are actively trying to undermine us? That kind of class? i'll call you an asshole not for questioning her politics, but her honesty - do you seriously think she's using her dead son as an excuse for pursuing her political goals? disagree w/ her all you want - but she does have a geniune complaint. i can't say that her chilling w/ chavez is classy, but refusing to accept her son's death in a wrongful war is. Alot of people in the US thought WWII was a wrongful war too. Who defines wrongful war? The Dem's just want to claim it wrongful now to gain politically. They all felt it was justified at the time.
  10. Seahawks

    Oil Prices

    in case you want to really learn something here is the whole thing. http://newdeal.feri.org/speeches/1932a.htm and there are some simularities to the oil companies.
  11. Seahawks

    Oil Prices

    Here just to prove your a clueless twit yourself and really know nothing. This is part of Roosvelts Portland speach. Let us go back to the beginning of this subject. What is a public utility? Let me take you back three hundred years to old King James of England. The reign of this king is remembered for many great events--two of them in particular. He gave us a great translation of the Bible, and, through his Lord Chancellor, a great statement of public policy. It was in the days when Shakespeare was writing Hamlet and when the English were settling Jamestown, that a public outcry rose in England from travelers who sought to cross the deeper streams and rivers by means of ferry-boats. Obviously these ferries, which were needed to connect the highway on one side with the highway on the other, were limited to specific points. They were, therefore, as you and I can understand, monopolistic in their nature. The ferry-boat operators, because of the privileged position which they held, had the chance to charge whatever the traffic would bear, and bad service and high rates had the effect of forcing much trade and travel into long detours or to the dangers of attempting to ford the streams. The greed and avarice of some of these ferry-boat owners were made known by an outraged people to the King himself, and he invited his great judge, Lord Hale, to advise him. The old law Lord replied that the ferrymen's business was quite different from other businesses, that the ferry business was, in fact, vested with a public character, that to charge excessive rates was to set up obstacles to public use, and that the rendering of good service was a necessary and public responsibility. "Every ferry," said Lord Hale, "ought to be under a public regulation, to-wit: that it give attendance at due time, keep a boat in due order, and take but reasonable toll." In those simple words, my friends, Lord Hale laid down a standard which, in theory at least, has been the definition of common law with respect to the authority of Government over public utilities from that day down to this. With the advance of civilization, many other necessities of a monopolistic character have been added to the list of public utilities, such as railroads, street railways, pipelines and, more lately, the distribution of gas and electricity. The principle was accepted, firmly established, and became a basic part of our theory of Government long before the Declaration of Independence itself. The next problem was how to be sure that the services of this kind should be satisfactory and cheap enough while at the same time making possible the safe investment of private capital. For more than two centuries, the protection of the public was vested in legislative action, but with the growth of the use of public utilities of all kinds in these later days, a more convenient, direct and scientific method had to be adopted--a method which you and I now know as control and regulation by public service or public utility commissions. Let me make it clear that I have no objection to the method of control through a public service commission. It is, in fact, a proper way for the people themselves to protect their interests. In practice, however, it has in many instances departed from its proper sphere of action, and, I may add, has departed from its theory of responsibility. It is an undoubted and undeniable fact that in our modern American practice the public service commissions of many States have often failed to live up to the very high purpose for which they were created. In many instances their selection has been obtained by the public utility corporations themselves. These corporations, to the prejudice of the public, have often influenced the actions of public service commissions. Moreover, some of the commissions have, either through deliberate intent or through sheer inertia, adopted a theory, a conception of their duties wholly at variance with the original object for which they were created
  12. Seahawks

