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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Just incase any Bush supports did not see this.... Wonder why Clinton used it? goerge washington, Nixon, Dwight, ect... ect... Huh?
  2. Great Democrats House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has disclosed that she holds stock valued at up to $15,000 in Alcatel-Lucent (formerly Alcatel SA), a company with extensive investments in Iran and Sudan — nations that sponsor terrorism. The disclosure of Pelosi’s holdings comes at the same time that legislation is making its way through the California legislature barring state pension fund managers from investing in companies, like Alcatel-Lucent, that do business with "terror-friendly" nations
  3. Kind of like the ones let go investigating White water with none to pick up the investigation???
  4. I thought we were talking about Bush, not Clinton. Is there any real difference? Clinton was impeached but refused to step down. We have the left wing saying X and they are right, and the right wing saying Y and they are right. But X and Y are direct contradictions. We live in a world of varying shades of grey when we want black and white. Yes, there is a difference. Impeachment is only the legal statement of charges, NOT the involuntary removal from office. Thus, Clinton did not do anything against Congress when not leaving office--that stage had not been reached. Bush is directly refusing an direct legal order from Congress. That is acting like you are above the law. Steven Segal would have a thing or two to say about that. Clinton lied under oath. Bush says "no" due to executive privledge. Thats his right. Courts to decide. I do not believe it is his right....like said early. The people have a right to know what our government is doing. Kevbone its a liberal witch hunt, They want to know why the attorney's were fired. Any president can get advise from his advisors and it not be open to pulic scrutiny. Called presidential privilages. So for you dumb asses this has nothing to do with that. This all about winning the next election. throwing mud in court till next year to make the Republicans look bad so they can get voted in. A child can see that.
  5. I thought we were talking about Bush, not Clinton. Is there any real difference? Clinton was impeached but refused to step down. We have the left wing saying X and they are right, and the right wing saying Y and they are right. But X and Y are direct contradictions. We live in a world of varying shades of grey when we want black and white. Yes, there is a difference. Impeachment is only the legal statement of charges, NOT the involuntary removal from office. Thus, Clinton did not do anything against Congress when not leaving office--that stage had not been reached. Bush is directly refusing an direct legal order from Congress. That is acting like you are above the law. Steven Segal would have a thing or two to say about that. Clinton lied under oath. Bush says "no" due to executive privledge. Thats his right. Courts to decide.
  6. Seahawks

    Par 8

    After reading this I do http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070626/NEWS/70626006
  7. :lmao: That was pretty funny. Does look like one's coming out sideways.
  8. ....and a very ignorant one at that. In your case, Forrest Gump, Jr....your lack of education has made you churlish. Come on Rain....we are all ignorant.....you included. Can we stop the insults please? K-bone you'd have to stop posting, Your the King of insult.
  9. You ain't alone, seahawks..."kevbone" called me that as well. If being an "elitist prick" means being educated and having an educated opinion, then there are a whole lot of us. Question for "kevbone": did you go to college? If so, which one, because I'd like to have their credentials challenged. I personally wouldn't say college makes you smart. Just shows you can jump the hoops. I've known some really smart people that never went to college. Probably the smartest I've met and some really dumb ones in school. Then you have the ones that are just soooo smart and have no common sense. Me personally I just like to see someone with common sense. He can call me an elitist prick but an elitist prick wouldn't spent last weekend in a tent with a 3 and 5 year old.
  10. Ex-Marine kills bear with log Georgia Man Uses Log to Kill 300-pound Bear HELEN, Ga. (AP) -- A camping trip to Low Gap Camp Grounds turned into a harrowing experience for Chris Everhart and his three sons when they tangled with a 300-pound black bear. But the encounter last weekend proved fatal for the bear. The bear had taken the Everharts' cooler and was heading back to the woods when 6-year-old Logan hurled a shovel at it. Fearing what might happen next, the Norcross father and ex-Marine grabbed the closest thing he could find - a log. "(I) threw it at it and it happened to hit the bear in the head," Chris Everhart said. "I thought it just knocked it out but it actually ended up killing the bear." The man was given a ticket for failing to secure his camp site, said Ken Riddleberger, a region supervisor for game management with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Riddleberger said some U.S. Forest Service agents were at the camp issuing a citation in an unrelated case. They got to the scene in a few minutes and verified what happened, he said. Riddleberger said fines are usually set by counties, but Everhart's will be set by the federal government since the incident happened on federal property. "We've not had an attack in Georgia," he said. "The key thing to learn from this is if there's a bear around, do not have your garbage or food available. If we manage our food, we won't have bears around."
  11. Someone a few month ago posted about somone crapping in there spot. Find out who it is and collect!!! Feces parking ticket proves costly AUSTIN, Minn. (AP) -- A man has been ordered to pay nearly $3,000 to the woman who became seriously ill in April after opening a parking ticket envelope in which he had placed dog feces. Joshua Steven Solberg, 22, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct Friday in Mower District Court. According to court documents, Judge Fred Wellmann ordered Solberg to pay $2,921.70 to the woman, who worked in the Austin Police Department office. City prosecutor Lee Bjorndal said restitution will go toward paying the victim's medical costs not covered by insurance. Her medical bills totaled more than $5,000, he said. Solberg also must write an apology letter to the victim and pay a $300 fine, with another $200 and a 90-day jail sentence stayed for one year. The complaint says Solberg was ticketed for overtime parking April 18 for leaving his vehicle parked in front of his residence. He placed the ticket envelopment with his payment - and the dog feces - in a drop box for citations at the Law Enforcement Center. When the office employee opened envelopes from the drop box, she noticed a brown fluid leaking from one envelope. The complaint says the fluid got onto her hands, which she washed, and also contaminated her desk. She awoke the next day with a headache and vomited repeatedly and was hospitalized for about two days with an undetermined illness. Solberg said he was upset about the ticket and denied targeting any particular person.
  12. Seahawks

