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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Not true, It could be done and better. Seen many shows on that. Even stood where the shots were fired. Not impossible. You are watching the wrong shows.... What show told you 6 shots??? Whoops my bad......how many shots? Goerge Thorogood says 3. One bourbon, one Scott, and one beer
  2. Not true, It could be done and better. Seen many shows on that. Even stood where the shots were fired. Not impossible. You are watching the wrong shows.... What show told you 6 shots???
  3. Not true, It could be done and better. Seen many shows on that. Even stood where the shots were fired. Not impossible. And I think your facts are bad, I think it was 3 shots.
  4. :lmao: This was one of those internet cospiracy things. This was crap 50 years ago. lol This is why the Dem's loose. There fucking nuts.
  5. That why the said Kennedy was shot for money. Trying to stop Nam. Its all conspiracy shit for people that don't want to think. Easier to blame a politician. Ok....smarty pants.....what is your take on why JFK was shot? Who knows? I probably beleive the comissions report on it. Only thing that makes me wonder is the video of his head being blown backwards. Everything in me thinks that was a shot from the front and not some theory on Jet or what ever they called it.
  6. That why the said Kennedy was shot for money. Trying to stop Nam. Its all conspiracy shit for people that don't want to think. Easier to blame a politician.
  7. My thought exactly. Shit they have beat this tree so much its paper for cleaning your ass. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070717/pl_nm/usa_security_qaeda_dc
  8. Seahawks

    Friday the 13th

    Hey leave me out of it. Portland vs Seattle traffic. (came through Portland Tuesday, it sucked at 5 pm)
  9. Seahawks

    dog lovers

    what do the feed that thing?? Steriods?
  10. If the President feels bad about the nation's opinion of him—a meager 25% of those surveyed in a June Gallup poll approve of Bush's performance—all he needs to do is pick up that same poll and keep reading. According to Gallup, just 14% of people express confidence in the current Congress. That's the lowest measure in the 34 years Gallup has been tracking government institutions. http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1640263,00.html?xid=site-cnn-partner
  11. Disagree. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_pardoned_by_a_United_States_president You disagree with the fact that he said what I quoted or you disagree with the fact that using the lame "every pres does this waaa waaa waaaa" is a useless derailment of a discussion? This is all politically-motivated crap, just like the endless Clinton investigations. Both sides hate each other, and when they are out of power, use the legal system to take pot shots at eachother ad nauseum rather than try to simply suck it up and wait until the next election and spend their time convincing people of an agenda rather than that their political enemies are evil incarnate. Everyone who lives for this stuff needs to get a life. Especially on a day like this (sun!). Exactly what is going on. It only about the next election.
  12. When you don’t take your wedding vows seriously, you hurt your spouse and maybe some other family. When you don’t take your presidential vows seriously thousands of people die……big difference. How many people died in Rwanda becuase Clinton did nothing??? Count em. Plus no one would have died If clinton had balls for taking out Bin Landen intead of having those nuts sucked.
  13. "Yeah, it's improper to be leaking those names," Snow said. Pressed on whether someone in the administration owed the American public an apology, Snow said, "I'll apologize. Done."
  14. No he just found ways to get rid of problems for himself. i.e. Whitewater and purgery under oath.
  15. Come on does "any" president pardon unless there is a reason? Please call all pots black.
  16. Disagree. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_pardoned_by_a_United_States_president
  17. The problem I have with this is you jsut want to point out Bush doing this when every president does this. This is just as much a Democrat problem as a Republican one. As long as Fog goggles are off, I think its bad all around.
  18. Money = freedom. Just look at OJ.
  19. I agree. Any president that does this is a disgrace.
  20. Was justice served here??? huh k-fed? Clinton issued 140 pardons as well as several commutations on his last day of office
  21. Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory pardons In March 2000, Bill Clinton pardoned Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory, owners of the carnival company United Shows International, for charges of bank fraud from a 1982 conviction (the couple were already out of jail, but the prior conviction prevented them from doing business transactions in certain states). First Lady Hillary Clinton's youngest brother, Tony Rodham, was an acquaintance of the Gregorys, and had lobbied Clinton on their behalf.[9] In October 2006, the group Judicial Watch filed a request with the U.S. Justice Department for an investigation, alleging that Rodham had received $107,000 from the Gregorys for the pardons, in the form of loans that were never repaid, as part of a quid pro quo scheme
  22. No Of course he wasn't, he's not rational.
  23. Want more??? On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican nationalist group that set off 120 bombs in the United States mostly in New York City and Chicago, convicted for conspiracies to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as for firearms and explosives violations.[3] None of the 16 were convicted of bombings or any crime which injured another person, though they were sentenced with terms ranging from 35 to 105 years in prison for the conviction of conspiracy and sedition. Congress, however, recognizes that the FALN is responsible for "6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials." All of the 16 had served 19 years or longer in prison, which was a longer sentence than such crimes typically received, according to the White House.[citation needed] Clinton offered clemency, on condition that the prisoners renounce violence, at the appeal of 10 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, President Jimmy Carter, the cardinal of New York, and the archbishop of Puerto Rico. The commutation was opposed by U.S. Attorney's Office, the FBI, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons and criticized by many including former victims of FALN terrorist activities, the Fraternal Order of Police,[4] members of Congress, and Hillary Clinton in her campaign for Senator.[5] Congress condemned the action, with a vote of 95-2 in the Senate and 311-41 in the House.[6][7] The U.S. House Committee on Government Reform held an investigation on the matter, but the Justice Department prevented FBI officials from testifying.[8] President Clinton cited executive privilege for his refusal to turn over some documents to Congress related to his decision to offer clemency to members of the FALN terrorist group.
  24. Someone might want. Maybe not. http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/zip/363226920.html
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