    Oil Prices

    Study your history if you think I'm clueless you fucktard.
  13. Seahawks

    Oil Prices

    Oil prices are high becuase big oil basically has a monopoly on the oil industry. It almost the same as the electric companies back when the government built the Grand Coulee Dam. Roosevelt was willing to say screw big business. While part of it was to put people back to work the other part was to bring down the high cost of electricity. Governement need to break up this monoploy. Get some competition going.
  14. goddammit, Seahawks, tell me where! Go read Trumps book with Forbes. This will give you just a small idea. They have fucking people on there payrolls to do this shit. Get a clue buddy. Hope you got the point. Hey I heard there is a national spelling B going on right now. Are you in it?
  15. C'mon, show some class. Class? Like using a child's death for a political campaign of personal destruction, engaging in a seditious game of anti-Americanism, meeting with despicable dictators who are actively trying to undermine us? That kind of class? Mr. Chavez is really the anti-oligarch in Venezuela. The fact that the elites in Venezuela neglected and exploited the poor to the point where they represent 80 to 85% of the population allowed Chavez to be democratically elected. This is not a bad thing, to be democratically elected. Unless the US Gov decides they did not like the results. Remember Iraqi elections.... Those elites, who thought democracy was only for them, failed to recognize the sleeping giant in the impoverished masses had a vote too. I suppose they thought they did a good enough job keeping the masses uneducated and starving that they did not fear their vote. After 500+ years of fucking over the poor, they deserve that asswipe Chavez. I was recently privy to be detained by the Venezuelan National Guard for being in the wrong place while on our way to dinner. This detention, was horrible. Auto weapons in our faces. Threats of death. Accusations of being "paramilitaries" come to Venezuela to assassinate Chavez were used as a pretext to rob us of our money. And rob us they did. We spent the night at Military Intelligence where the professional Army realized we were innocent and the target of Chavez thugs in the National Guard. We were released the next morning, but not before we got to see the political prisoners from the Army being held there. Scary shit. Chavez may do some good for a lot of the poor in Venezuela. I doubt he is more than a zit on the ass of the US Gov. He is not inclined to be inclusive with the upper classes. This is wrong. He is determined to force feed them some of their own medicine and it is a bitter thing for the wealthy and privileged who for so long been in power, political and economic. Those assholes deserve Chavez. I do know that his arrogance has emboldened the National Guard thugs to harass the middle class and visitors to Venezuela. This is a very, very dangerous situation. It's not Venezuela, socialism or even Chavez we should fear, we should fear his thugs who act on Chavez's threats. They are the equals of the right wing thugs that came before them. The right wing and Chavez deserve one another. Be good to your fellow human being and share your food with him in brotherhood. If not, he will remember you did not help him and when the tables are turned, he will not help you. He may, in fact, come to kill you. Hmm I wonder if its part of the the democratic process to take over media and private business??
  16. Are you saying that students in private schools work harder than those in public schools? I don't know for a fact, but it is just as likely the other way around. Are there parents paying??? Then I'd say that private school is free, but hell the tongue lashing from the parents might get them moving.
  17. Better public education to produce the qualified workforce that we need to remain competitive wouldn't hurt, either. When people get things for free they don't work harder. But hell when they don't work hard I guess you can just shoot em.
  18. You got one thing right. Where you been Jackass??
  19. goddammit, Seahawks, tell me where! Go read Trumps book with Forbes. This will give you just a small idea. They have fucking people on there payrolls to do this shit. Get a clue buddy.
  20. And never in the history of our nation has this been so succinctly illustrated as under the administration of George W. Bush at the helm of all three branches of government under Republican control. Little did I know this would bring those Libby's out.
  21. Crass? Yes. Heartless? Yes Truthful??? Yes. Seahawks equates socialism with totalitarianism. One does not follow necessarily from the other. With one comes the other. Total power corrupts.
  22. Kind of dumb question, it not really free, someone pays. So if the poor can't pay and the rich know how to get around paying who going to pay??? I think you can answer that. I'd agree with you that the poor can't pay, but the data doesn't support the conclusion that the rich aren't paying. Top 1% pay ~ 23% of all taxes. Top 5% pay ~ 52.2% of all taxes. Top 20% pay ~ 68.2% of all taxes. These percentages have been trending upwards ever since Reagan cut the top marginal rate. This is the data. People can argue about whether this is fair per their particular conception of the term ad infinitum. http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/pub/irs-soi/04asastr.pdf Does this include all those really rich that have there money in other places?
  23. Kind of dumb question, it not really free, someone pays. So if the poor can't pay and the rich know how to get around paying who going to pay??? I think you can answer that.
  24. Hell thats a joke in itself. Do you really think the rich will pay??? Not at all they know how to hide there money. It will be the middle class paying for the lower class. Get it straight. Then it will just be the poor and the rich
  25. You are about as crass as they come. Hook, line and sinker. Bang
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