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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Maybe she wants to go back when socalist controlled the world. Heck then her son could be dragged out of his house and just shot in the back of the head. Much easier.
  2. Seahawks


    Or the Ren and Stimpy. You are the Sponge Bob. Sponge bob?? He's satan in the South Park movie, with his gay lover Sadam Hussein.
  3. That's just plain bullshit and you know it. That sort of talk began back in the McCarthy era. The ACLU will defend the right to free speech, even if a person happens to be a communist. It doesn't make the ACLU a communist organization. From the ACLU website: "The ACLU believes in the freedom of thought, inquiry or advocacy by any individual or group regarding a specific economic, social or political philosophy. That position, grounded solely on the nation's tradition of free speech, means no governmental restriction unless there exists a clear and present danger of illegal action." Unless your a christian. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Baldwin wrote the following in his college yearbook: “I have been to Europe several times, mostly in connection with international radical activities…and have traveled in the United States to areas of conflict over workers rights to strike and organize. My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment…Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”.” Sound like the ACLU today re is another quote from Mr. Roger Baldwin. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
  4. We all know the ACLU has its orgin in communism
  5. Seahawks

    George W.

    I just don't think that stands up as a good explanation as to why we attacked Saddam: I don't think it was #1 religion, and #2 economic interest. Dick size? That may have something to do with it but I think that is a pretty poor explanation as well. GW may well have felt the need to make up for his, erh, shortcomings, but he had to talk an awfully lot of people into going along with him and surely not ALL of them were insecure about their genitalia. Hey maybe it was what everyone thought was the best at the time. Hell Hillary Clinton did, "There is a very easy way to prevent anyone from being put into harm’s way, and that is for Saddam Hussein to disarm. And I have absolutely no belief that he will. I have to say that this is something I have followed for more than a decade… And the very difficult question for all of us is how does one bring about the disarmament of someone with such a proven track record of a commitment if not an obsession with weapons of mass destruction. And I ended up voting for the resolution after carefully reviewing the information and intelligence that I had available, talking with people whose opinions I trusted, trying to discount political or other factors that I didn’t believe should be in any way a part this decision. And it is unfortunate that we are at the point of a potential military action to enforce the resolution. That is not my preference, it would be far preferable if we not only had legitimate cooperation from Saddam Hussein and a willingness on his part to disarm and account for his chemical and biological storehouses, but that if we had a much broader alliance and coalition. But we are in a very difficult position right now… With respect to whose responsibility it is to disarm Saddam Hussein. I just do not believe that given the attitudes of many people in the world community today that there would be a willingness to take on very difficult problems were it not for the United States leadership. I am willing to take a very difficult step for me to say we have to disarm this man"
  6. He was listing a bunch of stuff and no point was made that there are now more regulations and laws out there than ever to fix these things. Sox is one example. Typical response by those "Dems" to list all the problems of the world and then say "Bush" is responsible. To me this destroys the conversation every time. Frickin grow up and stop blaming everyone else except yourself. Democrats cry of foul is old and tastes like shit.
  7. Reasoned arguments lol hell if its not a conspiricacy argument a dem can't think about it. Hey Kids! Let's make overly broad generalizations about people who disagree with your political views! It's easy! All you have to do is take someone with extremist views from an opposing political stance and hold them up as an example of the typical opposition. For extra fun you can deconstruct this person's (a.k.a. straw man's) extreme arguments and show how you're right! Or if you're too lazy you can repost someone else's blog where they've done this for you. Or even lazier - just repeat some one liner such as "This person is an idiot," or "You're just looking through [Political Party] fog glasses." Strawman??? Hell there a handful of those strawmen right here on this. fuckin' clueless twit at it again. nothing to say but media cliches,other's words and THAT PIC he feels has such a strong message. Just like a dem, loose an argument and get all bent out of shape and try to convince someone through intimidation.
  8. Please add to "your city stinks" template.
  9. Reasoned arguments lol hell if its not a conspiricacy argument a dem can't think about it. Hey Kids! Let's make overly broad generalizations about people who disagree with your political views! It's easy! All you have to do is take someone with extremist views from an opposing political stance and hold them up as an example of the typical opposition. For extra fun you can deconstruct this person's (a.k.a. straw man's) extreme arguments and show how you're right! Or if you're too lazy you can repost someone else's blog where they've done this for you. Or even lazier - just repeat some one liner such as "This person is an idiot," or "You're just looking through [Political Party] fog glasses." Strawman??? Hell there a handful of those strawmen right here on this.
  10. If you really want off and are willing to pay, hire a lawyer. My sisters kids have been let off everything.
  11. Reasoned arguments lol hell if its not a conspiricacy argument a dem can't think about it.
  12. Just give the money from the rich to the poor and bus them in for the vote. Sounds like a good plan.
  13. She is a Idiot, a sure ticket to the Dems losing again.
  14. Using the clean air Analogy does that aplly to vehicles??? Especially those diesel suckers?
  15. Seahawks


    I did have the correct picture - you are the bitch holding the bag catching the shit the Republicans dump out Yea and I'm feeding that shit to you.
  16. Seahawks


    That about sums up those piles of shit.
  17. Seahawks


    Please get the picture right or shut up.
  18. I think he broke the rights of everyone on those two flights. Selfish idiot.
  19. Was she given the job under the desk???
  20. Nope he was off with the local internet girl. Porbably got suprised when his wife called out rescue
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