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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Yup. Maybe Bush and the rest of these conservative wackos against stem cell research should be diagnosed with cancer that "normal" chemotherapy and radiation treatments don't have any effect on. Then when they have a stem cell transplant as a last ditch effort and it saves their life, maybe they will feel differently about the subject. And cost the next generation there mothers and brothers and sisters becuase your a selfish???? Guess I shouldn't be suprised. Everyone only worried about themselves instead of standing for whats right.
  2. i'm not a real woman or anything but i was kind of thinking the mother to be gets a few extra votes on this question. i mena if it was going on inside my body i'd want a big say in the matter. Basically thats it. It all about "me" and "my". That about sums up most reasons for abortion. That and the f'ng creapy guy who is pushing the woman to have it so he can escape from his financial responsibilities.
  3. true and I'm stuck at work. Going golfing at 6pm
  4. You have the POTENTIAL to become a somebody at conception. You are a living thing. You are not a person. You and I will never agree on this. So is it Self-awareness or consciousness that determines life to you??? A baby get Self-awareness at about 3 months or so of life, but we don't kill babies. If it consciousness, hell just knock someone in the head and its not murder. How do you determine it???
  5. Wish we could even get along with the terrorists but I don't beleive its in the cards. They basically made it clear, it us or it them. Plus alot progress is already being made on adult stem cells which the media lacks to cover so they can sucessfully beat up Bush.
  6. How do you figure that? I think that is wrong. I know a couple that have two snow flake children. They have issues with it too. They are donating the snowflake eggs (fertilized) to couples that can't have kids. So you think it is ok to raise them for in vetro.....which are for “possible” life (like 40% chance of conception) but not ok to do research on that could potentially save thousands? WFT Explain yourself. K-bone how many times do people have sex where the egg gets fertilized but never sticks to the wall???? Are you saying don't have sex??? Come on your arguments are just stupid. Also you even admit "which are for “possible” life" If it life then to Kill it is murder.
  7. How do you figure that? I think that is wrong. I know a couple that have two snow flake children. They have issues with it too. They are donating the snowflake eggs (fertilized) to couples that can't have kids.
  8. no, it would be murder. if you knew an islamofashist was planning a terrist attack, would you support launching a hellfire missle from a global hawk drone and killing the terrorist to save his intended victims? And this has what to do with killing a baby how??? Trying to draw me into where I draw the line still doesn't exstinguish the facts of right and wrong. The islamofashist was able to make his choice, did the fetus get the same choice?
  9. Faulty reasoning, that's all. I "came from" a primitive primate on the African savannah, 10 million years ago. That doesn't mean I AM one. You say being a human comes from Development. This is Faulty. You are everything you are at conception. Every once of your genetic makeup is there. Before the egg is fertilized it is exactly the same as the mother. At conception it is totally different and life begins. It just convient to beleive these other thoughts to make it much more easy to kill 40 million babies. Hell we wouldn't want to feel guilty for murder. Thats way to harsh.
  10. you did not come from an embryo, you were an embryo. You did not come from a fetus, You were a fetus. You did not come from a baby, you were a baby. Therefore, a just conclusion is that our life, our humanness, our personhood, began at conception not development.
  11. No, knucklehead, not when it it born. A full term baby has a brain. That would be infanticide. You should be able to kill a fetus until 6 months gestation, but I feel to remove all doubt, it should be no later than 3 months gestation. An embryo is a no-brainer, you should be able to kill a days old embryo at will. And we do this ALL THE TIME! Again it depends on gestation. If the fetus is later than 3 months, I'd say the person should be charged. Genetically is there any difference say betweeen a 3 month fetus and a 4 month fetus? Side note - Brain waves can be detected at 42 days if you use this moral code. Also since death is registared by heart beat. Heart can be heard at the 18th day in the womb.
  12. So your telling me a baby in the womb doesn't have a brain? So life begins with the development of a brain. is that the criteria?
  13. Just becuase your a flaming dem, don't sidestep the debate here. Talking about life.
  14. So to you when a baby is born it can be killed and its okay becuase it can't think??? huh??? No sense. So when a pregnant mother is murdered, the person who did it shouldn't be charged with the murder of the unborn becuase it can't think???
  15. Talk about oversimplification - wait, sorry. Was that too big of a word for you? Maybe it's easier to judge things this way because then you don't have to try and understand the science or engage in an philosophical debate about when life begins or the greater good. I'd welcome a chance to hear your reasoning (note: yours means yours, not a cut and paste from someone else's blog) but I suspect the reason I haven't heard it yet is because there isn't any. You tell me when life begins?
  16. Gallup Finds Two-Thirds of Americans Believe Abortion is Morally Wrong WASHINGTON, June 3, 2003 - The annual Gallup survey on abortion, which was conducted from May 5-7, 2003, shows again that most Americans believe abortion to be "morally wrong" and prepared to accept it as legal only under certain circumstances. Asked whether they consider themselves on the issue of abortion, 48% say they are "pro-choice" and 45% say "pro-life."
  17. and every cell in your body looks that way under a scope. They don't kill you dumb shit. 3 decades - 40 million murders, Hell we've done better than Stalin.
  18. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  19. :lmao: Good idiot. Go kill some kids. numnut.
  20. Kill a baby be a hero, kill a whale go to jail. You people are a joke. All people born or not have a right to life. Plently of research can be done not killing someone. Its called fucking murder bithces. Call it cells but its murder.
  21. Seahawks

    Bearly alive

    Article said no. Din't know you fight like hell with a black bear. Lets hope it never comes to that but I hope the 9mm is big enough. Few hollow points through the head may piss him off but it might give him a good headache too.
  22. Seahawks

    Bearly alive

    Good point, but they probably wantedto be good campers and not kill local wildlife. Who would think a black bear would do that?
  23. Seahawks

    Bearly alive

    http://www.sltrib.com/ci_6177914?source=rss Detailed story
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