    For Seahawks

    No just goes to show you how over the edge "Dems" are and why the lost the last election. Common person looks at them as see a bunch of nuts that can't see straight. We did not loose the election.....it was stolen. Bush was appointed.....not elected. Get it right! Bush has a 29% approval rating right now....lowest of any president in history. He also has borrowed more money than all the previous presidents combined. What do you say to that? There you go again. Who makes the polls?? bunch of dems. Stolen?? Stolen is what miss Gregior did in King county or do you say she was elected fairly? and about money, have you adjusted it by what is was worth at the time for comparision?
  13. :lmao:Dude….quit with that climbing talk. This is the slam seahawk thread. Seahawks: go climb something, and please take Kevboner with you. I couldn't handle his conspiracy theories that long. He can be funny, but I think he's serious about them. That drive me nuts. I have my bias but at least I can call a spade a spade. He is blind. Otherwise he probably be fun to climb with, not all high society person.
  14. Not a good player, as I hardly ever go but it was free so I went. K-bone argument is about as dumb as his poll, if everyone did what they wanted all the time this world would be a mess.
  15. Seahawks

    For Seahawks

    No just goes to show you how over the edge "Dems" are and why the lost the last election. Common person looks at them as see a bunch of nuts that can't see straight.
  16. I golfed and boy it was sure nice out there
  17. Uh....I dont think so. My stance is….do what you want....your stance is…… do what you want.......except for this, this and this. Big difference. No actually dumb ass "Do what you want" is a stance. Not a big difference at all. Lets see how slippery your slope is. Let say "Murder", Well I guess its okay by you becuase I can do "what I want" but wait you say there is rules. Well who makes them. Your a true fool in your stance.
  18. I don’t care if you can detect a heartbeat at one day…..it is still not for you to tell me what I can and cannot do. Quit trying to push you’re agenda on me. And what are you trying to do to me dumb ass. Your pushing your agenda on me. Pot/kettle black??
  19. Coming from someone that is on constant flat line, thats pretty funny.
  20. Smarter people than you have decided that NOT having lungs and NOT having a heart (along with hands feet etc etc, LIKE a less than 3 mo old fetus: determines only that it is only the POTENTIAL for life. NOT LIFE. So if YOU don't want to have an abortion, use birth control, except that I suspect you oppose that as your God says you'll go to hell if you do use it. But don't tell the rest of us normal people what we can do you...you...jackalope. Smarter people that you have figure out that a baby has a heart beat at 18th day not 3 months. Do little research next time. Also Brain waves can be detected at 42 days
  21. Seahawks

    For Seahawks

    Where is lets elect M. Moore as president, he could save the world, the poor fat slob.
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