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Phil Jones

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Everything posted by Phil Jones

  1. Phil Jones


    Especially for mountain 'hikers' who don't carry MLU's.
  2. Anyone want to see a picture of her 'getting pregnant' in the middle of a climb?
  3. The whole sordid tale can be read on this website: http://johnsville.blogspot.com/ Crystal Gail Mangum is a lying, dirty rotten whore.
  4. Damn, didn't work.
  5. The reason Meadows' ski patrol gets so crazy is due to the few idiots who have intentionally skiid out of bounds and gotten lost, prompting a search for their sorry asses. Some have sued Meadows and actually won settlements for their own stupidity.
  6. Well, who won? Did Whitey beat The Spic?
  7. Too bad the tornado missed!
  8. Big Jugs for all... http://www.clipstr.com/videos/Unexpectedbigjugs/
  9. Hi, I'm Seahawks clone!
  10. http://crass.on.ru/flash/aaa-1.html
  11. [font:Comic Sans MS] IT'S BACON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/font]
  12. Starting 1, January 2007 the rangers will be frisking all climers for firearms. There has been some "chatter" that climbers are more prone to suicide. In an effort to reduce deaths, the rangers will be frisking all climbers at mountain trailheads for firearms between the hours of 10:00AM to 2:00PM M-F. Please note that frisking will be on a co-ed basis. All weapons confiscated will not be returned and you will need to pay for this. Have a good day. The chatter is correct. Anyone who climbs Mt. Hood without an MLU is definitely suicidal. It sure is a shame the three climbers hated life so much they chose to commit suicide in that manner.
  13. Phil Jones

    my nose hurts

    I do my best nosepicking when I'm driving. And, I drive a convertible.
  14. You think your above the law dont you. Better watch out. Better not cry. Im telling you why. Segal is coming to town...on your face. Well, he does claim to have a Fire Down Below.
  15. MLU's save lives, but only if they are carried.
  16. Don't need no stinkin' MLU. Don't need no stinkin' seat belts. Don't need no stinkin' motorcycle helmet. Don't need no stinkin' life preserver.
  17. Better yet, what if they called in for help on Thursday, before they started the climb? Then SAR could have been waiting for them when they arrived. Dipshit. Hello idiot! They had their "problem" on Saturday, right? Moron.
  18. It would have been nice had someone here informed the out of state climbers about the availability of MLU's. Since it has been stated MLU's are proprietary to Mt. Hood, they most likely had no idea they could have rented one for only $5/day. And, if they'd made their call for help on Saturday, Dec 9th, they might have been rescued on the 10th before all the bad weather came in. Of course, that would have depended on rescuers knowing where to find them. That's where the MLU would have come in. Too late for them. When will the next big national search for the needle in the haystack on Mt. Hood take place?
  19. Well, all I can say is that this search for the lost climbers who neglected to carry an MLU with them was quite entertaining from a news hound standpoint. When will the next mountain tragedy drama occur and who will star in it?
  20. There is no end to madness
  21. You might want to wash your foot once you get it back.
  22. I'd say the three climbers paid enough of a penalty for not carrying an MLU, PLB or SAT phone. No need to make their families pay anything more either.
  23. "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like these?"
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